similar to: Blank map?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Blank map?"

2007 Jan 18
Clusterer generating javascript syntax error
Hi all, I''m using Ym4r with the Clusterer. The GMaps code in my controller looks something like this: # geo is an array of lon/lat points session[:gmap] =''map_div'') session[:gmap].control_init(:large_map => true,:map_type => true) session[:gmap].center_zoom_init([38.134557,-95.537109],4) markers =
2007 Oct 16
can''t define custom GIcon
Hi, I am having trouble getting custom GIcons to display. Here is the code in my controller: @map ="map_div") @map.control_init(:large_map => true,:map_type => true) @map.icon_global_init( => "images/APBox-20.png "),"ap_none") infoString = "Friendly Name: "+result.friendly_name+
2006 Nov 02
Update map
Hi! I''ve just started playing around with the ym4r-plugin and try to update a map as explained in the README-example... but nothing happens. I can update normal html. Heres my baby-code: class AdminController < ApplicationController def index @map ="map_div") @map.control_init(:large_map => true) @map.center_zoom_init([59.91106, 10.72223],16)
2006 Nov 06
Event listeners
Hi! Your plugin is really great! Thanks. One more little question. Is it possible to add event listeners to the maps via your plugin? greetings /till -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Aug 03
Calling/Executing javascript functions from controller
Hey all, How can I call a javascript function from my controller? Is it possible to simply call a javascript function from directly in the controller WITHOUT needing an AJAX request to come through via link_to_remote or remote form? As an example I''ve tried: class RandomController < ApplicationController before_filter :login_required, :except => [:index, :initialize] def index
2007 Mar 08
map not displayed after Ajax.updater request
In my layout header I inserted the standard helper : GMap.header I built the map in my controller , I build either a standard table or a map and display it in the corresponding partial the map is built without any problem with the icons and markers ( @map is correct...) @map ="map_div") ... @map.icon_global_init( =>
2008 Jan 26
Error: no such file to load -- geokit (plugin is install)
Hi, after spending hours on getting geokit and ym4r running I don''t know how to do or how to getting a test running. I have try the tutorial from but I don''t get it :(. Has sone one other tutorials he can recommend? Maybe someone knows were I did my mistake (I only want to show a fixed address, no database connection so far, pure
2007 Mar 04
Event listeners
Hello.. I am playing around on a pilot project with this wonderful Rails plugin.... thanks for sharing it w us ! I read in a post , in reply to this subject yjat : Events are possible. Either through the @map.record_init "azeazeae" (for arbitrary events like domlistener) or through the @map.event_init(@map,:click,"function(){alert(''HOYOYO'');}"). The
2008 Mar 14
problem with rjs and marker group
Lo there all, i have a function that builds a bunch of markers to go on a google map. I would like to update them with rjs. Here is what i have so far. def map_main_layout @zoom = params[:zoom].to_i @zoom = 14 if params[:zoom].nil? @map ="map_div") # @map.control_init(:large_map => true, :map_type => true) # (inserts map control) # place
2007 Jul 25
regarding polylines
hi all, i am experimenting with ym4r mapstraction, i am using yahoo api , when i tried polylines , its not showing up.. the code is var map; window.onload = addCodeToFunction(window.onload,function() { map = new Mapstraction("map_div","yahoo"); map.setCenterAndZoom(new LatLonPoint(37.3853,-122.0172 ),12);map.addSmallControls(); map.addMarkerGroup(new
2006 Aug 03
N00b question...but here it goes
Hey all, How can I call a javascript function from my controller? Is it possible to simply call a javascript function from directly in the controller without needing an AJAX request to come through via link_to_remote or remote form? I''m not talking through an RJS link_to_remote AJAX etc. As an example I''ve tried: class RandomController < ApplicationController
2012 Feb 20
Computing plot size in Sweave
Sometimes you want to compute the physical size of a plot based on data. In R itself this is no problem. But is there a way to compute the values of height and width in S-weave, say: <<graph,fig=TRUE,height=xx,width=yy>>= where xx and yy are computed and not physically written in the document? Bendix ______________________________________________ Bendix Carstensen Senior
2011 Jul 14
rails 3.0.9 ArgumentError (redundant UTF-8 sequence):
Hi guys, I have a simple controller def gmap @intentsearches = Intentsearch.all @intentsearches respond_to do |format| format.html {render :gmap} format.xml {render :xml => @intentsearches } format.json { render :json => @intentsearches } end end and want a json response, but i do get the following error Completed 500 Internal
2006 Aug 16
Easiest way to create a google map mashup?
I wanted to add a mash up to my website and was wondering if there were any recommendations? I saw that there is a cartographer plugin ( and also something else called YM4R ( I have no idea if they are up to date or not or whether this is currently the easiest/best way to go about it short of rolling your own.
2008 Mar 15
problem with config file
Hey there all if i have this in my gmap_api_key.yml file, production: ABQIAAAASPzYuwhUCPD9Vz98LPOPDhQXfahRKLczKzlJSy9lXc0oaHHYcxTFTjWleXY7LH-N3IAp9ruoqiU43w everything works fine but if i have this ..... production: ABQIAAAASPzYuwhUCPD9Vz98LPOPDhQXfahRKLczKzlJSy9lXc0oaHHYcxTFTjWleXY7LH-N3IAp9ruoqiU43w i get this ActionView::TemplateError ( on line #1 of
2006 Jan 20
REST API''s and querying a graph of objects
Hey all, I am wondering if anyone has given thought to using REST / XPath as querying mechanism. That way you could have a URL that actually maps to a collection of records (objects, really) that meet a certain criteria and that are sorted a certain way. Mike Pence
2006 Jun 29
Hi, I would like to know if there is a library that provides an API to support map scrolling, like the one available in google maps. This is, I would like to create a user interface where the user is able to see a small part of a large map. It can then move the view, thus observing another part of the map. Additionally, I would also like to provide a zoom mechanism. Thanks in advance. --
2007 Mar 09
error in clusterer.js (need patch)
there is an error line 348 Clusterer.popUp( poppedUpCluster ) Clusterer.rePop = function ( clusterer ){ if ( clusterer.poppedUpCluster != null ) Clusterer.popUp( poppedUpCluster ); }; should be Clusterer.rePop = function ( clusterer ){ if ( clusterer.poppedUpCluster != null ) Clusterer.popUp( clusterer.poppedUpCluster ); }; -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2008 Mar 15
my keys to google maps api only work in webrick
Hey there all,. i am developing three sites that run on the same code, just different logos, different companies, etc.. i have a config file that i believe is how it should be and it works on webrick, but i get application errors when i try to move it to the apache FCGI . looks like this development: ABQIAAAA8GzGL0c5HitzfNKYM4nk_BQODDn4SSK1uiT7GyxROHR1XtTV_RTBQrvsTtfZDFeAH2vzkOtXunHV9g
2005 Dec 15
Rails Tagging Generator?
Hey all! Just finished my first Rails app on 1.0 day and even got paid for it! Great stuff and much thanks to the many generous souls in IRC, especially ezmobious, who helped me through. For my second Rails app, I want to use tagging. I am wondering if there is a Tagging Generator or some other existing implementation I can borrow from? Best, Mike Pence Boca Raton, FL