similar to: Administrivia: git problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Administrivia: git problem"

2015 Oct 09
git clone --recursive
Hi, We use a git submodule for gnu-efi. What would be the downside of changing git clone git:// into git clone --recursive git:// on the Syslinux wik? Cheers Geert Stappers $ git clone git:// Cloning into 'syslinux'... remote: Counting objects: 50546, done. remote: Total 50546 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
2011 Nov 01
[LLVMdev] Git mirror very slow
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Óscar Fuentes <ofv at> wrote: > Hello Anton and Takumi. > > Anton Korobeynikov <anton at> writes: > > >> 14 KB/s now. Yesterday 40 KB/s. > >> Is that transitory or there is no enough bandwidth on > > Something is wrong on your side: > > > > $ git clone
2011 Nov 01
[LLVMdev] Git mirror very slow
Hello Anton and Takumi. Anton Korobeynikov <anton at> writes: >> 14 KB/s now. Yesterday 40 KB/s. >> Is that transitory or there is no enough bandwidth on > Something is wrong on your side: > > $ git clone > Cloning into llvm... > remote: Counting objects: 607409, done. > remote: Compressing objects: 100%
2006 May 04
No networking in DomU - Ubuntu
Well where do I start...I have a domU (ubuntu) booting and appears well but I don''t have an eth0 listed at all, dom) looks good. DomU: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:5B:15:C5:0B inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::206:5bff:fe15:c50b/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
2009 May 11
vif0.0: received packet with own address as source address
Hi all, Has anyone seen this before? I''m running a CentOS 5.3 with xen 3.0 and the server has been running fine for a long time. In fact, it was up for 186 days before I had to reboot after the "network died", and I couldn''t fix it. The server has multiple domU''s on it, which all still works when the host node (dom0)''s network dies with these
2015 Mar 02
root at samba:/home/samba-master# git pull error: Failed to connect to 2001:638:603:d06e::80:230: Network is unreachable while accessing fatal: HTTP request failed root at samba:/home/samba-master# > On 02/03/15 16:21, sandy.napoles at wrote: >> My OS is Debian 7 and I only writte git pull >> >>> On 02/03/15 15:05,
2014 Aug 25
network configuration on DomUs
Hi I'm very new with Xen (/Debian) I have 2 VMs running Windows: "Arch" and "Sql" -- static IPs VM Arch: is ok, accessible thru VNC, Remote Desktop, see the network, etc VM Sql : - just accessible thru VNC             - once I log in, I don't see the network             - pings don't reach peer             - appear 4 network ports on Windows the server has 4
2009 Nov 06
dome domU''s can''t connect to the internet, while others can
Hi all, I have a very strange situation, which I can''t explain. On a Core 2Quad server with 8GB RAM, we have 10 xen domU''s, as follows: login: root@zaxen01:[~]$ xm list Name ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s) Domain-0 0 512 4 r----- 232.2 actionco.vm
2011 Nov 01
[LLVMdev] Git mirror very slow
Hi Oscar, > 14 KB/s now. Yesterday 40 KB/s. > Is that transitory or there is no enough bandwidth on Something is wrong on your side: $ git clone Cloning into llvm... remote: Counting objects: 607409, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (118270/118270), done. Receiving objects: 2% (13924/607409), 3.87 MiB | 402 KiB/s -- With best regards, Anton
2008 Dec 15
Xen Dom0 network fails to start at boot
I have a server running Centos 5.2 as a Xen host. A problem that's shown up recently is that at boot, the dom0 interface eth0 doesn't come up properly, with the result that the host is only accessible via remote console. If I execute 'service network restart', eth0 comes up normally, with an IP address and the correct routing. Three guests have been created via virt-manager
2015 Mar 02
in my resolv.conf I have my own server.....this server is the domain controller, but some month ago I did can update very well, the moment begin this problem.....I will want if there is other people in cuba to try update samba....... > On 02/03/15 16:45, sandy.napoles at wrote: >> root at samba:/home/samba-master# git pull >> error: Failed to connect to
2010 Jul 31
Arp Flip Flops make machine inaccessible.
CentOS 5.5 Xen "standard" Xen Installation. I have two nics. I just put the second one to DHCP and modified the ifcfg-et01 and so far I am holding, but I am not confident. Prior they were sequential IP Addrs on same subnet. arpwatch has indicated flip flips. I can find no rhyme or reason to predict them. I know I missed I must have missed a step somewhere. I want to keep the
2011 May 24
Multicast problems when VM are located on different Xen servers
XenServer build date: 2010-11-30 XenServer build number: 39265p XenServer version: 5.6 Feature Pack 1 Guest OS: CentOS 5.6 Guest Kernel: 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5xen Hi everyone, we have set up several Xen servers with the version mentioned above. The version is the same on all servers, the kernel is the default one, not patches or self compiled versions. Each Xen server has 6 network interfaces (eth0
2011 Feb 16
NIC bonding - missing eth0?
I have nic bonding (mode=802.3ad) setup on 2 servers, both running Centos 5.5 In the "Active Aggregator Info", on one reports 4 ports - which is correct - but the other only reports 3 ports. It's always eth0 that shows a different aggregator ID. Changing the cables around so it hits a different port on the switch makes no difference. The switch is correctly configured for the port
2015 Mar 02
Hi Roland, It will be useful to see the resolv.conf. However, I don't think that this is a name resolution issue as it is clear that is being resolved to at least the v6 address. If that works then A & AAAA records should be returned to the resolver regardless of the transport used. There must be something else going on as well. Could try host -t a and
2015 Mar 02
I can see the link perfect but..... telnet 80 Trying Trying 2001:638:603:d06e::80:230... telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable And I do not have any firewall..... > Try > > lynx > > Or indeed > > telnet 80 > GET / HTTP/1.0 > > > OR > >
2011 Feb 16
NIC bonding - missing eth0?
I have nic bonding (mode=802.3ad) setup on 2 servers, both running Centos 5.5 In the "Active Aggregator Info", on one reports 4 ports - which is correct - but the other only reports 3 ports. It''s always eth0 that shows a different aggregator ID. Changing the cables around so it hits a different port on the switch makes no difference. The switch is correctly configured for the
2008 Nov 26
cannot enable sound on domU (centos5.1) and cannot change virbr0 bridge to xenbr0 bridge
Hi all, my dom0 is centos5.2 and domU paravirtualized is centos5.1 I can play sound on dom0 but not in domU (name: gasphar), moreover I use wifi as my inet connection and on installing domU cento5.1, I used virt-manager. I know that libvirtd made virbr0 and when changing to xenbr0, I cannot connect to internet but ssh to dom0 is fine! so how do I enable sound device on domU and changing to
2015 Mar 02
Any reason you are not using the git protocol? git:// David ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr David Holder CEng FIET MIEEE Erion Ltd, An Cala, Inverkirkaig, Lochinver, Sutherland, IV27 4LR, UK Reception: +44 (0)1422 207000 Direct Dial: +44 (0)131 2026317 Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number 3521142
2011 Feb 12
xen 3.4.3 on CentOS 5.5 dom0: multiple nic issue -- eth1 won''t restart
Hi Folks: I have a strange problem with multiple (2) NICs on a CentOS 5.5 dom0 setup running xen 3.4.3 and have been struggling to fix it for some time. I could not find anything by googling or searching through this list but that is probably because I couldn''t figure out the correct search terms. After I configure my bridges the command "system network restart" fails for eth1