Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "managing users from smbpasswd rather than /etc/passwd (PR#9932)"
1998 Sep 23
managing users from smbpasswd rather than /etc/passwd
I have samba installed on a web server (behind a firewall). It's working
fine with all the WINS networking here (eg, password authentication from
the NT servers, etc).
I (we) want this web server - a linux redhat 5.x box currently running
samba-1.9.18p8 - to have as few actual unix login accounts as possible.
What I want/need to do is to allow LOTS of people in the faculty here
1999 Jan 04
Tripwire mess..
This may be, or may not be a security issue, however, since alot of people
still use tripwire-1.2 or lesser versions(this is what shipped with R.H.
Linux 5.2 at least), they might be interested in following detail:
Chuck Campbell (campbell@neosoft.com) pointed me out that tripwire dies with
coredump on R.H. linux, if it hits a filename containing 128-255 characters.
Playing a bit with debugger I
1998 Dec 03
interactions between OPIE-ftpd and RH5.2
Ran into a weird problem, and this seemed a good forum to toss it out into
-- if I've gaffed, please let me know.
Just upgraded my RH5.0 box to RH5.2. Went well, worked nearly seamlessly.
When running 5.0, though, I'd installed the opie-fied ftpd that comes with
the most recent opie package (ftp://ftp.inner.net/pub/opie/opie-2.32.tar.gz)
and had it work without a hitch. I'd also
2018 Jan 28
semPLS package will not load seems to be failing on loading package lattice
Hi R Help Team
I recently updated my R installation to R 3.4.3 and updated to later version of R Studio and I found that the package semPLS will not load even though installed and it seems to be failing on loading package lattice
Getting the following error message:
Loading required package: lattice
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'lattice':
.onLoad failed in
2003 Jul 29
Sweave: pass scale parameter to includegraphics?
Hi all
I'm using Sweave and find it a treat. But one
I use Sweave to create my pictures which are
automatically included into LaTeX. For example,
in the file test.Snw, I may have:
% LaTeX stuff
x1 <- seq(1,5, length=10)
x2 <- sin(x1)
% More LaTeX
This produces the LaTeX
2008 Jun 09
Bug/Error in formatC? (Was: Why doesn't formatC( x, digits=2, format= "g")...)
Hi all
After posting what follows, Duncan Murdoch suggested perhaps a bug
in formatC, or an error on documentation. Any comments?
In particular, bug, error or not, any ideas about how I can
consistently get two significant figures to print?
---------- Original Message ----------
Hi all
I am not a C programmer, but I am trying to understand formatC to
get consistent printing of
2008 Feb 27
Adding LaTeX cross-references into Sweave plots
Hi all
I'm using Sweave and LaTeX, and love how they interact.
But here's a different interaction I'm not sure how to achieve; I
hope someone can help. I use a simple example, of course, to
Suppose in my LaTeX document I have this:
Here is a linear equation:
y = -1 + 3 x
This appears in the final product
2007 Mar 07
Sweave issue: quotes in verbatim-like output print incorrectly
Hi all
I love Sweave; use it all the time.
But I recently received a new computer, and ever since I
have had a problem I've never seen before.
For example, I place the following in my Snw file:
sms <-
sms.lm <- lm( Time ~ Age*Phone,
2003 Mar 21
The best way to end up with TIFF {Was: end up with WMF)
Hi all
I posted a couple of days ago about how to end up with wmf files
eventually in R for linux.
The short answer was: you (probably) can't...and don't!
The journal in question also accepts TIFF files, I am told (it's
a physiology journal).
So I adjust my question: What is the best way to get TIFF files
out of R? It can't create them directly as far as I can tell.
2007 Nov 08
Mixing lty specifications in legend
Hi all
I have a plot with lines, one specified as (say) lty=1,
using standard line types, and another as (say) my
own spec: lty="51".
I can't get legend to display both. Toy example:
> plot(1~1)
> legend("topright", lty=c("51",1), legend=c("My own","Standard"))
Error in segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) : invalid line type: must be
2004 Mar 29
White background in PS pictures
Hi all
I am using R to produce postscript pictures via the
postscript command. I have never had any problems...
until now, when I want to inlcude my .ps file is a
LaTeX document *without* a white background. (If
it's important, I'm using the prosper class with
the whitecross option, so the background in blue.)
I would like my .ps file to have a white background.
If I read the help
2004 Jun 22
Using xtable with summaries of lm objects
Hi all
Suppose I do the following:
x <- runif( 10 )
y <- 1 + 2*x + rnorm( length(x) )
test.lm <- lm( y ~ x )
summary( test.lm )
xtable ( summary( test.lm ) )
The final xtable output follows:
% latex table generated in R 1.8.1 by xtable 1.2-2 package
% Tue Jun 22 09:56:36 2004
2004 Nov 11
substitute/paste question for using Greek in plot titles
Hi all
I am having troubles making sense of why code (1)
below fails but code (2) below works.
Code (1):
> phi.1 <- 1
> plot(0 ~ 0,
+ main=substitute(paste("A vaue for ",phi," = ",phival),
list(phival=phi.1)) )
Error in paste("The two deviances for ", phi, " = ", 2) :
Object "phi" not found
But this works:
Code (2):
2003 Mar 19
The best way to end up with WMF files
Hi all
I am doing some stats work for a group of biologists
who require windows metafiles (*.wmf) for their publications.
To create these, I appear to have two choices:
1. Restart my machine in Windows and use savePlot
2. Keep my machine in linux, save as another format,
then convert.
I'd rather stay in linux; but how do I get wmf files? I looked
at using ImageMagick's convert,
2003 Jul 28
Plotting (mixed) line types and legends
Hi all
I have a question about plotting line types and
legends. Here's a short piece of code to
x <- y <- seq(1,10)
plot(x,y, type ="l", lty="33")
lines(x,y+1, lty=1)
legend( 8,2,legend=c("lty=1","lty=\"33\""), lty=c(1,"33") )
On my system (see below), the line types in the legend
are not the same as in the
2003 Apr 02
Two questions
Hi all
Two questions:
1. I note that help for the postscript device claims "The
postscript produced by R is EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
compatible...". It does not say it is EPS *compliant*.
Indeed, the EPS produced by R includes a \showpage command
which I believe (not that I'm an expert!) non-standard EPS.
My question: Is there any reason why it is EPS compatible,
2007 Jun 15
sma package, and MouseArray data set
Hi all
I have just downloaded the sma package from CRAN.
On installing on my linux machine, I get the message
> library(sma)
> data(MouseArray)
Warning message:
file 'MouseArray.RData' has magic number 'RDX1'
Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated
Hereafter, MouseArray is not found:
> MouseArray
Error: object "MouseArray" not found
We were
2002 Dec 13
Loading libraries: Nas introduced
Hi all,
I am trying to package a library in R 1.6.1 (Windoze XP).
I have read the document "Writing R extensions" and think I
have done things correctly (though apparently not). I have
searched the mail archives for help to no avail.
When I try to attach the library using, eg
> library( libname, lib.loc=path.to.library)
I get this message:
Warning message:
NAs introduced by
2004 May 06
Printing ps pictures with transparent b'ground
Hi all
I wish to create a ps file of a picture produced in R.
With my limited R, I see two ways:
1. Print direct to the postscript device
2. Print to the screen, and save to ps using dev.print.
I want a white (not transparent) background. Option
1 above works fine, but 2 does not: even when I say I
want a white background, I get transparent; perhaps I
misread the help files.
Here's some R
2002 Oct 02
Alternative to slow double for() loop
Dear List
Many thanks to those who helped me yesterday regarding possible ways to
increase memory size in R.
I have found the inefficient part of my program to be a double for() loop,
and was wondering if anybody could suggest an alternative to using this
double loop which would speed things up.
The program looks like this:
for (j in 1:m) {
for (i in 1:n) {