Hello to all. I have a couple of budgetones connected to Asterisk server. I can establish calls using budgetone with no problem, but when I hang up a Budgetone, Asterisk does not detect the hangup. It seems that the communication goes on in spite of budgetone's hangup. My sip.conf: [general] disallow=all allow=ulaw bindaddr= [sip1] callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 type=friend secret=sip1 auth=md5 host=dynamic reinvite=no canreinvite=no callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 dtmfmode=rfc2833 callerid="sip1" <101> context=telefonos [sip2] callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 type=friend secret=sip2 auth=md5 host=dynamic reinvite=no canreinvite=no callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 language=es dtmfmode=rfc2833 callerid="sip2" <102> context=telefonos extensions.conf: [globals] EXTEN106=Sip/sip1 EXTEN107=Sip/sip2 [telefonos] exten => _1XX,1,NoOp(${CALLERID}) exten => _1XX,2,Dial(${EXTEN${EXTEN}},,tT) exten => _1XX,3,Hangup exten => _1XX,103,VoiceMail2(u101) _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Informaci?n de Estados Unidos y Am?rica Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias. Vis?tanos en http://noticias.espanol.yahoo.com