similar to: Riak on Camping

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Riak on Camping"

2012 May 02
ChillDB License
A few of you sounded interested in using it. I haven''t explicitly put a software license on it, so I guess it''s not technically FOSS yet. What licenses are good? BSD? Public Domain? ? Jenna -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2011 Feb 08
NoSQL Storage Backend
Hello, I found a posting on the mailing list from 2008 "Adding new storage backend to Dovecot" while searching for POP3 and IMAP servers, that allow to use a NoSQL backend rather than a traditional file system. The problem with traditional filesystems is, that they are very limited. You cannot easily extend it, even with RAID 10 all messages may be lost due to a RAID controller
2008 May 24
Camping 2.0 - What''s left?
I''ve just sent a pull-request to _why with my changes[1] and here is some things that I think needs to be done before a (possible) release: * The cookie session is named Camping::Session and is placed in camping/session.rb. Maybe this should be called Camping::CookieSession or??? * The ActiveRecord session is named Camping::ARSession and is placed in camping/ar/session.rb. Maybe it
2012 Apr 06
lighttpd + fastcgi + camping
Hello all, I am running in some little stumbling blocks with passenger as a multi user environment (the most problematic feature is that, once you setup a sub-domain passenger wants you to declare on nginx every app running on that nginx server which is not ideal to add apps on the fly and / or if a user wants to run 2 apps from his space) so I was thinking about a more drag a drop / one line
2008 May 10
Camping-Omnibus Doesn''t Work With Ruby v1.8.6
I''ve noticed that the copy of Mongrel installed by the camping-omnibus gem doesn''t work with Ruby 1.8.6. Or to be more specific, cgi_multipart_eof_fix (which Mongrel is dependent upon) doesn''t work: > $ sudo gem install mongrel --source > > ERROR: Error installing mongrel: > cgi_multipart_eof_fix requires Ruby version
2008 May 19
Sample Code, quick simple openid auth
You''ll need to install the ''openid'' gem for this, and require it in your camping app: class Login < R ''/login'' def get this_url = ''http:'' + URL(''/login'').to_s unless input.finish.to_s == ''1'' # start doing the auth here begin
2008 Jun 06
Attention Judofyr: Broken cookies in 2.0
Hey Judofyr! Fix this! When someone sets a cookie using @cookies.something = ''data'' it should be set with the path going to the camping app''s root, not with no path, otherwise only that controller with the same parameters will ever see the cookie again! Please change this code: > @cookies.each do |k, v| > @response.set_cookie(k, v) if o[k] != v > end
2012 May 15
setting up the SQLite database
I know this isn''t Python, but I''d like to get a view on the ''one obvious'' way to set up an SQLite (or other) database and its location per-app. I''ve got a bit lost with the Camping 2 changes and various code snippets I have kicking around. 1. is it best to set up the DB creation/connection: 1.1 at the end of the app
2013 Jan 16
Highload project on RoR
I need advice about What is the best practice to scale RoR project ? My current stack is: - Ruby 1.9.3 - RoR 3.2.8 - Redis DB for caching and some hot data - PostgreSQL - Resque for background jobs I am expecting a highload for my project for several month. And I need to change my architecture. Primarily, I want to change my backend architecture. I read about highload
2008 Jun 03
I was having some issue getting the class variables in Camping::Session to work with some old apps, so I''ve changed @@state_secret to a method. module Blog include Camping::Session def state_secret; "kxxxx" end end Also, merged some of zimbatm''s patches. And trying to revive the Junebug wiki <> since it''s still
2008 May 23
An issue for consideration
We''ve just come across an issue for consideration. I am avoiding some words which would allow people to find this message in an internet search who have questionable intentions, but wish to communicate a strong sense of caution. Consider someone who adds extra methods to their controller which they use in their main get/post methods to do things or to get secret data. Consider
2008 May 17
Setting cookies in service overloader thingo
I''m implementing a simpler version of the Cookie Session Store in Rails 2.0. If you know what that is, skip the next paragraph. A cookie session store stores the session data inside cookies, on the client, and signs them using a secret string, hashed together. The user can decode the cookie easily if they know much about computers and see what''s inside, but they
2008 May 21
Rack, Camping 2.0++
=== 1. Camping on Rack === I''ve just finished rewriting Camping to use Rack in the "core". I got rid of (a little less) than 1kB in camping.rb and removed lots of un-necessary files (lib/server/*.rb, fastcgi.rb & mongrel.rb). bin/camping does now only provide WEBrick, Mongrel and console-support and should only be used in development. It uses Rack::ShowExceptions to catch
2008 Jun 06
Messy Cookies
It looks like everyone has tried to fix the cookies lately, and no-one managed to get it 100% correctly. The current implementation doesn''t set the path correctly, and you can''t use @cookies in a #service-overload. Qwzybug''s patch fixed only the sessions. Jenna''s patch won''t allow to set complex cookies (@cookies.key = {:path => "/path",
2008 Jan 10
Keeping Camping going
Hello all, I''m not sure who Camping''s steward is at this point(zimbatm? _why?), but I haven''t seen much activity in quite some time. I really like Camping, and I understand open source projects can fall by the wayside. So, I''d be willing to take over maintenance and releasing. I have experience maintaining my own open source projects, and a history of
2012 Mar 23
dsync redesign
In case anyone is interested in reading (and maybe helping!) with a dsync redesign that's intended to fix all of its current problems, here are some possibly incoherent ramblings about it: and even if you don't understand that, here's another document disguising as an algorithm class problem :) If anyone has thoughts on how to solve it, would
2013 May 30
PyPI package keeps upgrading/installing
I''m having a problem with a pypi package/the pip provider. The package name is riak_pb The problem I''m having is puppet keeps installing/upgrading the package every run. I suspect it has something to do with the hyphen/underscore. I have also tried changing the riak_pb package name in the init.pp to riak-pb. The pypi API
2008 May 18
Problem with cookies in CGI mode
So it took me ages to figure out how to get cookies set in my app, and here was the problem. I''m using camping''s built in CGI support, and with that you can have something like and that will go to your / route, which is okay, except that the path the cookies are set with is So if you try to use that url, none of your
2008 Jul 19
Resolved: Apache + CGI/FastCGI + mod_rewrite
This is the last time I try to fix something in the middle of the night! Feel free to call me a Stupid Snake, ''cause this has been messy. Anyway, I think I''ve finally solved this. Here it is: :-) -- Magnus Holm
2011 Oct 13
how to catch 404s?
How can I hide/catch the "Camping problem! /xxx not found" pages? It would be great to define my own handler instead, or simply redirect to the root of my app. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>