similar to: 2 Server's over VPN

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "2 Server's over VPN"

2004 Jul 27
AW: AW: Samba - LDAP - User cannot login from 1 workstation
Hi, hm i don?t think that it has something to do with the trus-relationship if it where so than every user on that pc would get a permision denied. what does the error message exactly says? example: Access denied, the network path was not found... -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Juli 2004
2005 Jul 15
RES: Meet Me - this is not a valid conference number, please try again
Hello Haki I fixed this problem following the instructions in /usr/src/zaptel-1.0.9/README.udev. Regards Cec?lia -----Mensagem original----- De: []Em nome de Erdem HAKI Enviada em: sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2005 05:11 Para: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion' Assunto:
2004 May 26
Same Problem.... RE: Can see server, but can't see shares. Whazzup?
ok I did it, but *@ no success... I used Smb with W2K for years without Problems, but now with this eXPerimental OS.... Here comes my smb.conf I do not see an error... : Samba config file created using SWAT # from ( # Date: 2004/05/27 13:56:58 # Global parameters [global] workgroup = RESULT-THALIS netbios name = MASTER server string = Result-Thalis Server encrypt passwords =
2015 Jul 10
RES: Can I use PJSIP_HEADER to read the SIP 183 message header?
Ok Mark Michelson. Thank you very much! You answer tells me that I was in the wrong path trying to access information from SIP 183 message. I need to find a way to let the callee pass information/data to the caller, even before accepting the call. That is, send data during the ringing time. And in my case, there will be more than one callee ringing at same time. As ASTERISK will not forward each
2009 Jun 05
_______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2015 Jul 10
Can I use PJSIP_HEADER to read the SIP 183 message header?
Hi. The ASTERISK wiki has a page showing the function PJSIP_HEADER(). However, it doesn't explain if such function works only over SIP INVITE messages or if it can be use, for example, to read headers from others types of SIP messages too. So, can I use PJSIP_HEADER to read the SIP 183 message header? Any hint will be very helpful! Best regards. RODRIGO PIMENTA CARVALHO Inatel
2004 Jun 18
How to use the "profiles" - command ?
One problem when migrating from an NT-PDC to a 3.0.4SAMBA-PDC, the user ABC has different SID's. So I want to change the SID of user ABC on the SAMBA-PDC with the profiles-command. Suggest: User ABC in Domain NT has SID S-1-5-21-1234 User ABC in Domain LINUX has SID S-1-5-21-9876 So, on the Samba-Server I did: Profiles -c S-1-5-21-9876 -n S-1-5-21-1234 I get the error message: Could not
2004 Jul 30
Failed to verify incoming ticket
Hi, I'm trying to get Samba 3.0.2 working against a Windows 2003 Active Directory. I can join the Linux box (RedHat Advanced Server) to the domain using "net ads join" and it appears in the Windows machine's Users and Computers snap in but when trying to map a drive from Windows you just get a continuous password dialog bog and on the Linux box Samba produces the following error
2004 May 14
Sending message to connected users ?
Hi, Is there any simple way to send messages to all users who are connected to my Samba server. I've just a basic fileserver setup (in a workgroup not Domain) all clients are using Win2k and mapping to shares. I'd like to be able to send them a "popup" message from the Linux console (or my PC, or somewhere !) to let them know when I'm intending to reboot the server !
2004 Jul 12
Hi all. Where on win xp can I find the profiles and which part do I need to copy to the samba profiles dir? thanks in advance Barry
2004 Jun 25
Network with DHCP and Samba with LDAP backend
It's been a while since I have addressed this problem, but here is another attempt. We have a samba 3.0 server with ldap backend in security = user level. We logon to the samba domain and in that sense everything is running fine, but only when I disable DHCP. If I try to logon with DHCP, the windows client tells me that: The following error ocurred validating the name "IFS".
2008 Jul 04
create a zero matrix & fill
Dear R user, I have written a function which returns max,min and variation of a power (see below) Power is a given matrix(1,n) I call the function >Variation<-VAR(p,(n-deltat)) Now the problem is when I want plot(Results[1],Results[2]). Not possible! I become the following error (in english it means: Error in as.double.default(x) :Object cannot be transformed in double) >
2004 May 25
user 'root' does not exist
Hello list Sorry if this has been answered before, I have had a look around and could not find any answers. I am running samba 3.0.3pre2 on suse 9.0 - installed from suse rpms. I have managed to join the 2k3 domain and users are authenticating perfectly and all seems to be working, (users have actually remarked about a speed increase!) although i get this strange message in the log.winbindd:
2004 Jun 03
local admin permissions
We have implemented an NT domain with samba 3.0.4 PDC on Slackware 9.1 and Win XP Pro clients. Everything is working nicely except for one issue. I haven't used Windows for years, so possibly I just don't understand something basic about Windows XP security ... Having logged in (to the domain), users are unable to perform tasks such as update certain files on the local system, for example
2015 Jul 10
Messages out of calls. Is it really possible?
Hi. I have read in some web sites that ASTERISK can support messages out of calls. What does it exactly means? 1 - Can a dialplan script accept and handle a message from a callee party, even before the call be connected? 2 - Can a ringing callee send SIP MESSAGE to the ASTERISK even before answer the call? 3- Could I use dialplan function MESSAGE() to receive SIP messages from callees, even
2004 Jul 27
Samba - LDAP - User cannot login from 1 workstation
Hello, everyone, This is the situation : We have 2 sites; one domain; 2 samba's on every site; one is PDC, the other is BDC. They both use LDAP; the LDAP has a master on the site where the PDC is; the slave LDAP is on the site where the BDC is. There is a user (ONE to be precise) that gives problems when working on a specific machine. When the user logs in using his machine; he
2012 Nov 23
Data frame manipulation
Hello, I have a table that was constructed in a wrong way (dput data on bottom - wrong data-frame): Local Mês Dia Colonia X6h X7h X8h X9h X10h X11h X12h X13h X14h X15h X16h X17h 1 Conceição Junho 1 3 2.16137 2.20412 2.08991 1.72428 1.69897 1.62325 1.44716 1.51851 1.43136 1.47712 1.51851 1.04139 2 Conceição Junho 2 3 2.46538 2.13672
2004 Jul 29
AW: AW: AW: AW: Samba - LDAP - User cannot loginfrom 1 workstation
Il gio, 2004-07-29 alle 07:55, ha scritto: > That is for roaming profiles, right ? > Why would I want to set that ? No, isn't. but you have to try; 'cos, in my opinion, of course, you won't login in bdc; but, the roaming profiles (home directory) must be in pdc; if that works, you will try set (in bdc): logon path = \\PDC\blablabla... (for win
2017 Jul 13
Question on Simultaneous Equations & Forecasting
Frances, I would not advise Gauss-Seidel for non linear models. Can be quite tricky, slow and diverge. You can write your model as a non linear system of equations and use one of the nonlinear solvers. See the section "Root Finding" in the task view NumericalMathematics suggesting three packages (BB, nleqslv and ktsolve). These package are certainly able to handle medium sized models.
2017 Jul 12
Question on Simultaneous Equations & Forecasting
Hello, I have estimated a simultaneous equation model (similar to Klein's model) in R using the package. I have an identity equation, along with three other equations. Do you know how to explicitly identify the identity equation in R? I am also trying to forecast the dependent variables in the simultaneous equation model, while incorporating the identity equation in the