similar to: rsync + ssh -o -p -g -l

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "rsync + ssh -o -p -g -l"

2005 Mar 03
Fwd: Re: rsync + ssh -o -p -g -l
Nota: Se adjunt? el mensaje reenviado. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Informaci?n de Estados Unidos y Am?rica Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias. Vis?tanos en -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: michael mendoza <> Subject: Re: rsync + ssh -o -p -g -l Date:
2005 Feb 19
Asterisk with Multitech H323 Gateway MVP400
Hi List, I have a Multitech H323 Gateway MVP400 box with 1 phone on port FXO 1. I have Asterisk ruuning in Fedora Core 3. Both are in the same network. But I can't figure what I have to do in Asterisk to make that box work. What files I have to configure? Can anyone help me? I will really appreaciate youu help. Luis. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!?
2005 Feb 26
Packages on demmand
Hi all, I have four servers (one with redhat 7.3, two with CentOS 3.4 and one with CentOS 4 for testing). I would like to do a partial package mirror with os, updates, contrib branches and so on. Anybody knows if exists any tool for redhat based distros, like apt-proxy in debian world ( that donwloads packages on demmand), that supports this feature?? I see yam tool from dag repository, but it
2005 May 12
Xen under CentOS 4
hi all, Where i can found docs about install Xen under CentOS 4 ?? (I only find docs for Fedora). Do I need a precompiled kernel or can I use binary kernel that comes with xen binaries??? And the last question, can I a fresh install solaris 10 under xen?? Thank you very much for your help. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Informaci?n de Estados Unidos y
2004 May 20
budgetone problem on hangup
Hello to all. I have a couple of budgetones connected to Asterisk server. I can establish calls using budgetone with no problem, but when I hang up a Budgetone, Asterisk does not detect the hangup. It seems that the communication goes on in spite of budgetone's hangup. My sip.conf: [general] disallow=all allow=ulaw bindaddr= [sip1] callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 type=friend
2005 May 24
Release date for 3.5
Hi all, Somebody knows when centos 3.5 will be released?? Thank you very much. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Informaci?n de Estados Unidos y Am?rica Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias. Vis?tanos en
2005 Mar 04
Error compiling madwifi for CentOS-4
Hi all, I am trying to compile madwifi for CentOS-4 without success. Error is: Checking if all requirements are met... ok. mkdir -p ./symbols for i in ./ath_hal ath_rate/onoe ./net80211 ./ath; do \ (cd $i; make) || exit 1; \ done make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal'' make -C /lib/modules/2.6.9-5.0.3.ELsmp/build SUBDIRS=/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal
2004 Apr 23
call transfer with consultation
Hello. I am a spanish student, so excuse my English. I have this HW: - 2 X100P PCI with two analog lines plugged in. These lines are two extensions of a panasonic PBX. Zap/1 = X100P <-- analog line --> extension #237 PBX Panasonic Zap/2 = X100P <-- analog line --> extension #245 PBX Panasonic - 1 TDM20B with two analog telephones plugged in. Zap/3 = TDM20B
2002 Feb 14
How to read a long string of characters as a vector
Dear R users, I would really appreciate some help, I have a plain text file which contains info like NANATGGGGGGGCCCAGCTTGAATTCCCNTCCCCNTTCCCATCCAGGCC I would like to read it as a vector, for example, (N,A,N,A,T,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,C,C,C,........) I've tried commands such as read.table and scan but I don't get what I want. Thank you in advanced. Sandra
2004 May 25
sip phone problem
Hi all. I have 2 ip phones (Grandstream Budgetone): -budgetone1 -budgetone2 All two are connected to an Asterisk server. When I make a call from budgetone1 to budgetone2, I can speak with budgetone2 whith no problem. But when budgetone2 hangs up, budgetone1 does not play any tone (like busy tone). Budgetone1 seems to be still in conversation, but what conversation! Has anyone had a problem
2003 Dec 09
Difficulties trying to control VOIP traffic with TC - HTB
Hi all: I hope someone can help me with this "little" problem... I''m using a linux script to sub-divide my bandwidth (64kbit) into: 40kbit for VOIP, and the remaining 24kbit for http. So, the commands I''m using are: ============================================ #!/bin/bash # This script shapes "downloading" stuff # Initial qdisc tc qdisc add dev eth1
2011 Mar 16
Recursos sobre R en la red, Twitter, etc.
Hola, ¿qué tal? Hace unos meses anuncié en esta lista que había creado un agregador de noticias de R. Este agregador rastrea una serie de blogs, filtra aquellas entradas referentes a R, las agrega y: 1) Crea un RSS, que puede consultarse aquí: 2) Publica las entradas nuevas en Twitter bajo el usuario @noticiasSobreR. Están todas etiquetadas como
2004 Apr 16
plug-in for cep 2.1
I´d like to know if there is a plug-in for cep where i can see *.ogg files since I know it is way better than mp3 or similars. Thank you! _________________________________________________________________ Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger: <strong>attached mail follows:</strong><hr noshade> <HEAD><META
2014 Jan 20
propuesta hackaton con Open Knowledge FoundatioN Spain (OKFN)
En realidad ya nos conocemos, al menos de vista, yo he ido a 2-3 quedadas del grupo local en Madrid. Y con Carlos Gil he coincidido en el Medialab y las jornadas de periodismo de la UCM, en el que presentaba mi proyecto (más que nada por si alguno me podéis poner cara) Ok, yo creo que la reunión del 29 por la tarde es muy buen momento para hablar de algo
2005 Mar 30
Dear friends: I was analizing the HTB script at "The ultimate traffic conditioner", at the Cookbook, at Lartc. I have a very basic question: First, it is defined the root htb qdisc, as expected; then, it is defined the main (parent) htb class, with the total uplink as rate, also as expected; then, they are defined 2 child clases: first of them has also the total uplink as rate (!)
2014 Jan 20
propuesta hackaton con Open Knowledge FoundatioN Spain (OKFN)
Hola Miguel, Sí, no sé por qué pero en tu primer correo no te busqué en la red, pero lo acabo de hacer y claro que te conozco. Entonces el miércoles de la semana que viene lo hablamos en la reunión. Como hay otro tema del que también se quería hablar (el curso StatLearning) lo voy a poner en la agenda y así nos acordamos de todo. Gracias, Carlos Ortega El 20 de
2004 Jun 16
Fedora2 and Kernel 2.6 again!
Setting up a new system using Fedora Core 2.. Tried following the instruction below (from the mailing list archives) that worked before.. cp configs/config-for-my-kernel .config make oldconfig make include/asm make include/linux/version.h make SUBDIRS=scripts .. but now the FC2 kernel has been upgraded to 2.6.6 and these instructions no longer seem to work which means I can't get Zaptel
2002 Aug 08
I can't compile wine
I there, I tried to compile winex 20020806 but I have this thing after making depend: make[2]:***[] segment foult make[1]:***[wrc/__depend__] Error 2 make:***[tools/__depend__] Error 2 and then stop all. I don't really know what to do, help will be appreciated. I am using Mandrake linux 8.2 with gcc 3.0.4 The wine who came with the CD works. But I need the newer. J.C.
2014 Jan 17
propuesta hackaton con Open Knowledge FoundatioN Spain (OKFN)
Hola, Como miembro activo de la OKFN, y asistente en lo posible a las quedadas de R, canalizo la propuesta de organizar un hackaton en colaboración entre estos dos grupos/asociaciones. La OKFN en una frase: "OKFN Spain es el grupo local de la OKFN, organización sin animo de lucro internacional para la promoción del conocimiento abierto." Para más info: - -
2009 Aug 10
(sin asunto)
Tengo un problema que me dice: La libreria MASS de R contiene el fichero birthwt.Trabajando sobre estos datos: 1.-Recodifica las variables tal y como aparece en la ayuda sobre este fichero en R. 2.-Analiza e interpreta la posible asociacion estadistica entre las variables low y smoke. ¿Alguien me podria explicar como hacerlo? Ademas, si alguien puede, no entiendo la validacion cruzada, ni la