similar to: Problem with SWAT

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Problem with SWAT"

2010 Apr 27
longevity of ruby on rails
Hi, I have recently added Ruby on Rails to my repertoire and as I start a new project, I find myself wondering: Why are so many of the postings I find as I search for help from 2006-2009? Should I start my new project with RoR, ASP.NET, Python/Django, Zen? Is RoR thriving or dying? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk"
2002 Oct 23
re stagiaire embetée ...
merci de m'accorder un petit peu de temps ... c'est gentil de votre part ... le service cron que j'utilise est sur PC l'appli doit être lancée toutes les minutes le .exe et le .ini se trouvent sur G, qui est en effet une partition montée via samba sur une station NT si ca peut être plus clair, voici un test que j'ai fait : - test.cmd est un fichier de commande permettant de
2012 Jan 23
ConfBridge details
running Asterisk, what are the ways to interface with ConfBridge ? I see the CLI command 'confbridge' documented for asterisk 10, but i dont see how to interface with confbridge on 1.8 What I'm trying to do is keep track of conferences that are used. I tried something like the below, but not only does Confbridge not return, but i'd need something that erases the
2007 Aug 27
Problem with save or/and if (I think but maybe not ...)
Hi, I recently discovered the R program and I thought it could be useful to me. I have to analyse data saved as .Px file (x between 0 and 8 - .P0 files have 18 lines at the beginning that I have to skip). New files are generated everyday. This is my strategy : In order to analyse the data, I first want to copy the new data in a database in MySQL (which already contains the previous data). So
2004 Dec 08
install bug with specific JPEG library by exporting CPPFLAGS variable
Hi there, I think I have found a small problem in the "/my/path/R-2.0.1/src/modules/X11/MakeFile" generation. During the configure step, I have specified a specific JPEG library by exporting CPPFLAGS variable. All compilation works well for individual files in the src/modules/X11/ directory, but when linking, the -ljpeg option doesn't work. I obtain the following message (in french
2004 Oct 29
Problem with smbmount
Hello list, I have a problem with my samba shares. I have a server with samba installed on it (3.0.7-Debian). I have workstations under wxp and workstations under linux. I have a common share which looks like this : [Archive] available = yes valid users = user1, user2 comment = Repertoire Archive browseable = yes write list = user1, user2 writable = yes admin
2003 Jan 24
Strange behaviour with M$ WORD 97 under Win 2K
Hi all, I searched thru excellent (samba ML archive...) answer to my questions. I asked Google too. Both doesnt know about my problem. That's why I finaly decided to polute samba ML :-( Here's the environment: a Linux Box under Debian Woody (stable, nothing compiled by hand EXCEPT KERNEL (aacraid issue..)): master:~# uname -a
2004 Apr 02
tan(mu) link in GLM
Hi Folks, I am interested in extending the repertoire of link functions in glm(Y~X, family=binomial(link=...)) to include a "tan" link: eta = (4/pi)*tan(mu) i.e. this link bears the same relation to the Cauchy distribution as the probit link bears to the Gaussian. I'm interested in sage advice about this from people who know their way aroung glm. >From the surface, it looks
2012 Mar 11
install cpan module in /usr/lib/perl5
hello centos guru I encounter a problem with centos 6 perl -MCPAN -e shell install MyModule well I installed the module but in the standard repertoire of the user but not in the directory of the perl distribution how to remedy this problem cpan modules installed in /usr/lib/perl/ please help me I can not solve this problem alone sincerely --
2003 Jan 27
Owner and group
Hi all, When i use rsync with on the server : motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log pid file = /var/run/ lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock [filieres] path = /home2 comment = Repertoire de sauvegarde des filieres read only = no hosts allow = # vador only dont compress = *.gz *.jpg *.zip *.rpm *.tgz note : the
2008 Sep 10
Write Asterisk CDR MySQL records to multiple servers
Hi to all, I actually have an asterisk server configured to write CDR mysql records in the same machine (localhost), but I want to write this records to another machine also in mysql at the same time, It is possible? It means that I want save the records in both machines. Thanks in advance. Ricardo Melendez -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Mar 24
Win98 domain and accent problems
Hello, I am having a problem with accented folder and win98. the setup is PDC (under NT) , a Linux Samba as a file server added to the domain (smbpasswd and winbind) and a W98 client in any share, if i create a folder named "aaa" for exemple i can get in it. but if i create a folder named "???" or any accented char i just can get in it. Windows Error : no such file or
2016 Mar 03
query_name_response: Multiple (2)
> On 03/03/16 08:23, Pascal Legrand wrote: >> Hello, >> >> does someone could explain me what means this message : >> query_name_response: Multiple (2).... >> >> >> example : >> >> samba4 nmbd[88458]: query_name_response: Multiple (2) responses >> received for a query on subnet for name SAMBA_DOMAIN<1d>. >>
2002 Sep 26
Cannot join a Samba Domain with a win2k station
Hello, I try to join a samba domain with a Win2k Server. The result is a box with the message: The following error occured validating the name "myDomainName" This condition may be caused by a DNS lookup problem. For information about trouble shooting common DNS lookup problems, please see the following Microsoft Web site: http://..../... The specified domain either does not exist
2008 Jan 29
chanspy does not pull the call back to asterisk after a reinvite
Hello all, I am allowing a reinvite between a snom 320 phone and a SIP gateway to take load off my Asterisk server. When I put the caller on hold, for example, Asterisk successfully reinserts itself into the rtp stream to play music on hold to the caller, but when I do a chanspy Asterisk does not seem to pull the call back. If I am spying on a channel when the call build up happens the reinvite
2005 Dec 30
setting access rights for shares not working for groups
Hi list, i have a really strange problem with samba3 i have my useres,groups and machines in a ldap backend. also i configured /etc/nsswitch.conf so that users and groups have posix accounts. with getent passwd and getent gorups i see all users and groups. The usermanager on windows-machines also sees the groups and knows which user is in wich group, so this part seems to be working. My
2004 Nov 10
Samba BDC with LDAP support
Hi, PDC works fine, but Samba BDC doesn't make its job. In srvmgr.exe PDC, BDC appear, but when I kill smb PDC's process, normaly BDC may give a response to smb request. My problem... BDC do not respond, no PDC :: no authentification. any idea. my smb.conf : [global] # Main Config. netbios name = LYS workgroup = TNN server string = Lys (TNN's PDC) security = user domain
2011 Feb 01
Hi, I had a linux server installed with samba 3.0.9-2.6 (SuSE 9.1) and a samba shared folder among 12 PC under WinXP/Win7. The linux server has been replaced by a new one a week ago. The new machine runs samba 3.5.4-5.1.2x86-64 with the same shared folder and the same smb.conf file. Till then, when the PCs try to connect to the samba share via explorer a window opens with the message "Num?ro
2007 Jun 02
spatial simulation
Dear R-users, I'm trying to do some spatial simulation. I have two covariates, Z and C. I want to examine their relationship under different spatial distribution. I have no problem simulating completely spatial random process but I'm totally stuck on poisson (cluster) pattern. I already have a dataset with Z and C (obs=575) and I know the relationship between them. Using these 575
2016 Mar 03
query_name_response: Multiple (2)
Hello, does someone could explain me what means this message : query_name_response: Multiple (2).... example : samba4 nmbd[88458]: query_name_response: Multiple (2) responses received for a query on subnet for name SAMBA_DOMAIN<1d>. samba4 nmbd[88458]: This response was from IP, reporting an IP address of The server has 3 nic (vlans)