similar to: Exclude in destination folder.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Exclude in destination folder."

2011 Aug 01
[Gluster 3.2.1] Réplication issues on a two bricks volume
Hello, I have installed GlusterFS one month ago, and replication have many issues : First of all, our infrastructure, 2 storage array of 8Tb in replication mode... We have our backups file on this arrays, so 6Tb of datas. I want replicate datas on the second storrage array, so, i use this command : # gluster volume rebalance REP_SVG migrate-data start And gluster start to replicate, in 2 weeks
2011 Apr 27
Rsync 3 from rpmforge
My brain must be on knots somehow. I try to install rsync 3.x, which I know is in rpmforge repo for my architecture: But yum does not find it, however I try. I have installed yum-priorities. Rpmforge is low priority. But still... yum erase rsync # erase v2.6 from base repo yum --disablerepo=\*
2005 Jun 17
Question concernant le logiciel Samba
Bonjour, En utilisant le logiciel Samba je me suis rendue compte qu'il est possible de supprimer n'importe quel dossier ou fichier, qu'il soit ou non prot?g? contre l'?criture, ce qui pose un ?norme probl?me de s?curit?. Avez-vous connaissance de ce probl?me ? S'agit-t'il d'un simple probl?me de param?trage ? Dans le cas d'un bug, avez-vous une solution ? nous
2010 Nov 16
Pronote 2010
Bonjour, Je suis d?sol? de poser ma question en fran?ais mais mon anglais n'est pas suffisamment correct pour le sujet que je veux aborder. Mon ?tablissement scolaire utilise un serveur de notes PRONOTE et chez moi j'ai install? un client sous Wine. La connexion au serveur se fait sans difficult?, je peux rentrer mes notes et j'ai acc?s ? tous les services propos?s par ce logiciel.
2004 Oct 01
rebelotte samba et les m'en sort pas
Bonjour, je reviens ? l'attaque avec mes probl?mes d'accents sous samba. Depuis la mise ? jour de mes serveurs (mandrake 10 samba 3.0.2a), j'ai des probl?mes avec les fichiers enregistr?s par les utilisateurs. Mon fichier de conf samba ne comporte pas les lignes suivantes : dos charset = cp850 display charset = cp850 unix charset = ISO8859-15 d'ailleurs je suis bien embarrass?
2001 Apr 11
smbpasswd 2.0.7-3 matters
My message is first in english (hope you'll understand it), et en fran?ais pour ceux qui le causent. --- ENGLISH --- Hi everybody, I've got a matter with my Samba server supplied by Debien 2.2r0. testparm returns there's no problem in smb.conf. It's in 'security = DOMAIN' mode. I've got 3 boxes : SERVEUR$, POSTE1$ and POSTE2$, and 6 users, all correctly added to
2001 Apr 11
smbpasswd 2.0.7-3 matters (with smbpasswd & smb.conf...)
My message is first in english (hope you'll understand it), et en fran?ais pour ceux qui le causent. --- ENGLISH --- Hi everybody, I've got a matter with my Samba server supplied by Debien 2.2r0. testparm returns there's no problem in smb.conf. It's in 'security = DOMAIN' mode. I've got 3 boxes : SERVEUR$, POSTE1$ and POSTE2$, and 6 users, all correctly added to
2003 Aug 21
how to make rsync avoid inputting a password?
Hello Now I am developing a project. I want abstract rsync from cygwin and use = it at Windows platform. The problem is when use rsyn -e ssh, it always = requires a password. So I use ssh-agent/ssh-add, but in command line = environment, rsync can't reconize the ssh-agent. It still require a = password once I use rsync. Would you please help me to solve this problem? Zhiwei Qu
2006 Aug 14
finders et sous-classes
Bonjour, c''est ma premi?re question ici car d''habitude il me suffit de parcourir de tels forum pour trouver r?ponse ? mes questions. Donc cette fois, c''est du s?rieux, je n''ai pas r?ussi ? trouver la moindre ?vocation ? mon probl?me. Je vous explique. J''ai une famille de mod?les : class Attachement < ActiveRecord::Base ... end class Illustration
2006 Mar 15
Still getting a generator hang on 2.6.7
I've gotten around to testing the generator hang bug using stunnel under 2.6.7, and I still occasionally get the same problem. It seems to be around 50% of the time. Here's some strace output from the generator and receiver from two runs, one where the generator exits properly, and one where it doesn't. Run 2 hangs indefinately. Run 1 Generator: Process 14581 attached - interrupt
2007 Sep 05
(no subject)
what is generator hang? when did this situation happend? thank you. =20 Best Regards --------------------------------------------- yhhuang =BB=C6=D3=C2=BB=D4 Server Dept. TeleNav Shanghai Inc. Tel:(21)6337 2220 ext 8651 -----=D3=CA=BC=FE=D4=AD=BC=FE----- =B7=A2=BC=FE=C8=CB: =
2010 Feb 05
Updating rsync version installed to new release
Hi, I have rsync 3.0.1 installed on Fedora 9 distribution. I want to update rsync to it's new release which is 3.0.7. I am not exactly sure how to proceed... I saw some source code tar files on rsync home page, but I am not too sure what to do with those. The Linux machine I mention has no internet access. If somebody can provide a set of instructions on how to update rsyn to a newer
2013 Dec 21
How to set different permissions on target
Hi all, Ok, I'm attempting to rsync a large datastore (email), and want to change the ownership of the target directories and files. I saw the --chmod option in man rsync, but didn't see a --chown option... What I'd like to do is something like: rsync -avHP --chown vmail:vmail /mnt/old-mail/ /var/vmail/mail/ So the ownership of all dirs and file on the target are vmail:vmail
2007 Nov 19
Detecting reason for rsync errors
Hello guys! I'm doing a middle scale backup job using ccollect [0], which uses rsyn, with about 50 servers, each about 1-10 GiB changes per day and have some problems, that servers do not finish their backup completly: [host1.backup] Read from remote host host1.backup: Connection reset by peer [host1.backup] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (41306592 bytes received so far) [receiver]
2013 Nov 26
Budete mit erekci, kdy se Vam zachce
Nav?tivte na?e webov? str?nky infotigra a objevte, jak JEDNA jedin? mal? modr? pilulka m??e do?ivotn? zm?nit VA?I sexu?ln? v?konnost! ? V??en? z?kazn?k! V?deck? testy prok?zaly, ?e TIGRA funguje l?pe ne? jak?koli jin? pilulka. Test na 800 mu??ch ve v?ku 21 a? 80 let prok?zal ohromuj?c? v?sledky: ? 1. A? o 71 % siln?j?? touha
2006 Oct 28
Cygwin rsync to RH rsync server
Ok I updated both systems to rsync-2.6.8 and found the info on setting strace on the server. Here are the trace logs, there are two calls the first is just the module list which finishes normally the second is the file list in the test module which fails after the list. By the way I have no idea what any of this means (sorry if I'm not supposed to post traces to the list)
2010 Jul 06
patch syslinux DMI 4.01
Bonjour Erwan Juste pour me remettre, on a gagn? ensemble la petite finale baby foot ? Grenoble chez HP, fin 2009 ;-) J'ai commenc? ? jouer avec le module LUA de syslinux et suis tomb? sur des plantages sur les fonctions DMI M?me probl?me avec le module dmitest, mais pas avec HDT Probl?me plus ou moins aleatoire selon les hardware (bug plus souvent constat? en VMware, mais pas sur mon
2004 Oct 07
Samba - smbfs - problème d'accent
Bonjour, Je r?alise un montage samba entre un serveur linux et un client Windows 2000. Je constate des probl?mes d'accents. Un fichier est cr?? sur windows avec ds accents, linux perd les accents et vice versa. ex1 fichier b?.txt cr?? sous linux, devient bU.txt le U majuscule comportant un accent aigu. ex2 fichiers j?.txt et b?.txt cr??s sous windows deviennent j?.txt et b?.txt. La
2014 Feb 05
100% přírodní složky
V??en? z?kazn?ku, tak jak st?rneme, kles? na?e pohlavn? potence. N?? organizmus produkuje m?n? testosteronu, co? je v?znamn? hormon mu??, a proto je i na?e touha men?? a v?kon slab??. Pro mnoho mu?? to znamen? v??n? pohlavn? probl?my - slab? nebo neexistuj?c? stopo?en?, ztr?ta mu?nosti nebo schopnosti uspokojen?. Jsou to trapn?, poni?uj?c? v?ci. Samoz?ejm? na to existuj? l?ky na l?ka?sk? p?edpis,
2008 Jun 25
Aide à la traduction
Bonjour, J'ai un probl?me pour traduire "upstream provider" qui appara?t ? de multiples reprises. Je comprend bien ce que cela veut dire, mais je ne voit pas comment le traduire. Merci d'avance.