Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Object xxx not found"
2005 Nov 02
Bug report on get.hist.quote
> get.hist.quote(instrument="INR/USD", provider="oanda", start="2005-10-20")
trying URL 'http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxhistory?lang=en&date1=10%2F20%2F2005&date=11%2F01%2F2005&date_fmt=us&exch=INR&exch2=&expr=USD&expr2=&margin_fixed=0&&SUBMIT=Get+Table&format=ASCII&redirected=1'
Content type
2012 Nov 04
Saving R Graph to a file
I am not sure why I can't get my plot saved to a file as .ps, I searched
online and I found that I have to use something is called postscript,png or
pdf function which I did but still not working.
Actually what I have is a matrix with almost 300-400 columns. I need to
create a histogram and boxplot for some columns as .ps file (with reasonable
size if i can adjust that would be nice also)
2011 Aug 25
How download Yahoo Quote?
Hello all:
Friend told me that we can download the stock historical quote from
Yahoo site by R!
Could you tell me that is true or not, how to do that?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/How-download-Yahoo-Quote-tp3769563p3769563.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2014 May 29
[PATCH 0/2] UFS1/2 support series
From: Raphael S. Carvalho <raphael.scarv at gmail.com>
Wrote the documentation below. I think it would be good to push the doc to
the wiki as soon as the UFS support gets merged.
Unix Fast File System (UFS/FFS) 1/2 on Syslinux - (usage/install)
There is a confusion about the name of this file system, then I decided to
contact the author who replied:
"The name has always been
2012 May 20
Histograms with bin proportions on the y-axis
I have what is probably a simple problem. I have a data file from an MCMC
Bayes estimation problem that is a vector of 500,000 numeric values (just
one variable) ranging from 100,000 to 700,000. I need to display the
histogram of this data in a high quality graphic for a figure in a journal
publication. I want 100 bins so as to display a reasonable complete and
smooth histogram, and I need the
2011 Nov 03
Extract Data from Yahoo Finance
Hi R ?users,
I am using R-2.14.0 on Windows XP.
May I request you to assist me for the following please.
I like to extract all the fields (example: a : Ask, b : Bid, ??, w : 52-week Range, x: Stock Exchange) ?for certain period of time, say, 1 October 2011 to 31 October 2011.
Is there any R-Package(s) & any R- script please?
Once again, thank you very much for the time you have
2014 Jul 10
Estimados compañeros, hoy me ha surgido una duda, quizás trivial, pero
que no encuentro sentido. Tengo un bucle con el siguiente código:
for (i in 1:n)
if (rango_inr1[i]==1 & (inr[i]>= 2 & inr[i]<= 3)) cinr[i]<-1
if (rango_inr1[i]==2 & (inr[i]>= 2.5 & inr[i]<= 3.5)) cinr[i]<-2
if (rango_inr1[i]==3 & (inr[i]>= 2 & inr[i]<= 2.9)) cinr[i]<-3
2014 May 29
[PATCH v2 0/2] UFS1/2 support series
From: Raphael S. Carvalho <raphael.scarv at gmail.com>
Change since v1:
* Fix bug on dentry structure (thank you specification; btw, sarcasm), and
consequently a bug on ufs_readdir.
* Add readlink support (applied tests for symlinks whose destionation path
were stored in blk pointers and the file itself).
* Several improvements.
Wrote the documentation below. I think it would be good to
2011 Aug 10
Histograms in R
HI everyone,
I'm plotting a histogram in R and within that histogram i need to
demonstrate the percentage of another variable (Percentage of MutStatus)
within the bins plotted inthe histogram....I don't know how to do that!
Data:Validation_Status Mutation_Status TvarRatio
Wildtype None 0.08
Wildtype None 0.08
Wildtype None 0.08
Wildtype None 0.08
Wildtype None 0.080139373
Wildtype None
2011 Aug 15
Extracting information from lm results (multiple model runs)
Just to inform:
I posted that before in R-sig-ecology but as it might be interesting also for other useRs, I post it also to the general r-user list:
Hello Alexandre,
thank you very much. I also found another way to extract summarizing information from lm results over e.g. 1000 repeated model runs:
results2 <- t(as.data.frame(results))
Although some questions popped up in
2005 May 26
warnings from hist(): parameter XXX couldn't be set in high-level plot functionN
Hello -
This is not a real problem, just an annoyance. Sometimes, but not always,
I get a set of strange warnings from hist(). Example follows.
#Produce a histogram of start dates for a set of field measurements.
# I didn't reproduce all the dates, because not sure it's relevant, but
here's a sample.
# Note the invalid date in the fifth element.
2012 Aug 02
[PATCH] add additional checks to ext2 loader
Check if some pointers are not NULL due to read errors or other problems
Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <frediano.ziglio at citrix.com>
core/fs/ext2/ext2.c | 4 +++-
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/core/fs/ext2/ext2.c b/core/fs/ext2/ext2.c
index bddde8d..8f0f2a4 100644
--- a/core/fs/ext2/ext2.c
+++ b/core/fs/ext2/ext2.c
@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@
2013 Apr 26
Remove reciprocal data from a grouped animal social contact dataset
Hi r-help forum,
I have been collecting contact data (with proximity logger collars)
between a few different species of animal. All animals wear the
collars, and any contact between the animals should be detected and
recorded by both collars. However, this isn't always the case and more
contacts may be recorded on one collar of the two. This is fine, it
depends on battery life and other
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to
fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either
get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or
alternatively R crashes.
My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major
difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2008 Aug 21
summary.lme and anova question
Dear all,
When analyzing data from a climate change experiment using linear mixed-effects models, I recently
came across a situation where:
- the summary(model) showed a significant difference between the levels of a two-level factor,
- while the anova(model) showed no significance for that factor (see below).
My question now is: Is the anova.lme() approach correct for that model? And why does
2005 May 20
getting the unique values and counts from a vector
Hi all,
>From a vector, I want to get the unique values and the counts of these
unique values in the vector. For example,
x<-c(2 ,1 ,2, 1, 4 ,2 ,1, 4 ,1 ,1)
for (i in 1:length(xu)) {xn[i]<-length(which(x==xu[i]))}
There must be a very much simpler method of doing this. Can somebody
direct me to the functions that I must read in order to do
2008 Dec 23
beginner data.frame question
I need some help understanding how on of the example data sets is
formatted in the basic R installation. If I load the Mona Loa CO2
data, with the command:
> data(co2)
I can view the data with:
> co2
And the data are in the form of 11 rows labeled as years (1994-2004)
and 12 columns labeled (Jan - Dec). This structure appears to be a
dataframe, however, if I type the command
2013 Jul 09
fitting log function: errors using nls and nlxb
I am trying to fit a log function to my data, with the ultimate goal of
finding the second derivative of the function. However, I am stalled on
the first step of fitting a curve.
When I use the following code:
FG2.model<-(nls((CO2~log(a*Time)+b), start=setNames(coef(lm(CO2 ~
log(Time), data=FG2)), c("a", "b")),data=FG2))
I get the following error:
Error in
2002 Jun 06
covariance analysis model
Dear list users,
I have trouble with covariance analysis.
I measured nitrate concentrations in the soil (NO3) and the percentage of
legumes (LEG, continuous), affected by 2 different CO2 concentrations (CO2,
discrete). I suspect that CO2 has an effect on LEG and NO3, but also that
LEG has an effect on NO3, so this is the formula I wrote to test this:
NO3 ~ CO2 + LEG + CO2:LEG
Will LEG be
2007 Jul 16
The formula attribute of the builtin CO2 dataset seems a bit strange:
> formula(CO2)
Plant ~ Type + Treatment + conc + uptake
What is one supposed to do with that? Certainly its not suitable for
input to lm and none of the examples in ?CO2 use the above.