similar to: TRANS2 notifications

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "TRANS2 notifications"

2002 Dec 02
Hi, We have recently switched from XFS to ext3 do to various corruption scenarios that were witnessed. Does ext3 have something like xfs_growfs for growing the FS to the end of the underlying partition? Thanks, Menny
2005 Jan 20
ChangeNotify help wanted
Hi all, I''ve checked in some code to win32-changenotify. Unfortunately, it doesn''t work right. I need some help. I don''t understand what, exactly, I''m supposed to pass to ReadDirectoryChangesW() for the 2nd argument, nor how to read the data back out. There''s also a WCHAR issue that needs to be worked out with regards to the FileName
2002 Feb 19
Typo fix for samba 2.2.3a source/smbd/trans2.c
Just a couple of quick fixes for trans2.c and README in samba-2.2.3a. --- source/smbd/trans2.c.old Tue Feb 5 14:37:55 2002 +++ source/smbd/trans2.c Wed Feb 20 10:26:16 2002 @@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ if(!S_ISLNK(sbuf.st_mode)) return(UNIXERROR(ERRSRV,ERRbadlink)); #else - return(UNIXERROR(ERRDOS,ErrNotALink)); +
2010 Jul 05
Good Morning, let me explain the problem: i need to establish a connection with a Windows host (Windows 7) via smbclient (from ubuntu linux), to run a script which needs to get some file informations (eg. size, version, etc..). Connection and authentication works perfectly. From linux, i can execute the following command: smb: \> allinfo test.txt altname: test.txt create_time: Thu 01 Jul
2011 Jan 09
IIS Change Notifications
Good afternoon all, I'm a web developer (c#) who also manages a small hosting environment. Roughly, our configuration is: Two IIS7 (Windows Server 2008 Web) servers which share configuration data and site files from a SMB share located on a ubuntu server. The ubuntu server is currently running 3.0.28a which is quite old, but read on. We've been having a problem with the change
2005 Jan 06
Some thoughts on win32-changenotify
Hi all, As things stand now, you can do something like this with win32-changenotify: require "win32/changenotify" include Win32 filter = ChangeNotify::FILE_NAME | ChangeNotify::DIR_NAME | ChangeNotify::LAST_WRITE cn ="c:\\",false,filter){ puts "Something changed" } cn.wait You can pass a block that''s executed when a change occurs, but
2007 Aug 08
Some more win32-changenotify analysis
Hi all, I decided to check the responsiveness of the pure Ruby vs C extension versions of win32-changenotify. I setup this little file generator program: a = [] 10.times{ |n| a <<{"File_#{n}", ''w''){ |fh| fh.puts "test #{n}" } } } a.each{ |t| t.join } The pure Ruby version did not do so well. In some cases it
2004 Sep 27
"Trans2 request" after an "andx create request" problem (bug?)
Hello everyone, I'm currently writing an SMB client program but I ran into a nasty bug. The problem occurs if I send an trans2 request (find first2 for example) after an andx create request; the returned error in the trans2 request is STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS. I have no idea what that means...did not find any information regarding this. The error/problem does not occur when I don't
2014 May 30
windows share : retransmission and time out of Trans2 Request, FIND_FIRST2
OS- windows vista 32-bits Control Panel -> Network & Sharing center Network discovery ON File Sharing ON Public folders Sharing ON Password protected sharing ON Media Sharing ON Window firewall turned OFF McAffee firewall turned OFF Case 1: Connect to LAN using wireless connection (network type= private) I can open the windows share, look at the list of shared folders & open them.
2010 Jul 06
*update* SMB Trans2 Response STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND Problem
I need to establish a connection with a Windows host (Windows 7) via smbclient (from ubuntu linux), to run a script which needs to get some file informations (eg. size, version, etc..). Connection and authentication works perfectly. From linux, i can execute the following command: smb: \> allinfo test.txt altname: test.txt create_time: Thu 01 Jul 2010 11:06:30 AM CEST CEST access_time:
2004 Nov 10
samba 3.0.8: smbd/trans2.c file_set_dosmode
Hi, I upgraded from samba 3.0.7 to 3.0.8 I got a special share for an application where I need to do a force user and a force group. However since the upgrade I get an input output error in the application. here is the relevant log entry [2004/11/10 10:22:37, 2] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2setfilepathinfo(3681) file_set_dosmode of elbadata_5/elba5.db failed (Error 0) Actually the User who
2004 Mar 22
Long time needed for "Building file list" Any suggestions ?
We're running rsync 2.5.7 on a Windows2000 server, in combination with cygwin/ssh. The server who receives the data is a Linux server. The amount of data from the Windows server is about 100 Gb. Represented by 532.000 files of different nature. Mostly doc, ppt and xls files. It takes about 2 hours to create only the file list. Is the amount of data/files to big, should I segmentate the
2002 Mar 01
PATCH - smbd/trans2.c to support writing to Unix named pipes(FIFO)
Hi, We have a simple "Remote Procedure Call" mechanism that we are using to communicate between Windows computers and our Unix Samba server. The Windows application is proprietary software (Progress - not ours) and we have to work within the constraints of it. We have a Unix named pipe sitting in a Samba shared directory. We have a small C program that runs as a Unix daemon,
2003 Jun 16
CPU consumption by samba
Hi, I'm having strange performance problems with samba and an application written with VisualFox Pro. This application is entirely installed in a Windows share and it has a hystory of strange phenomenons. Initially it ran fast on an old NT server (but that server has been replaced). It has strange performance problems with Windows 2000 Server: it runs fast with some servers and slow with
2006 Mar 08
1 byte writes
After migrating a particular W2K file service to Samba 3.0.21c on SuSE 9.3 Pro (a DMS with winbindd against a W2K3 ADS), the W2K clients are suffering performance issues (in a switched LAN). Looking at the traffic with Ethereal (latest SVN), it looks like the client writes the data in *1 byte* pieces likes this (c=client, s=server): c->s NT Create AndX Request c<-s NT Create AndX
2008 Aug 27
problems with DFS
Hi, We have been a samba shop since way back and have used DFS quit a lot the last years. When we went with security ads instead of domain our dfs died. We have tried 3.028(sun) in solaris wich we are leaving and 3.2.1 in linux, our migration target. For our 3.2.1 installation the config looks liket this and the problem manifests itself as a empty share. [Global] kernel oplocks = False oplocks
2010 Dec 20
package "arules" - 'transpose' of the transactions
Suppose this is my list of transactions: set.seed(200) tran=random.transactions(100,3) inspect(tran) items transactionID 1 {item80} trans1 2 {item8, item20} trans2 3 {item28} trans3 I want to get the 'transpose' of the data, i.e. transactionID items 1 {trans2} item8 2 {trans2} item20 3 {trans3} item28 4 {trans1} item80 I
2012 Aug 06
with streams_xattr enabled, ads are written correctly but not retrieved
Hello, I'm running Samba 3.6.6-1 on my x64 Arch Linux installation. I recently decided to have my samba share support NTFS's Alternate Data Streams by using streams_xattr or streams_depot. With streams_xattr I discovered that if I copy a file having an ADS from a win7 box, on the linux console, I can see the ADS as an xattr attached to the file. However when I copy the file back to my
2005 Jan 31
XP clients unable to read user profiles (2.2.3a-14.1)
Hi everyone, thanks to John Terpstra's hint (teh old thread started with Msg crn5v6$sh8$, our xp clients now do join the domain :-). However, they still fail to read user profiles which were created by the old Win98 clients. The relevant parts of smb.conf look like this: ---------------------------- begien smb.conf ---------------------------- [global] domain
2004 Nov 09
AW: Permissions problem with 3.0.8
We use LDAP backend and Linux 2.6. It happens only --with-acl-support. This 2 errors I found in the level 10 log when I try to copy a fresh copied file a second time on itself (permissions of test file are -r-xrw----, user and group match) Maybe the attribute mapping goes another path with acl support? 3.0.7 works fine. Daniel [2004/11/09 17:02:02, 10] smbd/open.c:open_file_shared1(1038)