similar to: "Not listening for calling name" error - huh?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: ""Not listening for calling name" error - huh?"

1998 Apr 22
SAMBA digest 1662
I thought I would return this email, it shows that the email is at the status of 'distrust'.. please respond or correct situation I use this all the time and don't want to run into any problems because of a breach of security. Thanks Dale -----Original Message----- From:
1998 Sep 14
AW: How to print to CLIENT local printer?
You must create a output filter. Edit /etc/printcap and add your client printer like this: ... PC-PRINTER:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/PP01:\ :mx#0:\ :lp=/dev/null:\ :if=/var/spool/lpd/Filter/PP01:\ :sh: ... Adjust the printcap parameters as needed (spool directory, directory to find the filter script). Make sure the lpd can access the directory. Consult your manual. Now create the filter
2003 Jan 06
users can't set smbpasswd, root can
I just created a new smbpasswd file, all users with unset passwords. Problem is, users can't set their passwords, only I can as root. Password is not set / blank, but they still get: >test> smbpasswd >Old SMB password: <enter> >New SMB password: Samba >Retype new SMB password: Samba >machine rejected the password change: Error was : RAP86: The >specified
1998 Apr 21
Browsing across subnets - network star configuration
Hi all, I am trying to find a setup for browsing across subnets, however the BROWSER.txt document doesn't cover this situation: I have a network in a star configuration with a Linux machine acting as a router in the middle. ---------------- | Linux Router | ----------------
1998 Apr 21
Browsing across subnets - some more problems
Hi all, I am still battling to get browsing across subnets to work. I just need some clarification on some issues. I understand the following things to be the case, please correct me if I am wrong: - Machines on a subnet will periodically announce their existance by broadcasting to everyone their identity - Other machines will hear these broadcasts, and add the machines to their browse lists. -
1998 Jul 24
Print asking for password? Doesn't work.
I've setup samba and can connect to a share with a password, but when I try to print, it prompts for a password... my unix password doesn't work. Any ideas? (BTW- this is running on DEC unix OSF/1 4.0b Here's my smb.conf: >#======================= Global Settings ===================================== >[global] > ># workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name >
2003 Mar 10
how to measure samba performance ?
Hi all.. i'm new to this samba things I was wondering, is there any tools that available, i mean in open source term in purpose to measure the samba performance.. What I mean in performance is a software that can measure I/O operation, file throughput , network traffic and etc..etc.. Actually I want to compare samba and SMB implementation in windows. Is there anyone has done this before
2007 Nov 18
Obtaining x-values from ECDF
Dear Group, I am using the ecdf function as follows: cawa.cdp <- ecdf(cawaocc$LEFF80) summary(cawa.cdp) Empirical CDF: 223 unique values with summary Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.07918 1.35700 1.68600 1.61000 1.91200 2.70000 I can see by the summary that the y-value for the 3rd quartile is 1.912. How can I obtain the x-value for a specified y-value (e.g., 0.8)?
1998 Nov 02
Samba WINS server and lost domain controllers
Hi all, I am using a samba WINS server for my Microsoft network that is split across 5 physical networks. For a long time, everything has worked fine, however recently we have had wierd problems with domain controllers "disappearing". Even with a primary or backup DC on the physical wire, workstations and other NT servers suddenly start complaining "a domain controller for DOMAIN
1998 May 06
Slow Network performance with ArcView and Samba
Hi, We are experiencing a very slow network when loading files from the Samba server (Samba V1.9.18p4 on Digital Unix V4.0B). A file transfer of a 5 MB file from the samba server to a NT Workstation with FTP takes about 10 seconds. The transfer of the same file with using the NT-Explorer takes also about 10 seconds. The load of the same file (it is a tiff file) with a application called
1998 Dec 18
Problem de mangling
Hi all ! I'm new on this mailing list... We have just installed samba v1.9.18p4. But we have problems with mangling of file names. We would like to preserve the case of windows files > 8 char. when copying files to the server. However, we want to keep 8.3 format files in lower case. The question is : how to configure all the
2008 Jan 22
Unable to load Models which reference plugins?
I''m using a plugin which adds a method to ActiveRecord::Base This adds an "acts_as" type declaration to the Models, via the file in vendor/plugins/simile_timeline/lib/simile_timeline.rb Rails is working with these declarations, and they are being used successfully in ''regular
2012 Oct 09
car::linearHypothesis Sum of Sqaures Error?
I am working with a RCB 2x2x3 ANCOVA, and I have noticed a difference in the calculation of sum of squares in a Type III calculation. Anova output is a follows: > Anova(aov(MSOIL~Forest+Burn*Thin*Moisture+ROCK,data=env3l),type=3) Anova Table (Type III tests) Response: MSOIL Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F) (Intercept) 22.3682 1 53.2141 3.499e-07 *** Forest
2005 Jun 23
NIS authentication on samba
Hello all, I am currently using NIS for authentication with clear text passwords. We would like to move to password encryption. Any ideas whether NIS would support encrypted password on samba 3.X ? if not what would be my other options. Sheikji Nazirudeen IT Analyst Syracuse University 315-443-1207
2012 Jul 02
[Announce] Samba 3.5.16 Available for Download
=================================================================== "Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience." Clarence Day ================================================================== Release Announcements ===================== This is the latest stable release of Samba 3.5. Major enhancements in Samba 3.5.16 include: o Fix possible
2012 Jul 02
[Announce] Samba 3.5.16 Available for Download
=================================================================== "Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience." Clarence Day ================================================================== Release Announcements ===================== This is the latest stable release of Samba 3.5. Major enhancements in Samba 3.5.16 include: o Fix possible
2003 Jul 12
ss's are incorrect from aov with multiple factors
Hi, I have been trying to work with error terms given back from aov to make confidence intervals. However, the numbers seem to be incorrect. If there is more than one term in the ANOVA then the error terms can be inflated by the number of factors in the extra terms. The F's are correct so it is right back to the SS. I was wondering if this is standard practice for stats programs or
2005 Mar 14
Question about Tukey HSD (stat package)
Dear all, I would be glad if someone could tell me if Tukey HSD (function of stats library) accept the NA values and could correct the unbalanced design (different number of sample in each group) Thanks for help Alice Le Bars
2001 Dec 21
pure statistical question
Dear all, This is a pure statistical question, not necessarly related to R. I could not find it in literature. Suppose I'm intersted in a parameter rho, say, equal to: r=beta1/beta2, where beta1 and beta2 come from a linear model y=beta0+beta1X1+beta2X2+.... Fitting the model I can get the (biased) estimate of r=b1/b2, where b1 and b2 are the estimates in the regression model; I can get the
2000 Oct 18
reference for round
The help for the round function states: round rounds the values in its first argument to the specified number of decimal places (default 0). Note that for rounding off a 5, the IEEE standard is used, ``go to the even digit''. Therefore round(0.5) is 0 and round(-1.5) is -2. Could someone provide a reference for this standard? Thanks, Anne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anne E.