similar to: XP not creating thumbs.db on samba shares?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "XP not creating thumbs.db on samba shares?"

2008 Feb 22
Image Gallery with custom thumbs...?
Hello all, I''m fairly new to RoR, have done many different tutorials, but am now trying to build something on my own. I would like to create a portfolio gallery. I plan on using customized thumbs, not scaled, but custom cropped and resized in Photoshop. The reason for this is these will not be photos but portfolio pieces and I would like the thumbs to focus on a vital part of the piece.
2007 May 05
acts_as_attachment - no thumbnails?
the full-size pics upload OK, but no thumbs or resizing. There are no errors or exceptions that I can see, just not getting any thumbnails. The DB column ''thumbnail'' is always NULL rmagick-1.15.6 is freshly installed. I have the :thumbnails stuff setup per using a model like this: class EventPic
2006 Feb 25
Ruby Interface Recommendations Photo Gallery Creation?
Hi, I''m looking to create a gallery index page of thumbnail images which point to their associated images galleries. Also, I would like to organize the images from left to right and top to bottom. Furthermore, I would like to limit the number of thumbnail images on the page. I guess that I''m needing some type of horizontal looping interface for both the thumbnail index page
2006 Feb 03
XP not creating thumbs.db on samba shares... Solved!
Kudos to Bernd Driesen for figuring this out, you must add: nt acl support = No To your smb.conf (either in [global] or in the appropriate sub-section) and suddenly XP will be allowed to create these files on otherwise "public" shares. I'm posting this here in hopes that others will benefit. I'd given up back in June, but Bernd figured it out recently and I thought I'd
2006 Apr 24
ImageMagick and EXIF Data
Hi there, I''m writing a little application that parses an image file and extracts the camera settings from the file (the EXIF data) and saves all the fields to the database. The idea is that after awhile people will be able to search based on camera make, model, lens settings, etc... and all the pictures that meet those requirements will be displayed. The picture is stored on the file
2009 Feb 17
cloning an already uploaded image using attachment_fu
Hi, I have an Image model that is attached to a item. The image was uploaded through attachment_fu. Now, I want to reuse the same image for a new item. I tried several tips found online. For example in # Create a clone of an image and it''s thumbnails. def create_clone c = self.clone self.thumbnails.each do
2008 Sep 15
RMagick Image Rendering Problem
RMagick Image Rendering I am fairly new to Ruby on Rails and I have been trying to upload images and create thumbnails using the "Processing Uploaded Images" recipe from the Rails Recipes book. The script uses RMagick to create thumbnails of the uploaded images and saves both the uploaded images and the thumbnails in the public/uploaded_images directory. However when I upload an image,
2010 Nov 11
samba over internet slow with images/thumbnails
Hello, Iam providing access to many images on a share to windows users from my linux samba over the internet. The problem is that I need thumbnail viewing because of the nature of this library and thumbnails take to much time to load it seems as though it is actually loading the entire image to then display the small thumbnail. Is this true? Also isnt there some kind of caching that can be
2008 May 09
Attachment_Fu : how to remove thumbnails only and regenerate
hello guys i am using attachment_fu for product images i have hundreds of products and their images with thumbnails :thumbnails => { :thumb => ''100x100>'' } now we have decided to have thumbnails of size 50x50> only. how do i destroy the existing thumbnails for images and regenerate the new thumbnails i shud be doing something like this product_images.find(:all)
2011 Aug 23
Using glusterfs with an export directory on an non-POSIX attr enabled FS
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear all, I am trying to setup a replicated volume to serve (in a load-balanced setup) static content. Since we are talking about small sized files (thumbnails) that do not take too much space, one ideea is to set that up in RAM (using /dev/shm mountpoint on CentOS). The main problem is that if I define a replicated volume using glusterfs, and I
2009 Apr 21
attachment_fu giving problem on production
Hello friends, I have configured attachment_f. It''s working fine on Local(development) system but giving problem on production. Basically on production the attachment_fu is not able to generate thumbnail image it saving the original size image. Below is the configuration. has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :file_system, :max_size
2005 Oct 18
hand writing sql for eager loading of thumbnails
Can anyone point me to a resource for hand coding some sql so I can create my own for the following models: I''m using single table inheritance to store related objects eg: Thumbnail < Image < File :: ActiveRecord:Base Image has_many thumbnails Thumbnail has_one image When I come to list thumbnails I''d like to be able to: 1. List all images relating to a product 2.
2007 Apr 21
attachment_fu thumbnails
howdy! I had the problem that attachment_fu didn''t make a thumbnail, but everything else worked. I read this post and added a parent_id column. now I get the following error when I trie to add a photo: undefined method `find_or_initialize_by_thumbnail_and_parent_id'' for Photo:Class my code is: class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Feb 24
File Column
Has anyone any experiance with the FileColumn plugin. I''m trying to create thumbnails, and also alow non picture uploads. Here''s some working code, but if I try and upload a zip, it says ''File invalid image''. Is there anyway of having both image uploads (and thumbnail generation) while also allowing non image uploads? class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Mar 08
attribute or instance method or what?
Hi! Uhm are attributes just something like additional members of a class, other than those that come from the names of columns in the table? I''ve got images table, which has ''name'' column. I''ve added support for creating thumbnails out of uploaded pictures and i''d like to have an easy way of accessing them in my views. How to do it? I.e. my image
2006 Feb 17
validate() with has_many association
I''m creating a simple portfolio site for a painter. I have a painting and an image model with following relationship: Painting has_many :images Image belongs_to :painting On the edit screen the user can edit the Painting data as well as upload pictures for a thumbnails and full size image. The Image model extracts filename, width, and height from the uploaded file, saves those
2011 Jun 25
Good Centos Security Advice & Gnome Thumbnails
Browsing the net for one thing unexpectedly brought me to two good and useful documents: (1) Guide to the Secure Configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Revision 4.1 February 28, 2011 (2) Hardening Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Updated 12 August 2010 Gnome Thumbnail system is
2007 Mar 28
attachment_fu Not Resizing
Hello, Recently attachment_fu stopped resizing images for me. I''m puzzled because before today it was resizing them and I don''t know what''s changed. Here''s my code: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :file_system, :max_size => 18.megabytes,
2007 Apr 08
attachment_fu thumbnail not created
I followed the instructions on Mike Clark''s weblog and everything works perfectly except the thumbnail column in my DB is alwas NULL. I''m using S3 as my storage system. Anyone else having this issue with thumbnails? has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 500.kilobytes, :resize_to =>
2006 Mar 01
error: uninitialized constant
total rails nuby here. I have a table "thumbnails", hence the model Thumbnail. I''m extending the Thumbnail class with a few constants needed for thumbnail cropping: class Thumbnail < ActiveRecord::Base SOURCE_FILE_PATH = "path/to/source" TARGET_FILE_PATH = "path/to/target" TARGET_WIDTH = 100 TARGET_HEIGHT = 100 end Now, in my controller