similar to: Rsync && ssh && passwordless

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Rsync && ssh && passwordless"

2004 Oct 11
Odd error
I have Ssh setup for passwordless execution of the rsync command via sudo. (command="sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync...") which for the most part works fine. However, somewhere along the line things aren't running as the right uid/gid. I get Oct 11 13:15:40 node15 sudo: back-op : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/home/back-op ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/rsync --server --daemon . Oct 11
2004 Aug 04
File-system Troubles
I'm running Samba 3.0.5 on FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p8 and I'm having some oddities with an smb share. Observe: /:mount_smbfs //user_name@NODE15/ftp /mnt Password: /:cd mnt/incoming/ /mnt/incoming:ls -l /mnt/incoming:touch test ***** Notice output of next command ***** /mnt/incoming:ls -l /mnt/incoming:ls -l test -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 0 Aug 4 17:13 test /mnt/incoming:cd / /:umount
2014 Jul 23
samba4 passwordless ssh
hi all i have samba4 ad setup and working, i am currently trying to set up passwordless ssh on my client servers, i have read this page i have a properly configured krb5.conf file, i have a keytab from the samba dc and i can kinit and obtain a valid ticket. the only thing i have not done is to join my client which is a
2011 Mar 28
After successfull passwordless ssh login, unable to do rsync
Hello everybody. I got a strange problem, which I hope to solve with your help. I'm doing "remote backups" using rsync in an ssh tunnel. In the last setup I realized, something is driving me crazy and I can't find *what* the problem is. I managed to successfully login via ssh in a "passwordless" way (by means of RSA-keys). After this step is done and I'm logged
2005 May 07
passwordless ssh
Hi, I am just migrating to Centos from fedora core 3. I have 3 boxes involved here: Box A --Fedora 3 (doing the dns, http, sendmail serving duties) Box B --CentOS Box C --CentOS I used to run root passwordless ssh both ways from boxes A and B mainly set up to keep the 2 boxes in sync w/rsync ... these 2 boxes normally ran one being the slave and the other being the master...the master did all
2002 Nov 05
Security Question: passwordless machine accounts
Hi folks, Finally got Samba up and running after many oplock issues and I'm very pleased. One "detail" left that bothers me. I'm running FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE on our PDC and every night I'm (root) is emailed a security report. Among the items reported is: Checking for passwordless accounts: . . CLIENT01$::1134:1134::0:0:Machine CLIENT01:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin . Should I
2002 Nov 18
Rsync and ssh with passwordless authentifikation
Is it possible to konfigure a passwordless authentifikation in kombination with ssh. for example: to a specific folder on a server named server1 has only user1 access. the user1 only exists on server1. server2 wants to replicate a foler from server1 to himself. the rsync process uses the rsync_user, which exists on both machines. the rsync process asks every time the job runs for the password
2024 Feb 29
LDAP Account Manager 8.7.RC1 with PHP 8.3 compatibility and passwordless SSO login for self service
Announcement: The self service can be configured for passwordless SSO with Okta/OpenID. PHP 8.3 is supported and a new cron job can deactivate inactive accounts based on lastBind overlay data. This is a test version. Please report any issues till 2024-03-12. Full changelog: Download:
2024 Mar 16
LDAP Account Manager 8.7 with PHP 8.3 compatibility and passwordless SSO login for self service
Announcement: The self service can be configured for passwordless SSO with Okta/OpenID. PHP 8.3 is supported and a new cron job can deactivate inactive accounts based on lastBind overlay data. There is also a security fix included. Full changelog: Download: Features: * management
2018 Jul 24
[Bug 2886] New: ssh-copy-id appears to hang indefinitely when ssh multiplexing is enabled, and it permits passwordless login Bug ID: 2886 Summary: ssh-copy-id appears to hang indefinitely when ssh multiplexing is enabled, and it permits passwordless login Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 6.6p1 Hardware: amd64 OS: Linux Status: NEW
2006 Aug 24
Passwordless SSH messes with escaped spaces
Hi, I'm trying to use rsync through ssh to pull files from PCs that need to be backup up. I set up the passwordless authentication and things work fine there. However there's a problem when I try to seal off the SSH access to restrict it to limited rsync only using the "command=" in authorized_keys. That by itself works, however not in combination with spaces in the file names.
2013 Dec 03
[LLVMdev] LLVM toolchain for Visual Studio
Looks like the PlatformToolsets are cached in the .suo file. If you move it out of the way or delete it, VS will re-scan for toolsets. I'm not sure what other user state is stored there, though. That's annoying. =/ On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 6:37 AM, Kelly Sommers <kell.sommers at>wrote: > Thanks for the reply Reid! I took a look at that script and found that the >
2002 Dec 26
smbclient thinks passwordless account is anonymous
I want to use a passwordless account on my windows box to connect to from my linux box. When I do a smbclient "" -L host -U name, smbclient always prints "Anonymous login successful" even though I supplied a username. If I supply a password on the command line instead, then I don't get the Anonymous login message. Neither way works since the account actually
2010 Feb 02
Passwordless ssh
On Mac OS, in order to allow ssh using dsa keys, I would copy ~/.ssh/ from my machine into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the target machine. I've created .ssh directories in my account home as well as in /root and copied the respective keys to authorized_keys files in each. Strangely, I can now ssh as root with no password but my own user account still prompts for a password. What
2013 Dec 03
[LLVMdev] LLVM toolchain for Visual Studio
Thanks for the reply Reid! I took a look at that script and found that the files were properly copied so I poked around some more. I found that if I started a new win32 console application, LLVM shows up in the toolchain drop down! But if I open another project file from an existing project to see if it compiles in LLVM the dropdown options are missing! Do you know what might be deciding when
2013 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] LLVM toolchain for Visual Studio
pls read the page of : To use the LLVM toolchain from Visual Studio, select a project in Solution Explorer, open its Property Page (Alt+F7 by default), and in the "General" section of "Configuration Properties" change "Platform Toolset" to "LLVM-vs2010" or "LLVM-vs2012". Alternatively, invoke MSBuild with
2013 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] LLVM toolchain for Visual Studio
Getting the platform toolsets installed in the right place is a dirty job handled by this script: Do you have a PlatformToolsets directory somewhere under ProgFiles/MSBuild? If so, where is it? We can add it to the path search. If anyone has better ideas on how to find this magical directory, suggestions are
2002 Dec 26
questions from a newbie
I have several newbie questions - any help much appreciated: 1. I run a combination Windows 98 and XP home network - have been looking at Linux on two boxes at home - one desktop - one laptop - RH 7.3 2 I can get samba to run okay and in each of the two Win98SE machines can see them as localhost 3. I cannot access any resources on the Linux machines - Win98 asks for a password - \\localhost\IPC$
2018 Apr 17
Corrupted dbox file around offset= EOF reading msg header
Hello Dovecoters, I am using dovecot-2.2.10-8.el7.x86_64 on RHEL 7.4 When I backup mdboxes (using SIS) using this command doveadm -Dv -o plugin/quota= sync -1f -u user1 at mdbox:/mailbackup/user1 mails get backedup but all m files are not copied. Last file copied is m.4 If I run the command again I get below error I tried with doveadm backup command as well (many times).
2013 Apr 26
passwordless ssh
What is the best and easy''t way to let all nodes ssh passwordless to each other ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to