similar to: ssh+rsync to Windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "ssh+rsync to Windows"

2006 May 09
Post-Win2k3 Upgrade rsync+ssh Permissions Problem
Hi all. OK, so I have a mostly Solaris infrastructure with a group of Windows 2000 server boxes. I installed Cygwin rsync/ssh on them and have been using it to keep Web images up to date by pushing them from a central server thus: /usr/local/bin/rsync -e ssh -vrtz --delete --rsync-path=c:/cygwin/bin/rsync.exe /webnfs/webfiles/images/ winserver:d:/webfiles/images This sync runs as the UNIX user
2009 Jan 10
how to connect to rsyncd via forwarded ssh port?
I've running a rsyncd and ssh port forwarding (-R 12345:localhost:873 backup@server) on a client because the client should not reachable but over ssh. The rsyncd should acessible because I can backup and restore files with backuppc (a wonderfull program which use perl::rsync) And I can "ssh -p 12345 backup@localhost" to this client too. If I try to connect (from the machine/user
2007 May 04
Greetings Flac-landers, I have a brand new puter with xp pro 2002 sp2. I downloaded flac-1.1.4b and installed, but when I ran the installed software, it told me that it was unable to run as I do not have mscomctl.ocx on my system. I searched my puter and indeed it is not on it anywhere. I looked all over the site for the prerequisites needed to install, but did not find them. Can someone
2010 Sep 25
"writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4092 bytes to socket"
I'm attempting to maintain a mirror of a remote database, ~ 66Gb on a FreeBSD platform. I do not have direct access to the database except by rsync, anon. ftp etc. I'm running rsync nightly from crontab, with the cmd /usr/local/bin/rsync -avvv --port=33444 . >> rsynclog generated the following in the cron report First error [1] rsync error: received SIGINT,
2001 Mar 27
smbtar not working
I install Samba 2.0.7 on my HP 715-80 running HPUX 10.20. The HP server and two PC's are connected on a local LAN. I can map network, move files, etc. However, when I try to use smbtar I get an error. The unix server is hobbs, the two PC's are calvin and marmaduke. The C: drive on calvin is named drive_c and set for share r/w. I can use tar from the cmd line on the unix 'puter to
2004 Nov 08
Dear List, My 'puter runs SuSE Linux version 8.0 I have just compiled and installed, using ./tools/wineinstall Wine-20041019 The compile and install appeared to go smoothly without error messages, and was installed using 'su' to root. But, a segmentation faults prevents me from starting Wine :-( Please, is there a remedy to fix this ? Thank you, Richard ___________
2011 Apr 16
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer and - writefd_unbuffered failed
Hello, i386 Platform; FreeBSD v. 7.2 O/S I am experiencing repeated rsync failures, rsyncing from a remote site to which I have no access. >From the client side I can run truss to collect system calls truss -faedD -o truss.out -s 64 /usr/local/bin/rsync -avvv --contimeout=1200 --port=33444 . >> rsynclog & >From truss.out => 44755: 4492.350089813
2003 Sep 30
problem with batch mode:
Hi! I try to use batch mode to send only the difference between two packed CDs by email over a slow line. I create the diff with: rsync -avvv --write-batch=rs where alfred:/Auslieferung/CD # l -n -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 453248121 Sep 2 16:22 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 407416499 Sep 29 13:39 resulting
2006 Jul 11
Windows 'Administrator rights'
would you know why my puter states that i do not have administrator rights or administrator privleges to change or delete any programs, etc. thank you . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2015 Mar 05
Possible Error in rsync 3.0.9
Hi I was using rsync with the following options rsync -aPH --exclude-from=/var/tmp/ignorelist /home/me/ /run/media/me/ADATA\ #2/rsync-me/ and I was creating a copy of a home directory on my Linux machine. It went along for sometime (some 30,000 files) when it stopped with the following message. ---> Desktop/OSme/Web-Site-Backups/backup-5.4.2014_15-11-43_linux014.tar.gz 4288446464 78%
2003 Oct 01
AW: problem with batch mode:
OK. I got the rsync CVS code and compiled under Linux. That did the job, but only with --no-whole-file because of the local transfer. I then tried to read-batch... under Windows / Cygwin with the current Cygwin rsync. That didn't work - as expected. After compiling again under cygwin it worked! I can now create a diff from a new CD to the version before and send the diff files by email. On
2004 Sep 28
infinite loop in rsync daemon on Mac OSX
Hello, I've got rsync --daemon running on an OSX machine, and I have it exporting the entire hard disk as [rootpath]. On my Linux machine, I run this: rsync -avvv --delete --exclude /Volumes macbox::rootpath /mnt/bkup/macbox I redirect the output from that command to a file (nohup.out), and then tail the file, and I see that it never gets beyond the recv_file_name() stage. In about 4
2012 Oct 12
Problem rsyncing 450GB file to my NAS: 'connection unexpectedly closed'
Hi list! I'm trying to use rsync to do a regular remote backup of a 450GB sized container file located on my squeeze server onto a colocated QNap NAS device. Both use rsync 3.0.7. While this setup works for most files, it fails on this large file (see log below). I'm already trying to help rsync using "-P" to indicate that rsync should reuse the current copy and not trying
2004 Jul 28
only 1.3 of 12 GB will transfer from OSX to Linux
Hello, I'm having trouble transferring files from an rsync server on Mac OSX to a Linux machine. I'm doing everything as root on both ends to make sure it's not a permissions issue, but still can't get all the files to transfer. I have the rsync server running on OSX as root, like this: server:/Users root# cat /etc/rsyncd.conf [user_docs] path = /Users read only = true
2006 Jul 25
trusted domains and disconnected domains
Hi, I'm running samba-3.0.22, linux-kernel-2.6.16 and I'm having troubles with trusted domains. How can I find the suitable DC for each domain? Could be a resolution issue? Bellow my smb.conf and some tests. [global] workgroup = DOM1 netbios name = localhost server string = LOCALHOST Server security = ads realm = MYDOMAINCONTROLLERREALM
2011 May 20
MS Paint with wine?
Hi all, I'm relatively new to Ubuntu and I will most likely install WINE on my next desktop for gaming. However my present puter is an Acer netbook and I would like to run MS Paint on it. I know you will tell me there are a lot of other Ubuntu apps that can do the job but I want MS Paint and it would be nice if I didn't have to log in and out of OS's just to access MS Paint from time
2004 Jun 24
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 32768 bytes: phase "unknown": Broken pipe
Hi, on HPUX 11i with ANSI/C compiler with largefile option. below rsync is on local file system. # rsync -av /prod1/* /prod1n/ building file list ... done DW/ DW/DATA/ DW/DATA/DWCOF02.DAT rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 32768 bytes: phase "unknown": Broken pipe rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(836) rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 69
2002 Aug 31
Crash with Cygwin version
Anyone else have this problem? ??? **** If I rsync a directory from a cygwin PC (invoked on the PC) to a unix server through ssh, the first time all works fine, then if I do it again and there are no copys it crashes on the PC. If I touch one file on the PC so it copys at least one file then all is OK. I have the latest cygwin installed with freshly installed win2000 build 5.00.2195, and
2005 May 09
Rsync: select: Bad file number
Hello list! I want to try to sync files from one SUN box to another. Both running rsync version 2.5.5 protocol version 26 whenever I try to run the command: [root@server1:/qdmsfs]# rsync -avvv -e ssh /qdmsfs/test/ server2:/ qdmsfs/test I receive the messages: opening connection using ssh server2t rsync --server -vvvlogDtpr . / qdmsfs/test sh: select: Bad file number rsync: connection
2003 Feb 28
Newbie Question
Hi, This is a very simple question I realise, but I hope maybe someone can just help me out. I am trying to do a very simple thing, just transfer a file from machine A to machine B using rsync with ssh. This is what i'm typing: bash-2.03# rsync -avvv --rsh="ssh -l tdf" demofile.html This is what I get: opening connection