similar to: Unable to modify TDB passwd

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Unable to modify TDB passwd"

2005 Apr 12
Point and print drivers install from a Win2000 box
Hello, all ! I'm setting up a print server with Samba and Cups. All goes fine, until I try to upload the drivers from a Win2000 box to the Samba server: The driver files are copied to the correct directory ([PRINT$]/W32X86/...), and everyone seems to be happy... Until I click on the "OK" button: I then get a message saying: "The printer parameters could not be saved. Acces
2005 May 05
Problem Save Printer Properties
Hi, I have configured Samba 3.0.14a as PDC and Printer Server on a LAN. Everything goes well: - Users can do logon to the Samba NT Domain - Users can print on the network "raw" printer I tried to load the driver via Add Remove Printer Wizard on the network printer, I can copy and install the driver, but when I tried to save the configuration pushing the botton Apply or OK I recived
2007 Oct 04
Design and modeling tools?
What do you guys use for design and modeling (and don''t answer pen and paper, because I use those to, they just don''t look so good in a project report ;) ) I have tried stuff like UMLet (free), Altova UMLsomething (pay), dia (no comprende ;) ), NetBeans UML (slow). But none worked just the way I wanted them to. Any suggestions? Christian...
2013 Jun 09
agnes() in package cluster on R 2.14.1 and R 3.0.1
Dear R users, I discovered something strange using the function agnes() of the cluster package on R 3.0.1 and on R 2.14.1. Indeed, the clusterings obtained are different whereas I ran exactly the same code. I quickly looked at the source code of the function and I discovered that there was an important change: agnes() in R 2.14.1 used a FORTRAN code whereas agnes() in R 3.0.1 uses a C code.
2007 May 12
Multiply and format with thousands separator
I have just started with Ruby and Rails and am still greatly confuse, finding the usual tutorials not much help. What I want to do is take two numbers from my database, multiply them together and display them in a list with a comma for the thousands separator. This would be very easy to do in a spreadsheet, so I assumed it would be easy to do in Ruby on Rails but I can''t work out how. I
2007 May 14
Hello Friends! :) I''ve sold my iBook before landing in LA yesterday and as long as I can''t afford buying a new one I have to do it with LINUX : ) I''ve been installing the system yesterday and it''s working good, performances on athlon are good and I''m satisfied but I have two questions.. a) which editor to use? b) is there any *session disabled*
2004 Apr 22
Conferma la tua richiesta di iscrizione a edscuola
Ciao, Abbiamo ricevuto la tua richiesta di iscrizione al gruppo edscuola uno dei gruppi che trovi su Yahoo! Gruppi, un servizio gratuito e facile da usare per creare ed entrare a far parte di tante community. Questa richiesta scade fra 7 giorni. PER ISCRIVERTI AL GRUPPO DEVI: 1) Andare su Yahoo! Gruppi cliccando su questo link:
2002 May 18
Vuoi Davvero Guadagnare con Internet? Bene, salva su disco questa pagina per averla a portata di mano anche se il tuo PC non ? connesso a Internet, poi copia quanto segue in Word o in Blocco Note e stampalo, cos? lo potrai leggere con pi? attenzione. Questo Sistema ? diverso da tutti gli altri, quindi non essere precipitoso nel valutarlo senza averlo compreso a fondo, ma ti assicuro che
2018 Feb 13
Windows 10 spawning thousands of child processes on Samba 4.3.11 server
On Samba 4.3.11 Server (Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04) : find this issues on negoziation on windows 10 clients: 26283 nobody nogroup (ipv4: Unknown (0x0311) 26283 nobody nogroup (ipv4: Unknown (0x0311) 26283 nobody nogroup (ipv4: Unknown (0x0311) 26283
2007 Oct 12
abstract_class... what exactly does it do
Hi, Does anyone know much about abstract_class? Does it actually prevent instances of the class from being created? Does it disable certain methods? I already know what it''s for, but I want to know what setting self.abstract_class=true actually does. The reason I ask is that I want to use it for a slightly unorthodox purpose. I want a class who''s only attributes are its
2005 Jan 17
3d bar plot
This graph -> is an example I found at created by Maple. Does anybody know how to create something similar in R? I have a feeling it could be possible using scatterplot3d (perhaps with type=h, the fourth example in help('scatterplot3d')?), but I cannot figure it out. Thanks in
2013 Nov 25
lmer specification for random effects: contradictory reults
Hi All, I was wondering if someone could help me to solve this issue with lmer. In order to understand the best mixed effects model to fit my data, I compared the following options according to the procedures specified in many papers (i.e. Baayen <
2013 Nov 25
R: lmer specification for random effects: contradictory reults
Dear Thierry, thank you for the quick reply. I have only one question about the approach you proposed. As you suggested, imagine that the model we end up after the model selection procedure is: mod2.1 <- lmer(dT_purs ~ T + Z + (1 +T+Z| subject), data =x, REML= FALSE) According to the common procedures specified in many manuals and recent papers, if I want to compute the p_values relative to
2024 Apr 30
function import file csv Openair
In the Openair package it is possible to restore the import csv file function? it has been removed in the latest versions. Infinitely grateful Evelina Ballato Evelina Ballato Arpa Piemonte Dipartimento Territoriale Piemonte Nord Est - sede di Omegna ************************************************************************ Riservatezza/Confidentiality Ai sensi del Regolamento UE 679/2016, del
2006 Apr 16
Multiple domain name, One Rails application, is this possible?
Hello folks, I''m new to the Rails framework and don''t know where to look to find my answer. Here is the question, Is there a way to set multiple domain name for *a* rails application, and base on the URL do the work in the app. Imagine I have a user based document management system, each user want to access to her docs using her domain, but I don''t like to have many
2002 Feb 23
GetLayout call...
Hi, The problem: I don't see any writing on the screen sing the wine (the very latest) and runnig Personal Anchestral File (PAF) version 5. Ok, the menus come out ok and the hints but the canvas / screeen / whatever is it called , doesn't show any text on it... on the terminal screen I see : fixme:dc:GetLayout (000008b8): stub multiple times as the program runs (hundreds of lines
2005 Jan 13
(no subject)
Good morning, I wrote a little code in R which has to show two graphs but I can get only one. How can I adress the graphs in two files? Second, I'd like, always in the same code, to add a legend to a graph. Better, I'd like to put in such a legend a new item whose color could remind the colour ol the columns it refers to in the plot. I wrote: leg.txt<-c("control
2018 Mar 02
Smbstatus shows many nobody users from win10 pc's
I know more people posted about this , but i see no solution. smbstatus gives over 100 nobody users The windows 10 pc is doing nothing, just a reboot ( and logon ) , than this happens: Samba version 4.6.2 Centos 7. PID Username Group Machine Protocol Version Encryption Signing
2006 Jun 29
Mongrel says it works, but it doesn''t
Hello, I came to know of mongrel by pure chance, it interrested me cause webrick never worked and instantrails for rails was very slow. the problem with webrick is/was is that it says just this: >ruby script/server c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rexml/entity.rb:21: warning: character class has `-'' without escape c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rexml/entity.rb:21: warning: character
2005 Jul 22
memory cleaning
Hi R Users, After some research I haven't find what I want. I'm manipulating a dataframe with 70k rows and 30 variables, and I run out of memory when exporting this in a *.txt file after some computing I have used : > memory.size()/1048576.0 [1] 103.7730 and I make my export : > write.table(cox,"d:/tablefinal2.txt",row.names=F,sep=';') >