similar to: Only rsyncing small files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Only rsyncing small files"

2006 Aug 06
Escape character for --exclude?
Hi-- Ok. I?ve now run into the next thing I can?t find in man, and this time, I googled as well: --exclude /afs/\* I thought you could just say: --exclude /afs/* or even --exclude /afs/ To exclude the entire afs directory. Can you explain what the purpose of the \ and * are here? Thanks again :) All My Best, Jeffrey on 8/6/06 5:00 AM, at
2005 Aug 05
Problem preserving user/group names on AIX, rsync 2.6.2
I am having a bit of a problem with rsync 2.6.2 on AIX and I was wondering if this might just be the expected behavior. When using the -o and -g flags, the user and group names are NOT preserved on the receiving side, however, the UIDs/GIDs are preserved. I checked the OLDNEWS file and bugzilla, but could not find any reference to a problem like this. Vitals: -rsync 2.6.2 with security patch
2005 Jul 03
Stop recursive transfer
Hi! I'm using rsync to do hourly backups ov a number of server. To let the users on the servers selectively drop parts of their filesystem for backups, I'm using a method utilizing a "Stop-file" In a dir that is not going to be backed-up the user pase a file named ".no-more-backups". Before running rsync I do a find / -name ".no-more-backups" to get a list
2005 Aug 29
how to mirror only selected directories?
Hi, I've tried various combinations of --exclude and --include, but I can't quite get it. What I'd like to do is only mirror certain directories in a tree. For example, say a directory tree starting at /x contained under it several directories named "abc". I want to mirror only the "abc" directories and what's under them and nothing else. /x/abcdef/456
2006 Aug 23
creating secrets file
I am looking for documentation on creating the secrets file. man -k rsync on my system doesn't have any reference to how to create a secrets file. Also, didn't seem to have documentation either. Any pointers? -- -- David Bear College of Public Programs at Arizona State University
2006 Apr 25
cwRsync : send all output to a file
Hello I have been using cwRsync on some Windows boxes, backing up to a Linux server. I have found some issues which files being open and not being copied etc, so I decided that I would log the output from the rsync command on the Windows clients so that I can look at them. On the Windows boxes, I put the rsync command in a batch file and run that automatically each evening. However, if I simply
2006 Jul 16
Connection refuse to rsync
Hi, We use rsync to share data between two remote sites. We are using rsync after configuration of the rsync.conf file. I created a module in the file with the relevant entries and permissions. The problem is that I get "connection refused ", when I try to run rsync in the following way: root@rsync1-mpg:/root# rsync rsync: failed to connect to
2003 Feb 12
Samba 3.0 AD usage problems
Dear all, I downloaded samba3.0-alpha21 and followed each step in "ADS-HOWTO.txt". But mapping a network directory from a Windows client failed (step 4: Test your server setup). (Succeeded in other steps.... Including step 5) Only local users in the samba server can access the share folder. (Please refer to the smb.conf listed below...) And "#kadmin -p administrator" fails
2005 Oct 21
Commercial license?
Hi there Is there a commercial license for using Rsync or the Rsync algorithm within a commercial product? I appreciate that Rsync as it stands is GNU and therefore it cannot be used in this way, but I thought that I would ask the list. I understand that it is open source, but we have an application that would benefit from something like Rsync and therefore thought we would ask the question. If
2010 Dec 22
problems with abline in a time line scatterplot
Hello R-Users i'm stuck with the following problem: i want to add a trend line to a scatterplot. the x axis is a time line. well it doesnt work, it seems that the function abline is not able to handle the fact, that i used the column Date as a factor. this is the script: data<-read.table('DO_hapa_all_morning.txt',header=T, attach(data) names(data)
2005 Nov 27
trying to understand --include and --exclude
I was under the impression that --include and --exclude worked by matching patterns in the order given, and whichever matched first, whether that was an include or exclude determined the action for that file. I have a big directory from which I am attempting to transfer selected files. I want all files where the first level directory is anything, the second level directory is "2005"
2006 Aug 31
file-attr-restore and dollar signs
Hi All, I've been using the great file-attr-restore script with rsync to get around problems with uid's on a portable hard drive... It's the perfect solution for me. (for those that haven't seen it,you can get it here: ) Anyway, I found a small bug in the script. file-attr-restore fails for file names with dollar
2005 Oct 30
rsync when working on both sides...
Hi rsync devs and users, I want to use rsync to synchronize home directories on two PCs. It works fine if I start rsync after working on a host each time I leave. But instead of operating modes "host1 -> host2" and "host2 -> host1" I would like to have a mode "host1 <-> host2" to allow synchronizing at any time -> Scenario: - on host1 files A,B have
2007 Jul 16
Local disk to disk Rsync taking an hour longer than disk to remote
Back in June I posted about the trouble I've been having backing up some local directories and I'm no further ahead than back then. Link for that discussion: In summary: I'm copying nearly a million small files from the main disk in a server to another disk in the same machine. Still on this server, but at a different time,
2007 Apr 17
HTTP encapsulated rsync??
Hi folks, I am hoping someone here can offer some suggestions. Here is my situation: I am using rsync over the internet for several hundred clients to keep them in sync with a master repository of files. The rsync daemon is listening on port 80, because most of the clients are behind firewalls that only allow outbound port 80 (and other common ports). This works fine for most of them
2003 Jan 15
umask for rsync
I have another small feature suggestion, it should not cause such a stir as the whole "file list" issue (I kind of wish I never said anything about it :) ). What about adding a "UMASK" setting to rsync (for use on the command line and/or perhaps rsyncd.conf)? I realize that it may be a problem/conflict with -p, but I think it could be a useful feature. -- Aaron W Morris
2003 Jan 04
filelist calculation algoritm
HI all, efficiency question for VERY low bandwith networks Suppose I know the list of files that are changed What is the most efficient way to make rsync sync this list. Currently I use --include-from --exclude to generate a 'filelist' but I suspect that client and/or server exchange the list of files in the module to be synced. this traffic can be avoided since the include-from
2006 Jan 25
Reporting support for Rails app
hello all, i am very much excited about rails and would be delighted to work on it. However, before i can use it for commercial development, i need to know that it has requeired support for some issues, for example, is it fully support excel and pdf reporting, if so, can i relay on it. In j2ee we use display tag library for showing list. Does rails have anything like that? Does it have any library
2009 May 19
Virtual users, local delivery via LDA and LDAP troubles
We're investigating the possibiliy to migrate our mail system from Sendmail+Cyrus to Sendmail+Dovecot. The system must use authentication against Windows AD (supposedly using LDAP) and must use virtual hosting. So far we managed to work around a bug reported in [1], and IMAP/POP3 authentication on LDAP works OK. LDAP auth is set up using binds (Cyrus and Ejabberd authenticate against the
2007 May 04
need help
hi there, i have a rsync server running in deamon mode, with a 1000 plus clients connecting to it to retrieve files. the problem is that when the clients connects the server has many rsync processes running on it, each of which is around 3.8mb each. Basically the server is running out of memory and grinding to a halt. is there anyway of controlling this or is adding more memory the only option?