Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "Joining an AD domain without password"
2003 Jan 27
Win2k DC no longer authenticates for Samba shares
I have a win2k domain ... 2 of the client machines are Red Hat (7.3 and
8.0). I set everything up to use the DC to authenticate ID/PW. Everything
worked perfectly until a week or so ago ... Samba would automatically create
a home folder and the whole nine yards. Now I can see the shares on the
Samba machines, but I can't access them ... just prompts for the ID/PW over
and over. I can mount
2003 Jan 14
Using win2k non-pdc as password server
I'm trying to get Samba on a Linux box to work. Authentication via user
level worked fine, but what I really want is it to take user authentication from
a win2k box, which is our "primary local server". The win2k box is not a pdc,
(the real pdc is 2000km away, close to the polar circle), but according to
the docs it doesn't have to be.
So in smb.conf I put:
security =
2020 Nov 04
AD Joining Failed in middle
Hi Experts ,
Wanted to Join Samba 4.13 to Win2K as ADC on Samba box of 4vcpu/16 GB
RAm . It failed while "committing SAM database" , which took few hours .
Need Advice for
* How can we rejoin , what are steps needs to perform at Win2K side
for cleanup ?
* Why "Committing SAM Database " taking so much of time for 2K Users
and 3K Computers ? How can we Reduce the
2006 Apr 18
Domains and Windows Update
I've got several dozen Windows XP Pro computers in a Samba/Windows
Domain. The problem is that with them being in the domain, automatic
updates does not work on these computers. I think its because the
people log into the computers with the default windows domain
restrictions (you know, can't install anything, can't adjust the time on
the clock, can't update drivers, etc).
2003 Dec 17
FIXED : known problem joining a Samba 3.0.1 domain
Hash: SHA1
Just a heads up,
There is a bug in 3.0.1 that will cause Win2k (no SP and possibly
up to SP2, but apparently not SP3/4) to fail to join a Samba domain.
The problem was a bug in the lanman session key generation. The
proposed patch that should correct it can be found at
2004 Nov 08
Forward of discarded message Re: Windows Update and DMZ
Hash: SHA1
This message was incorrectly discarded by Mailman -- I''m still looking
for the cause.
- -Tom
|On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 14:17:17 -0800
|> "Muiz Motani" <muiz@i-dist.com> wrote:
|>> > Has anybody found an elegant way to solve this problem? I am sure
that I
|>> > am not the only one who has run into
2005 Jun 21
PDC SAMBA + WIN2K problem join domain.
I had success to join a samba domain with a win2K Station a few days
ago. But today when a try to log with an another account, my station
win2K say me she can't contact my PDC. I does not know what occurred
since the last time.
I disjoin my domain and after i has try to join again but with no success.
The client Win2K and serveur PDC samba are on same network and switch
thus no problem
2003 Aug 05
joining a samba pdc domain
dear all,
i will outline the problem im having before posting my smb.conf, just in
case someone knows what to trouble-check.
i have a samba PDC set-up, no firewalls, the windows machine WILL mount
the shares fine, but it wont join the domain.
I mean that I have entered the machine name as a trust account into both
passwd and smbpasswd, and when I join the domain in win2k, it actually
asks me
2002 Jun 28
AW: Join the Samba-Domain with win2k pc
thanks for your link, i already tried with this documentation but it does
not work, do you have any other ideas?
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: =?X-UNKNOWN?Q?Marcos_Jos=E9_de_Barros_Silva_-__#19000000000?=
=?X-UNKNOWN?Q?000#_?= [mailto:byteunix@unicamp.br]
Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Juni 2002 15:01
An: Gianluca Urbano
Betreff: Re: [Samba] Join the Samba-Domain with win2k pc
2004 Sep 08
Samba Password Problems (Alt-Characters)
Good Afternoon All:
Here is the setup:
A RedHat 7.2 Samba 2.2.7 Server upgraded to Fedora Core 1 Samba 3.0.6-2.FC1.
The server is acting as the PDC. No Windows servers are providing
Windows 2000 clients.
testparm -v | grep "unix charset" results in UTF-8.
locale charmap results in ISO-8859-1.
using smbpasswd.
Before upgrading the server, I was able to authenticate
2002 Oct 31
Error joining Win2K domain: ads_connect: DSA is unavailable
I'm running 3.0alpha (both current CVS pull and alpha20 from dist) and trying to have my samba server join our already in place Win2K ADS domain. I am able to 'kinit user@DOMAIN' and auth successfully, but upon attempting 'net ads join', I get the following:
# net ads join -Uadministrator
administrator password:
[2002/10/31 05:11:19, 1] libsmb/clikrb5.c:krb5_mk_req2(63)
2002 Jul 26
User has no privileges to add printer or even change his wallpaper
I have a question related to Samba + Win2k Workstations.
I have replaced a Win2k server by Samba (2.2.4). Everything was fine: the
users could login and access shares, but they could not connect to
printers shared on another Win2k workstations and even could not change
their wallpapers.
Since I needed to do that work fast, the solution I could find to this
situation was to give to all
2003 Sep 09
Problems joining a Samba domain
I am trying to set up a SAMBA-PDC for our school's network and
find a strange Problem with two Win2k workstations.
When I try to join the SAMBA domain I receive an error which says
the user account - I am using root - is unknown.
I call this "strange" because other Win2k machines on the very
same subnet work correctly - and what is even stranger:
I can manually access all
2003 Mar 18
seg fault joining domain
I upgraded my Samba alpha 21 to alpha 22 and the clients stoped accessing
the shares.
As I have experienced this before, I started the debugging process, until I
reached the part of joining the win2k Domain. Thats where things crash with
the following message:
[2003/03/18 11:13:59, 1] libsmb/clikrb5.c:krb5_mk_req2(256)
krb5_cc_get_principal failed (No credentials cache found)
2006 Jan 30
NT 4 workstation joining Samba domain
Samba 3.0.21b with LDAP backend
The transfer to the Sanba hosted domain appears to work, ie success message,
but I can't log on to a domain account from that workstation, complains
about missing machine account or incorrect password.
Only NT4 workstations seem to be a problem, Win2k and XP are Ok.
NT4 is maximally patched, updated and etc - no registry hacks however.
I checked the LDAP
2003 Feb 12
Samba 3.0 AD usage problems
Dear all,
I downloaded samba3.0-alpha21 and followed each step in "ADS-HOWTO.txt".
But mapping a network directory from a Windows client failed (step 4:
Test your server setup).
(Succeeded in other steps.... Including step 5)
Only local users in the samba server can access the share folder.
(Please refer to the smb.conf listed below...)
And "#kadmin -p administrator" fails
2005 Feb 01
Windowsupdate & microsoft pages
Hello everybody,
i can''t use the Microsoft Windowsupdate or browse any other microsoft
pages when my shorewall firewall on my linux router is active.
I can browse every other page or play games via the internet. If i start
my SuSE firewall the microsoft pages work and
the windows update does fine.
I haven''t seen any suspicios log information and i''ve allready checked
2004 Mar 10
Win2k joining a Samba domain
Having managed to get far enough with the config to get a win2k box to
connect to a Samba v3.0 share where the Samba machine's backend is based
in LDAP, I cannot now add this win2k machine to the domain.
Can anyone give me an example of how to set up an account within the
LDAP server that has sufficient rights to allow the machine to join my
Samba domain?
2001 Apr 09
Win2k box joining 2.2 domain - problem
I've followed the steps in the 2.2 PDC howto (I think). When I try
and join the domain from a Win2k box I get an error message saying
that I'm trying to use a machine account and I should use a global or
local user account.
When the Win2k box asks for a name and password that can join the
domain I give "root" and root's samba password.
I had previously added root to
2001 Dec 07
win2k joining Samba 2.2.2 PDC problems.
I'm running FreeBSD 4.4, with Samba 2.2.2 freshly installed, with
the FreeBSD Ports package to install files in correct places.
I've a Win2k system tring to join the domain "FREESIDE"
It will authenticate ok from the win2k command line.
"net use x: \\crypton\homes /USER:FREESIDE\jerry"
It seems to work ok during the first part of joining a domain, i.e.