similar to: AD users

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "AD users"

2011 Mar 03
Speed problem Ubuntu < WD TV Live
Dear all, I have experiencing some speed issues recently when moving files using Samba between a linux box (Kubuntu 10.10) and a media player called WD TV Live. Both are wired to a 100 Mb network, together with a Windows 7 box. In principle I believe is not a hardware issue. When I move files between the WD TV Live and the Windows box I get speeds of around 8 MB/s. Between Kubuntu and WDTV I get
2016 Jul 11
Distribuciones de probabilidad
Hola Comunidad, Tenia al siguiente duda ¿hay alguna forma de que R me de la Esperanza y Varianza de una distribución según sus parámetros? es decir, si tengo una weibull de parámetros "X" y "Y" para la esperanza hay una formula, pero me gustaría saber si hay una función en R que le diga algo como Esperanza(weibull, shape = "X", scale = "Y") y ya devuelva
2010 Feb 24
lme4 exactitud
Tengo una duda, hay unos modelos mixtos que se resuelven con lme4, no tengo problemas con esto, pero necesito tener el resultado para cada uno de los factores, lo expreso con este ejemplo aunque no es código r creo que se entendería Factores como ser casa y auto, tengo casa 1, casa 2, casa 3, y auto 1, auto2, auto 3. Con lme4 y utilizando ranef obtengo por ejemplo Casa 1
2003 Feb 11
Sorry for reposting this message but my first post was posted as a reply wrongly... -------------- Hi, I'm trying to solve a problem for about 3 weeks ago and can't... I have debian here with samba (Version 2.999+3.0.alpha21-3 for Debian) acting as the PDC of domain CASA. I have two Windows XP Professional here in my home and since I was having problems with the local browser and
2009 Mar 30
I'm testing out a new Samba setup to hopefully replace my aging Win2k domain. I've got some of it working: - My PDC (shadow) seems to be working on the CASA domain with an LDAP backend. - nss_ldap and pam_ldap are working on shadow - I can run wbinfo -u and get the user info from LDAP on shadow. - I can run wbinfo -a username%password and authenticate a user on shadow. I can run
2009 Jul 16
RE: [spam] Re: Xen on Jaunty
  Tne answer is NO. Any vanilla kernel (> 2.6.27) itself allows only to enable PV Guest (paravirtual) mode, but not Xen Dom0 Support. Mainline Linux doesn''t  contain Xen Dom0 Support merged. You have to work on it on your own.   I''ve sent you two links in the very first message. View second one - patching via Andrew''s Lyon rebase patch set :-  
2013 Aug 26
Partial correlation test
Dear all, I'm writing my manuscript to publish after analysis my final data with ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANCOVA. In a section of my result, I did correlation of my data (2 categirical factors with 2 levels: Quantity & Quality; 2 dependent var: Irid.area & Casa.PC1, and 1 co-var: SL). But as some traits (here Irid.area) are significantly influenced by the covariate (standard length, SL), I
2007 Dec 31
Building path to maildir
Hello everyone Happy new year . This is the first time I address to the list I have the following situation and I need help from all you people I have dovecot 0.9-11 and i want to migrate to a superior version like dovecot 1.0 looking forward to implement quotas in my system , and use the function deliver with postfix. My Scenario is as follow Dovecot + LDAP (ADS) + postfix My actual
2016 Sep 03
igraph V a partir de E y subgrafos
Estimados Tengo un problema. Con igraph creo una red a partir de un data.frame, las dos primeras columnas son V y las restantes E. Hay un trabajo anterior, yo me pregunté ¿Qué pasaría si las cosas hablaran entre ellas?, entonces hay un cruce de información de todos contra todos y elimino los nulos y duplicados. Al ver los listados E, V tienen la información. Hasta ahí estaría todo bien (me
2016 Jul 07
Red Neuronal complicada categorías
Estimados Les consulto por redes neuronales, hay diversos artículos como los siguientes (el último tienen un error actualmente). Pero mi pregunta va un poco por otro lado. Básicamente se puede calcular un valor, por ejemplo doblar 2,4 grados a la derecha, luego 1
2015 Apr 21
Noob question: user moved to a OU dissapear from getent, but groups don't
Greetings, Daniel Carrasco Mar?n! > I've migrated the domain copying all files in /var/lib/samba and /etc/samba > from original domain to new domain, I've edit the smb file to change the > "passdb backend" line to match the old server (because original is > localhost and give me an error connecting), and then I run this command: > samba-tool domain classicupgrade
2016 Feb 11
RV: Security tab missing, and another error
Hi all. I have Samba 4.2.8 in a Debian Virtual Machine, i have domain, can join a Windows 10 machine to domain, and i have logged with “administrator” domain account in my Windows 10 machine, wih RSAT tools i can create users etc The problem is with a created folder in server. Mkdir /usuarios Smb.conf: # Global parameters [global]         workgroup = PDC         realm = PDC.CASA        
2005 Feb 04
zapata.conf ERROR?????? please help
Hi asterisk GURUs I have an issue with a call forwarding setup, I have the next zapata conf: -----------------zapata.conf----------------- [channels] context=incoming signalling=fxs_ks usecallerid=yes hidecallerid=no echocancel=yes echocancelwhenbridged=yes rxgain=0.0 txgain=0.0 channel=1 -----------------zapata.conf----------------- And in extensions.cof I have a
2011 Jun 08
Fwd: removing windows 2003 from samba4&In-Reply-To=<>
Hello Matthieu, >Did you wait for a couple of minutes (1 or 2 hours maybe) for the sync >to settle ? also did you transfer roles to the samba4 DC ? > >In anycase you should restart samba with a higher log level so that we >can have more information. > >If needed pop up in #samba-technical for more real time support. > >Matthieu. I've restarted samba with log level
2016 Jul 09
Red Neuronal complicada categorías
Hola, Esta es una forma de hacerlo... Mira que lo primero que he modificado es el fichero "x.csv" para sustituir los espacios en los nombres por "_". Y también he quitado los acentos y las eñes... He utilizado el paquete RNNS y la función "mlp()" para ajustar la red. #------------------------------------------- > x <- read.csv("x.csv",
2005 Aug 17
ppp winbind type 5 error
I'm having a trouble. I use winXP to connect through L2TP/IPsec to one Linux server. When I try to connect in my domain appear an error at log. Plugin loaded. WINBIND plugin initialized. using channel 36 Using interface ppp1 Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/3 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1410> <asyncmap 0x0> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0x564e3dc9>
2017 Jan 11
Samba With Shared Server Enable Trash
Dears, i setting a samba with shared server in me enviroment but i do not knew enable trash for this. What setting i need for enable trash in me samba? I search links in google for enable trash in samba4 but i do not give help. Below my smb.conf: [global] # Substituir xxxxxx pelo nome do domínio desejado caso necessário workgroup = oduvaldocozzi # Substituir xxxxxx pelo nome do servidor
2015 Apr 21
Noob question: user moved to a OU dissapear from getent, but groups don't
On 21/04/15 17:45, Daniel Carrasco Mar?n wrote: > Hi, first of all i'm sorry for my english. > > I'm triyng to migrate a Samba 3.6 domain to Samba 4 and I've a question > about OU and Winbind: How are you trying to migrate the domain ? > > OU affects to something more besides GPO in AD and Winbind?. Because I've > moved all users to an OU and all less one
2020 Oct 06
linphone calls not missed due to cause not 487
Hello. Calls cancelled by caller during the dialing phase, are shown in Linphone as simply past calls, not missed ones. I thought this is an Linphone issue, but Sylvain says it's on my PBX side: > The CANCEL message has a Reason header with Q.850 protocol and cause 0, which doesn't mean
2015 Apr 21
Noob question: user moved to a OU dissapear from getent, but groups don't
Thanks to both for answers. I'm using the latest version of wheezy-backports (Version 4.1.17-Debian) and in this server i don't need to map the AD users to linux tools (i'm doing tests before change anything in production servers), but i'm planing to use a File Server and a Print Server in separated machines and I need to have access to AD users. If I disable winbind entries on