Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90000 matches similar to: "Re: Does wine support rts. program?"
2011 May 09
Does wine support rts. program?
anybody tell me does wine supported rts program.. ?
2011 Aug 01
Re: Does wine support rts. program?
Tok tok!!!
Still waiting "_"
2011 Jun 13
Re: Does wine support rts. program?
That's a good question. never heard it before..!!
2011 Jul 19
Re: Does wine support rts. program?
wahh :( :( so how can you get some demo files?
2011 Aug 09
Re: Does wine support rts. program?
Fr??d??ric Delanoy wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 05:28, joven15 <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:
> > Clang clang !! Still waiting :(
> >
> We know you're still waiting. You've made that clear many times already.
> Please don't do that all the time: it just annoys people and won't
> speed up the resolution of your issue.
2011 Jul 14
Re: Does wine support rts. program?
There's nothing really noteworthy in that log, I'm afraid.
The best way forward is for a wine developer to get a copy of this software
so s/he can see the error for themselves, I'm afraid. And even then it's not
clear they'll be able to fix it.
You're not quite the first person to ask about this:
And about four years
2011 Apr 18
When i run the application theres something error anyone -
When i run the application theres something error
then blah blah anyone help me how to configure this application:(
2009 May 21
playing media(moh,prompts) from flash player
i'm searching solution for playing media(moh,prompts,voicemail,recordings
- wav format) from adobe flash player (web browser)
flash cannot play wav directly (imho)
i must convert files to any other format on-the-fly
- i cannot use mp3 because of royalties
- next option is swf (with ffmpeg), supported free audio codecs
2008 Mar 02
Serial port problem and strange solution (Fujitsu MCU development under wine)
Hi to everyone, this is my first post to the list.
I'm developing an application for a Fujitsu MCU (90364 series) using
Fujitsu Softune6 Workbench in linux under wine.
Everithing works well exept for the firmware serial uploader.
It starts and sends some commands to the MCU but hangs with a timeout
error (obviously I've correctly simlinked and chmodded the appropriate
2007 Mar 19
error, wine in linux
hello group,
when I run wine under slackware 11 it gives me this error in the
wine: creating configuration directory '/root/.wine'...
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x003ffd80 at address
0x608f7103 (thread 0009), starting debugger...
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x003ffd80 at address
0x608fc103 (thread 000b), starting debugger...
2010 Mar 30
Game Maker and WINE
I need a little help about how to do next:
- How to make "Documents and Settings/user/Local Settings/Temp "
where is " user" arbitration name, for example " zmmaj"
- Why direct sound do not work under WINE?
Oke sound is not general problem, I will use dll for that... But please, tell me how to make tha TEMP file... One of reason why GM crash is that...
GM need
2004 Nov 23
Wine on FC2 crashes on File Selection dialog
Hi List,
My FC2 Wine installation crashes (without any message displayed) on
every application which shows the std. file selection dialog (eg File -
Open) as soon as I change the directory in the dialog or click "OK" or
"Cancel". This even happens with the stock "notepad" that comes with
Wine. "Winefile" however can browse the file systems correctly,
2011 May 09
Re: What antivirus program is the best for a computer?
for me is avast pro :)
2008 Apr 30
Unable detection of disc in my cd-rom drive
Hello guys,im new to wine,so this is probabbly stupid question :)
But,i installed warcraft 3+frozen throne(i have original cd's)
Installation worked just fine,but when it finished,it requires me an cd to play.
Is there some vitual drive i need to get?
Im pretty new to linux too by the way :)
Could anyone help me to solve this problem?
2004 Aug 06
Stupid question
> It means that you are using a broken XML parser and you should delete the
> comment before the namespace is defined near the top of the config file.
> Comments are the tags that look like <!- this --> (in case you didn't
> know)
> That should fix the problem.
> --
Tnx, now the XML parse error don't appare. But...yes, there's a but:
2011 May 06
when i install using ./configure there something error
configure: error: X development files not found. Wine will be built
without X support, which probably isn't what you want. You will need
to install development packages of Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least.
Use the --without-x option if you really want this
anyone know how to fix this error?
2008 Apr 30
Can R do rts (Regular Time Series) like S-Plus?
Dear readers,
S-Plus have a rts function (Regular Time Series), which is used like so:
Warning the csv file is 750kB.
Can the same be done in R?
Lots of love =)
2006 Jul 20
How to install Postgrey
hi guys,
I tried installing postgrey but im having some troubles.
#yum install postgrey
Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Reducing Dag-RHEL-Yum to included packages only
Parsing package install arguments
No Match for argument: postgrey
Nothing to do
Anyone tried this one ?
2011 Nov 13
Generate the distribution
Hi everyone,
i really need some help with one task. I simply cant understand what i
really have to do.
The task is:
Generate the distribution of maximum on samples of size 200 from beta with
shape parameters 5 and 5 distribution. Plot a histogram of simulated values
and overlay at least one distribution curve that you think might be
Im rookie with simulations, so i need yours help.
2003 May 21
rts conversion to ts?
Not sure if this is going to the right place…
I am attempting to use a S-Plus workspace that has been saved via the dump
facility. These include a number of commands not recognised by R, namely rts
commands. Is there a way round this by changing these in some way for R’s ts
commands? Any help much appreciated.
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