similar to: Winbind x LDAP x Kerberos

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Winbind x LDAP x Kerberos"

2004 Apr 23
RES: Problems with ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5- ntlmssp
You should use the ntlm_auth module provided by samba. -----Mensagem original----- De: [] Em nome de Riccardo Baldanzi Enviada em: quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2004 16:51 Para: Assunto: [Samba] Problems with ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp Hi Guys,
2004 Apr 19
Samba 3.0.2a with ADS w2k3 Active Directory, enctypes
Hi people, I have a Linux box running Samba 3.0.2a in ADS mode MIT Kerberos 1.3.3. My W2K e WXP users can't access the linux box by netbios name, the only access that works is by IP address, I know that's caused because access thought IP address don't make use of Kerberos. The most strange for me it's that the same environment works fine with a W2K Active Directory, I read in same
2004 Apr 20
RES: Samba 3.0.2a with ADS w2k3 Active Directory, enctype s
Hi Jim, I did what the doc says but the problem is the same. Does anybody saw this work ? I mean, is the Samba 3.0.2a+Kerberos MIT 1.3.3 able to be accessed by a WXP, W2K or W2K3 machine, using Kerberos tickets generated in a Windows 2003 KDC (W2K3 AD) ? Thanks -----Mensagem original----- De: Jim McDonough [] Enviada em: segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2004 17:07 Para:
2004 Apr 23
RES: RES: Problems with ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid -2.5- ntlmssp
What do you mean with "... ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp does respond only BH..." ? Is it happing in a command line test ? Remember that this helper wait for a NTLM "hash" not a clear user and password, as basic helper does. The best way of testing is to put in use, inside the squid.conf. I've be using it for some months without problem. -----Mensagem
2004 Mar 15
Howto give console access to a samba user ?
Hi people, I have a Debian (Woody) 2.4.25+Samba 3.0.2a running, I've joined a Active Directory domain (net ads join) and I can successfully browse the AD users and groups with wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g. I need to give to the samba (Windows) users access do linux console/terminal, I've read the samba documentation about pam_winbind (
2004 Apr 19
RES: squid authentication to samba 3
Yes, it is. I've made that some times... After having the Samba infra-structure running (winbind -u, winbind -g, winbind -a), you need to create some ACLs in squid.conf, take a look at: To check group membership you can use wbinfo_group or LDAP, I had some problems setting wbinfo_group with Samba 3.0.2, that's why I use LDAP. If you
2004 Jul 07
RES: ntlm_auth help
Isn't possible to test the ntlm_auth with the ntlmssp protocol in a command line mode, you must use a browser able to handle ntlm because only this sort of browser send the appropriate ntlm challenges, try IE. Estevam Henrique -----Mensagem original----- De: [] Em nome de Champaka
2004 Jun 21
The Solution for: Samba+ADS, w2k clients can't access samba by ne tbios name
As many of us suffer this problem I would like to share my success with the list. This weekend I made this configuration work ! After this procedure you can access the samba machine, from any client (Win-XP, Win2k, Win2k3, Win9x and WinNT) using \\samba-netbios-name\share-name (using kerberos) or \\samba-ip-address\share-name (using NTLM) Debian Woody 3.0R2 Samba-3.0.4 MIT Kerberos 1.3.4 Windows
2004 May 19
RES: Experiences with Samba 3 in 'Windows Server 2003' mo de domains?
Hi Thomas, I ran Samba-3.0.2a + MIT Kerberos 1.3.3 with Windows 2000 without any problem, all the users was able to access the shares with their tickets, after migrate my W2K server to Windows 2003 no one can access the shares on the linux machine using its netbios name, it only works trough ip address. I've been many people reporting the same issue, but no one was able do answer. Hi samba
2004 Jun 03
RES: Samba and Kerberos
I've done that using pam_winbind + courier. -----Mensagem original----- De: [] Em nome de Enviada em: quinta-feira, 3 de junho de 2004 11:06 Para: Assunto: [Samba] Samba and Kerberos Is there anyway to have Samba auth against Kerberos?
2004 Jun 09
RES: authentification in ads2003
I also have made this configuration working with w2k, the problem is related do enc-types used by w2k3. I have seen a lot of people complaining about the same issue. Can the samba gurus help the community ??? What are the right configuration to put a Samba 3.0.x working as a Active Directory 2003 member and be accessible through \\<samba name>\<share name> ?! Please Jerry Carter,
2007 Apr 27
Problems with Digium TE110P
Hi everyone I have a Digium card TE110P and after plug it, turn on the computer and configure, the LEDs don't light up in spite of what Digium FAQ says about the LEDs: When will the LED's light up on my TDM400P/TE110P/TE2XXP/TE4XXP? ... The TE110P LED's will light up RED when the span is configured and kernel module is loaded. If configured correctly and a circuit or channel bank is
2005 Apr 01
Gateway with 9 VMs
Yes, List, I am an UML user that already have a real machine running 8 UML for: UML1..UML4 are used for connection to one leased line that is used for incoming/outgoing mail and incoming webmail accesses: UML1=internal firewall, connected to internal LAN UML2=mailrelay/dmz UML4=webrelay/dmz UML3=external firewall, connected to the NET UML5 and UML6 are used for connection to one ADSL line
2003 May 20
De um amigo
INFORMACAO CONFIDENCIAL Prezado(a) Amigo(a): Esta carta/e-mail nada tem de semelhante As muitas "aldrabices" que circulam pela Internet. Ela ? uma mensagem rara que tem um conteUdo que pode modificar a sua vida para melhor. Assim, peco-lhe um pouco de paciencia, e que a leia com atencao, muita atencao, e no final, muito provavelmente, se sentira recompensado(a). Este e um assunto que
2003 Apr 12
De um amigo
INFORMACAO CONFIDENCIAL Prezado(a) Amigo(a): Esta carta/e-mail nada tem de semelhante As muitas "aldrabices" que circulam pela Internet. Ela ? uma mensagem rara que tem um conteUdo que pode modificar a sua vida para melhor. Assim, peCo-lhe um pouco de paciencia, e que a leia com atencao, muita atencao, e no final, muito provavelmente, se sentira recompensado(a). Este e
2010 Jan 20
R help for read.table()
I've a table containing two columns seperated by space, as shown below. S:C 2.011085038928 S:A 21.496800549900762 S:J 0.183181039138149 P:E 9.641984304606304 I'm reading this table inside a loop but unable to access the first column as file[i,1]. file <- read.table("data.txt",header=FALSE) for ( i in 1:nrow(file)) {  cat(file[i,1],":")  pvalue <-
2009 Jun 15
Hi I have a simple question. I want to run a "n times" a simple linear regession and save beta in a matrix but I´m not able. Imagine: Data.txt is a 10*5 file and want to run 4 different stimations always regressing first column on the rest. So I try this: First I run Data on memory This is my function mrp <- function(){ mr<-matrix(0,4,1) for(i in 1:4)
2009 Jun 25
Problems with help
Hi, I was trying to read some help of functions and in all functions I try to see is giving me this error: > ?write.table Erro em print.help_files_with_topic("C:/ARQUIV~1/R/R-29~1.0/library/utils/chm/write.table") : CHM file could not be displayed Anybody knows what is happening? Atenciosamente, Leandro Lins Marino Centro de Avalia??o Funda??o CESGRANRIO Rua Santa Alexandrina,
2010 Jan 04
ggplot2 = bar size
Hi, i am newbie into ggplot and i thow that i have to learn a lot about this package. I am doing this function to draw an graphic: library(ggplot2) posx <- theme_text(angle=45,hjust=1,face='bold',size=12) posy <- theme_text(angle=0,hjust=1,face='bold',size=12) y1 <- c(1,4,6,1,8,10,6,1,5,4) x <-
2009 Nov 05
collumn error when exporting to Excel
Dear all, I am attempting to export my results (data.frame) created with the help of a number of you to Excel. In the procedure my column structure is however lost and all results are placed together into the first Excel column. I have tried: write(), write.table(), write.matrix(), export() and have the same results. I Have checked the import/export FAQ and did a Google search to no avail. Any