On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 02:03:17PM +0200, Henning Wangerin
wrote:> Would it be possible/an idea to include a "stop-file"-argument in
> to let rsync do it all?
You can use rsync's .rsync-filter files to instruct rsync on localized
filter rules. So, instead of using a stop-file name, the user would
create a file named .rsync-filter in the directory they don't want to
have backed up, and put this line in it:
- *
That would tell rsync to not backup anything from inside that directory
hierarchy. The user could even fine-tune the rules to eliminate just
some of the files via other rules (e.g. "- *.gz").
Finally, the invocation of rsync would need to use the -F option to tell
rsync to pay attention to the .rsync-filter files. If you don't like
the filename, you can choose your own by switching from the -F option to
your own --filter option:
--filter='dir-merge /.any-name-you-like'
You should be running rsync 2.6.4 or (preferably) 2.6.5 for the --filter
option to be supported.