similar to: Rsync over SSH v2 with strong authentication but not encrypted to get the highest speed on Rsync?

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2003 Jan 16
Rsync over SSH v2 with strong authentication but not encrypte d to get the highest speed on Rsync?
No it is one Sun solaris 8 box trying to back up several aix boxes.But apparantly it is not possible to disable the encryption so I was hoping that I could use another -e like ftp or something like that thru rsync. But I cannot seem to get to work. Regards Boris -----Original Message----- From: Jim Kleckner [] Sent: 15. januar 2003 19:47 To: Boris Gegenheimer Cc:
2003 Aug 07
problems with ipfilter on 5.1-RELEASE
hi all i'm trying to get ipfilter set up on my new 5.1-RELEASE box. ipfilter seems to be working fine. i just have a couple of issues that are probably not very serious... one thing is that during network startup at boot, i get the message IPFilter: already initialized repeated 4 times. i think i have everything configured properly my kernel config looks like options IPFILTER options
2003 May 31
Packet flow through IPFW+IPF+IPNAT ?
Hi. On my FreeBSD 4.8 configured IPFW2+IPF+IPNAT and I use them all: - IPFW - traffic accounting, shaping, balancing and filtering; - IPFilter - policy routing; - IPNAT - masquerading. I want to know, how IP-packets flow through all of this components? What's the path? incoming: IPFW Layer2 -> IPFW&Dummynet -> IPNAT -> IPFilter ? outgoing: IPFW Layer2 ->
2003 Jun 07
Impossible to IPfilter this?
Hi! I'm trying to increase security on my FreeBSD 4.8 firewall/DSL router/VPN router. My problem is with firewalling the VPN part. I'm using a tunnel to a RedHat 7.1 box running FreeS/WAN. This tunnel allows traffic from my internal net ( to that box only: spdadd $REDHAT/32 any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/$MYADDR-$REDHAT/unique; spdadd $REDHAT/32
2003 Apr 11
Ipf headers not installed per default ?
Just rebuilt and installed/world kernel: FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Fri Apr 11 14:34:37 EDT 2003 Using the latest Makefile for squid25: # fgrep \$FreeBSD /usr/ports/www/squid/Makefile # $FreeBSD: ports/www/squid/Makefile,v 1.100 2003/04/09 08:31:30 adrian Exp $ Modified with: # fgrep CONFIGURE_ARGS Makefile |fgrep -v \# CONFIGURE_ARGS= --bindir=${PREFIX}/sbin --sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/etc/squid \
2003 Jan 15
umask for rsync
I have another small feature suggestion, it should not cause such a stir as the whole "file list" issue (I kind of wish I never said anything about it :) ). What about adding a "UMASK" setting to rsync (for use on the command line and/or perhaps rsyncd.conf)? I realize that it may be a problem/conflict with -p, but I think it could be a useful feature. -- Aaron W Morris
2003 Jun 13
Gigabit Ethernet Security With Ipfilter
Hello all, I want to learn about requirements if I want to protect gigabit network with ipfilter as transparent firewall. Which type of hardware is required to install FreeBSD + ipf (as transparancy ) . We use 3 gigabit ethernet to protection which type of gigabit ethernet carts are powerfull. Also, what about the NMBCLUSTERS , IPSTATE_SIZE and IPSTATE_MAX in ip_state.h. I want to collect all
2003 Jan 05
restricting rsync over ssh on the server side.
I was wondering if it's possible to restrict rsync in various ways on the server side when it is invoked via ssh. Two restrictions I had in mind are disallowing deletes and/or restricting all actions to a particular subdirectory. I was hoping to be able to do this without having to be root (for a chroot) or having to set up special sshd server instances/chroots. If there's not already a
2003 Jan 04
filelist calculation algoritm
HI all, efficiency question for VERY low bandwith networks Suppose I know the list of files that are changed What is the most efficient way to make rsync sync this list. Currently I use --include-from --exclude to generate a 'filelist' but I suspect that client and/or server exchange the list of files in the module to be synced. this traffic can be avoided since the include-from
2003 Apr 18
4.8 buildworld compilation problem: kdump
Hi, I have a 4.7-RELEASE system. I used the following cvsupfile to update my system: *default *default base=/usr *default prefix=/usr *default release=cvs *default tag=RELENG_4_8 *default delete use-rel-suffix src-all *default tag=. I then proceeded to do: cd /usr/src make buildworld I got a bunch of errors which occurred when building kdump:
2004 Aug 10
Error With Kernel Module IPFILTER
I've found out from two different kernel configs that after properly compling kernel with IPFILTER support it causes the system not to boot. Its hard to say, what exactly it does, cause its not a local system. _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to
2003 Jan 23
Error message
Hello when i get this message what is wrong: /PTS.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20030123062324.001: Value too large to be stored in data type Regards Boris -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2009 Apr 17
Crossbow virtual router and firewall
I want to run a non-global zone as a virtual router and run ipnat inside the non-global zone, however, when I try to enable routing it can''t find route:default or network/ipfilter. I''m using exclusive IP inside the zones and using OpenSolaris 2008.11 build 110. I''ve tried sparse root and whole root zones without success. I''ve read blogs and posts and
2004 Jun 03
hello i looked in google , faq etc but didnt found a answer. sorry if i overseen something. how i can auth. via a hostkey without make a config in ~/.ssh normaly ssh has support with ssh -i /keyfile is there any way to combine it via rsync , with rsync -e "ssh -i key" ..etc etc does not work thx bye
2007 Sep 09
What is the different between these rsync command
I use the following command initially for a Rsync between Windows and Linux rsync -rvu -e ssh /cygdrive/c//folder I was asked for's password. I type the password and the process continue and success. Then I change the command to (without "-e ssh") rsync -rvu /cygdrive/c//folder I was also asked
2006 Jan 06
routing decision based on sorce port
Hello Routing Gurus ;-) I''d like to know if it''s possible to make a routing decision for pakets originating from a specific port of the local machine without using ipfilter/iptables to mark the pakets. I read about the tc filter stuff but that seems only to be able to sort the pakets to a different queue on the same interface and not choose a different interface for example. Is
2003 Apr 08
Transparent squid (ipf)
FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #1: Sun Apr 6 09:38:34 EDT 2003 # $FreeBSD: ports/www/squid/Makefile,v 1.99 2003/03/09 10:59:07 netchild Exp $ ... checking if IP-Filter header files are installed... no WARNING: Cannot find necessary IP-Filter header files Transparent Proxy support WILL NOT be enabled ... I seem to recall that ipf doesn't install its includes per default any longer ? Perhaps
2003 Apr 25
compiling kernel without -O
Hello! Is it possible to compile kernel without '-O' option? When my COPTFLAGS=-O -pipe, it compiles fine. When I change COPTFLAGS=-pipe, it breaks: cc -c -pipe -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmis sing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -fformat-extensions -ansi -g -nostdinc -I- -I. -I../.. -I../../../include -I../../contrib/ipfilter
2007 Apr 16
Difference between SCCP and Cisco Call Manager traffic?
I'm wondering about the difference between Cisco Call Manager and SCCP(2) network traffic. I'm working on getting a Cisco 7960 phone to speak through a NAT to an asterisk box, without having to do a bunch of port forwarding on the NAT device. Without the nat, everything works fine. If the phone is behind a cisco pix that is doing the natting, it works fine (fixup protocol). If the
2003 Jan 13
The behavior of "-u/--update" option on directories
Dear all, I have the following problem: I use the following command to "push" files from "local" to a "remote" machine: [...] /usr/bin/rsync -avuz -e "ssh -1" --exclude ".Xauthority" --delete /user/home/directory/ ; (The ssh is using RSA authentication btw. machines, but that's beside the