similar to: Can't find a solution to this Steam problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Can't find a solution to this Steam problem"

2008 Jun 28
World wide telescope?
Helo, Iam trying to run Microsoft World Wide Telescope from .msi format but I get some errors or msiexec crash.. i dont now it start debugging and i get that: Code: xxx at m5:~/Desktop$ msiexec /i wwtsetup.msi fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"m5it" (nil) 0x32f7fc (nil) 0x32f800 0x32f7f4 - stub fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"m5it" 0x160e00 0x32f7fc 0x160ce8
2009 Jul 16
Softoken II issues during install
Hi, I'm trying to run Softoken II in wine but having very little success. When installing using the softoken msi file it doesn't seem to get as far as it does on a windows machine. But there still seems to be some part of the install completed as I can run Softoken exe afterwards, although it gives me problems. I run the msi using: Code: wine start softoken/setup.msi And I get the
2009 Jul 16
Softoken II under wine
Hi, I'm trying to run Softoken II in wine but having very little success. When installing using the softoken msi file it doesn't seem to get as far as it does on a windows machine. But there still seems to be some part of the install completed as I can run Softoken exe afterwards, although it gives me problems. I run the msi using: wine start softoken/setup.msi And I get the following
2009 Jul 30
Re: Can't get Steam to install
Hi! I have been seeing the error described above on Ubuntu Jaunty 64, and the following terminal output: Code: ~/Desktop$ wine msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Bonjour Service"): stub fixme:winsock:WS_setsockopt Unknown IPPROTO_IP optname 0x00000013 fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl
2008 Dec 15
MS Visio 2003 - Wine 1.1.10 - Ubuntu 8.04
I would like to install (and work) with Visio 2003 using Ubuntu 8.04 and Wine 1.1.10. I have tried to install using setup.exe and the setup app started all looked ok then right at the end of the install it crashed with a "cannot find the wscript.exe" I tried to start Visio and as if i couldn't work this out Visio didn't start. I started to look at the forums to see if someone
2008 Apr 18
PowerPoint Viewer 2007 crashes
Hi! PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (downloaded from doesn't run on Wine 0.9.59 (installed from Wine repository) on Ubuntu Gutsy. Installation completes successfully but all I get after trying to run the app is: $ wine Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Office/Office12/PPTVIEW.EXE
2008 Nov 25
SpeechSDK51.exe - Install fails after > v1.o Ubuntu
Hi All, I am currently working to intergrate the MS SAPI engine into Ubuntu Linux, I want to harness its TTS and Speech recognition features. At the moment i have managed to get a version working in wine but only by using an older version that was included in Gutsy to install the package and then migrate it into the newer version of wine. I copied reg files and drive_c to a new 1.1.9 version
2011 Jul 22
Re: Silverlight Application in Wine
The first thing I did was complaining. And I will continue to do so. I am using Wine 1.1.35 on Mac OS. And the log file has the following entries. I could not find an entry for posting logs in the FAQ. So I am pasting it here. Hope it is OK. Fontconfig error: line 1: no element found Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file Fontconfig error: line 1: no element found Fontconfig error:
2007 Oct 11
problem to install itunes 7.4.3 with wine 0.9.44
Hello, I'm on debian lenny (testing) with wine 0.9.44. When I try to install itunes 7.4.3, I've an erreor at install time even if I realunch the installation, so I don't have the directory itunes on c:\program files. For my configuration of wine, I've just changed the default OS from "Windows 2000" to "Windows XP", and I select Alsa for audio configuration.
2008 Jun 21
Pilot Log Software Installs but Won't Run
I have a PC running Ubuntu 8.04 with Wine 1.0.0 and I am attempting to install Log Book Pro ( I've attempted the install multiple times, with and without winetricks downloads implemented, but always with the same results. The program installs, opens but has very limited functions that respond (ie the menus/buttons show options but then nothing happens with most of
2007 May 04
Lotus Notes 6.5 fail to install in Wine
Hi, I'm trying to install Lotus Notes Client 6.5 in Brazilian Portuguese with Wine 0.9.36 and its doesn't work. I find in that this version of wine can install and run the Lotus Notes 6.0, 6.5, and 7 Windows clients without any special effort. And don't find any bugs related to that. Someone know something about? Thanks, Vitor ubuntu 7.04
2010 Mar 06
tippfix 1.1 fails to run in wine
Hello, the task is to run tippfix 1.1 in wine. I tried wine 1.1.28 as shipped with openSuSE 11.2-x86_64 and also the just release 1.1.40 package from the openSuSE build service. Installation of tippfx11.msi runs ok, but running the resulting Tippfix1_1.exe results in a popup "runtime error '429', object creation of ActiveX
2007 Mar 19
Trying to install MS Front Page
I'm a very new convert to Linux and have just installed Ubuntu 6.1/ Gnome. Because I need to run a couple of Windows apps, I also installed Wine and IE. Using winefile, I tried to install Front Page, but although everything looked as if it was going OK, it failed at the point where it was attempting to write Registry Values. The following screen opened on my desktop, which seems to be a log of
2008 Jun 17
Sins of a Solar Empire
Hey guys, I am trying to get Sins of a Solar Empire to work with wine 1.0 rc5. When I attempt to install the game the following things occur. mike at icarus:~$ wine /media/cdrom0/setup.exe fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub! fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub! fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub! fixme:richedit:RichEditWndProc_common WM_STYLECHANGING:
2008 Oct 28
Rosetta v3 part 13
So I'm a new ubuntu user trying to make the leap. I got tired of rebuilding xp systems that my g/f destroyed with malware and viruses every 6 months. Trying to get rosetta stone v3 (german) to work using wine 1.0. I get the following error... robertturner at laptop1:~$ cd / robertturner at laptop1:/$ ls bin dev initrd lib mnt root sys var boot etc initrd.img
2009 Apr 28
Troublesome Toad for MySQL on Wine
Please help a wine newbie... I'm battling to get Toad for Mysql Freeware working on Wine. I've downloaded ToadForMYSQLFreeware_410220.msi and run it with msiexec /i ToadForMYSQLFreeware_410220.msi It looks like it installs ok, but when I try to run it it doesn't start. Can anybody help? This is doing my head in. I really don't want to have to install windows on my Acer
2008 Jun 17
Well known MS Office install bug
Greetings - I've been trying to get Darwine RC3 to install MS Office, but get this error (below) repeatedly. Is this a known problem? Ideas? thanks Reid bash-3.2$ /Applications/Darwine/Wine.bundle/Contents/bin/wine e: \setup.exe /autorun fixme:imm:ImmDisableIME (-1): stub fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership (0x0 0x122b40 0x326d8c) stub! Unknown option "L"r+"" for UI
2010 Oct 31
msg:install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executab
Hi Wine friends I am trying to install the genie windows software using wine 1.2.1 During the first attempt I recieve this first msg: install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables and some lines later this second msg: err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding Ok. After googleing I found the two msgs are related and the only way I could find to fix it was to install the mono26 using
2008 Jun 18
Avaya IPSoftPhone
Has anyone had any luck getting the Avaya IP SoftPhone to work in wine? I get these errors on Ubuntu 8 Code: preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000 wine: creating configuration directory '/home/microchp/.wine'... preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000 preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000 err:dosmem:setup_dos_mem
2008 Oct 27
installing autocad lt 2002
Can't get past the registration screen. Application seems to lock-up. After inputting my numbers I just get this rather stupid looking white blank box and then rest of application goes into non-response and/or whole computer locks-up. Have set emulator to win2k. Locked up with xp setting too. Using Lenny.