similar to: Problem with loop

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Problem with loop"

2007 Jul 17
[R-sig-DB] RODBC on Oracle DB
essai <- odbcConnect("ORESTE_prod", uid="osis_r", pwd="12miss15" ,case="oracle") > sqlTables(essai)$ORESTE ... 1315 <NA> ORESTE S_PROFESSIONS_OLD TABLE <NA> 1316 <NA> ORESTE S_PROVENANCES TABLE <NA> 1317 <NA> ORESTE
2012 Nov 16
How to create
I would like to create a function to convert data based on a class using as.numeric Similarly, using a plot, I do: plot.essai <- function(x, ...) {return(x*2)} d <- 10 class(d) <- "essai" plot(d) It works: [1] 20 attr(,"class") [1] "essai" Now same with as.numeric: as.numeric.essai <- function(x, ...) {return(x*2)} as.numeric(d) It does not work:
2012 Aug 08
Exec resource don't write file after the command
Hi all, I''m trying to have the exec resource write a file after the command but it don''t. here is the resource declaration class gepet { notify { ''begin'':} file { ''/root/essai/html'': ensure => present, content => "Wrote By Yves Nton", notify => Exec[''test''], } exec { ''test'': path
2004 Mar 31
scan seems to modify the data
Hello list, I have used scan function to import data into R. I have done some analysis and find strange results. I have found my problem : when importing data with scan, this can slightly modify the data : > write(c(0.251,3.399,-0.481,0.266),"essai.txt") > scan("essai.txt") Read 4 items [1] 0.251 3.399 -0.481 0.266 > print(scan("essai.txt"),17) Read
2007 Jul 20
Salut alex. J''ai une question a propos de wx::statictext(wxruby2) est-il possible de mettre les accents pour la langue française?, car pour l''instant je ne peut pas mettre l''accentuation alors que ça marche bien avec "wxruby". merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2009 Jun 18
Argument as.integer(NA) to a function C
Hi the list, I am writing a R function that call a C function. The C function needs integers but I do not manage to give a NA integer as argument : --- C code --- void essai(int *t){ Rprintf("\nT0=%i T1=%i T2=%i T3=%i",t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3]); } --- R --- boub <- c(1,2,3,4) .C("pour",as.integer(boub),NAOK=TRUE) # T0=1 T1=2 T2=3 T3=4[[1]] # [1] 1 2 3 4 boub <-
2005 Dec 27
Create pdf and postscript files
Hello, I would like to learn how to create a pdf and a postscript file from an R graphic. For example, I tried : plot(1) # example pdf("H:/Perso/essai.pdf") postscript("H:/Perso/") But the pdf document created is empty. How do these functions work ? Thank you very much. -- David Hajage Interne de santé publique Institut Curie
2008 Apr 13
R 2.7 package.skeleton
Hi the devel list I am testing package.skeleton in R 2.7 (download today). I get an error that I do not understand. I guess it is not an error from my code since I have no probleme when I source it. So is it a error in package.skeleton? Here is my code : --- 8< ------ File essai.r ------------- setClass( Class="ClusterizLongData", representation=representation(
2006 May 24
median of a survfit object
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2012 Mar 18
assign a value to an element
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2016 Sep 07
ACL wrong category user for group and group for user
Le 05/09/2016 à 10:23, Rowland Penny via samba a écrit : > On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 09:38:56 +0200 > Sam via samba <samba at> wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> If I try to set acl under windows, something very strange appears. >> >> For instance, if I set something for the user samuel I get this with >> the command getfacl : >>
2006 Nov 11
Install bioconductor
Hello useRs, I'm trying to install bioconductor on ubuntu edgy eft and R 2.4.0. I have some error messages during installation, in particular for the package "affy" : "Error: package 'affy' required by 'makecdfenv' could not be found" I have tryed to install 'makecdfenv' with the command : getBioC("makecdfenv") But I have this message
2012 Jan 12
defmacro installation issue
Hi everybody, I want to use macro in my R code. But defmacro was not in my libraries. So I installed it : > install.packages("gtools") Installing package(s) into ?C:/Program Files/R/R-2.13.2/library? (as ?lib? is unspecified) essai de l'URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 102500 bytes (100 Kb)
2006 Dec 22
Pb with R.matlab
Hello, I have problems running the R.matlab package. I work with R 2.3.1, under windows (using the Rgui). It seems that, even after loading the package, the "simple" functions such as writeMat() or readMat() are not recognized. For example, the following script leads to an error: > install.packages("R.matlab") --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
2018 Mar 28
can not install package "matie"
Dear R-experts, I can not install the package "matie". If somebody can tell me where the problem is. > install.packages("matie") Installing package into ?/Users/Caro/Library/R/3.3/library? (as ?lib? is unspecified) essai de l'URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 80151
2004 May 17
Problem with package SJava
Hello all, I'm trying to run SJava package (0.65 modified downloaded from : on windows NT 2000 and R 1.8.01. I have also downloaded the PDF Calling R from Java and when I want to execute the following code: import org.omegahat.R.Java.*; import*; public class Essai{ public static void main (String [] args) { REvaluator e = new
2009 Feb 28
gpxelinux and dhcp
Hello, I'm playing with gpxelinux, it's works but ... In my dhcpd.conf I have the traditional: option space gpxelinux; option gpxelinux-encap-opts code 175 = encapsulate gpxelinux; option gpxelinux.bus-id code 177 = string; subnet netmask { host essai { hardware ethernet 00:11:22:33:44:55; fixed-address; if not exist
2002 Sep 30
Password authentication in a script
Greetings, Here is my configuration: a rsync linux server, a rsync windows client. I would like to run a rsync from windows in a .bat file. The problem is that a password prompt is always shown. I have read the archives and the man pages: i have create a rsyncd.secret like this: rsync:thePassword Here is my rsyncd.conf file: [rsync] path=/ uid=nobody gid=nobody auth users=rsync secrets
2003 Aug 10
Asterisk Newbie ...
Hi ;) I'm a french newbie and i installed asterisk 1 day ago. I've got an ATA186 and a computer with Sjphone installed. If i want to call the sjphone from the ata or call the ata from de sjphone everything is ok. My problem is ,that i can't call the voicemail or any other phone number 600 for exemple from the ata or the jphone. I don't know why but i looked after a long
2003 Jul 30
reverse array indexing
Hi, Suppose I have a multidimensional array: tmp <- array(1:8, c(2,2,2)) is there a function out there that, given a one-dimensional array index, will return the separate indices for each array dimension? for instance, tmp[8] is equivalent to tmp[2,2,2]. I'd like to derive the vector (2,2,2) from the index 8. thanks, Brad Buchsbaum