similar to: ANN: RSpec 0.6.2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "ANN: RSpec 0.6.2"

2006 Apr 26
ANN: svn_conf generator -- making "svn import" easy and fun
Rails make it easy to start a new application. At the same time, import a new project into Subversion is not that simple -- there are quite few files that should be ignored. I used to manually remove added log files and tmp/cache, tmp/sessions, tmp/sockets files after the import and then go through the painful process of setting svn:ignore properties. There is an easier way -- simply
2007 Apr 04
ANN: RSpec 0.9.0 beta-1 available for download.
We''d like to get some feedback on RSpec 0.9 before we start pushing out releases via Rubyforge''s gem server and update the website. We have therefore made the first beta of 0.9 available - both prepackaged and tagged in subversion (see below). RSpec 0.9 introduces a new API for expectations, which essentially means that your underscores go away (there has been other discussions
2007 May 03
RSpec 0.9.2
Behind every great release is a maintenance release. Go get it while it''s hot. We''ve also reworked the website a little - trying to scare off fewer people. Aslak
2009 Mar 25
[Cucumber] ANN: Cucumber with pure Java
Big news for all Java programmers out there. Now you can use Cucumber with pure Java! That''s right, you don''t have to write a single line of Ruby! (1) All of your step definitions can be written as annotated methods in POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects). To get a taste of what this looks like, check out the simple example in the cucumber_java project on GitHub: * README for
2007 Nov 11
Who''s using --format rdoc
I''m doing some housekeeping and just realised that the rdoc formatter produces gibberish: Will anyone protest if I just go ahead and remove it? (I can''t imagine anyone using it, especially with the much better HTML formatter) Aslak
2006 Dec 03
RSpec 0.7.4 released
Hi all, I released RSpec 0.7.4 yesterday, and by now the gems should have rsync''ed to all the mirrors. This release features a complete redesign of the reports generated with --format html. You can see some examples of it here: As usual there are many bug fixes - mostly related to spec/rails.
2007 May 06
NetBeans gets RSpec support
It looks like the lates NetBeans milestone can run RSpec specifications: I haven''t tried it myself, but if anyone else does please tell us about your experience. Aslak
2007 Dec 17
Rails 2.0.2: Some new defaults and a few fixes
Now that we have the big Rails 2.0 release out the door, it''s a lot easier to push out smaller updates more frequently. So that''s what we''re going to do. Rails 2.0.2 contains a bunch of smaller fixes to various bugs, no show-stopping action, just further polish. But it also contains a few new defaults:
2006 Jun 21
Mongrel -- Quick Small Fixes
Hi Everyone, This is a small release that fixes a little bug, some of the documentation, and adds the new RedirectHandler code and a @redirect@ call for the mongrel.conf files. It''s fresh so don''t rely on it. Everyone should upgrade with the usual *gem update* command (which tells you it''s "Upgrading...") and tell me how it works. This release fixes: * The
2006 Jun 15
Markaby Installation Issues
Ok, So I followed the directions.. I did a ''gem install markaby'' (which sounds like its enough to get me going for rails), but I wasn''t sure, so I tried to install the plugin as well. Plugin installation fails looking for a file: Script/plugin install Outputs this error: + ./trunk/svnindex.xsl
2008 May 17
Can someone help with this error?
Hello all, I get this intermittent error saying OpenURI::HTTPError. At the bottom of the email is what is reported in my backgroundrb_server_<port>.log file. The process_netflix_reviews method is parsing (in the background) Netflix''s RSS feeds. This error also pretty much brings down the BDRb process and to recover, I am forced to do a ./script/backgroundrb stop
2006 Oct 11
Retiring test2spec?
Hi all, We''re thinking about retiring the test2spec translation tool because it''s becoming a maintenance problem. Is anyone using it? Would anyone miss it if it went away? Aslak
2005 Nov 17
indexing source code
Hi again, I''m using ferret to index source code - DamageControl will allow users to search for text in source code. Currently I''m using the default index with no custom analyzer (I''m using the StandardAnalyzer). Do you have any recommendations about how to write an analyzer that will index source code in a more ''optimal'' way? I.e. disregard common
2005 Nov 17
lock problems from concurrent processes.
Hi! First, thanks a LOT for ferret. The API and documentation is great. I''m trying to integrate ferret into a RoR app (DamageControl) and have run into a problem with locks. DamageControl consists of two processes that start up and run in parallel. The first one is the webapp (which is just a plain RoR app). The second is a daemon process that runs in the background. The daemon process
2008 Dec 03
Indentation Conventions for Ruby and Cucumber
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Aslak Helles?y <aslak.hellesoy at>wrote: > When (if) this thread ends, let''s start a discussion about indentation > conventions! > Oh... let the pleasure be mine!... and why wait? _EVERYONE_ knows that the only way to indent ruby code is 2 plain spaces. Tabs are known to be the source of all evil and 4 spaces obviously wastes
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2008 Jan 18
How do I pass form values from POST controller specs?
Hi there I just started my first Merb app and I''m running into some weird things in Specs. When I do: describe "create action" do it "should create a new project" do project_params = {:name => ''bekkunin''} Project.should_receive(:create).with(project_params) controller, action = post(''/projects'', :project
2006 Sep 27
Installation success, execution failed
Hello, after I wasn''t able to install wxruby via gem (404) I downloaded the file from rubyforge and installed it on my intel mac. No failure the so I tried to start the minimal.rb with ruby -r/r?/ ubegems <path>... This didn''t work so I tried to do it in irb but the same error occured: irb(main):001:0> require ''rubygems'' => true
2009 Feb 06
RecordNotFound bubbling thru to cucumber
Hello, I have a controller action that raises a RecordNotFound exception if you''re not allowed to see something. In my global application controller (application.rb), I catch these and render the 404 template. But when I run cucumber (using webrat), it''s getting the full stacktrace (the step blows up). Any ideas why? I have consider_all_requests_local turned off in my test.rb.
2007 Aug 14
Stubbing all methods
Mocha''s mock/stub framework has the ability to stub all methods on a mock given. Does RSpec''s mocking framework have this ability? And if not, is there some reason it shouldn''t be implemeneted? Regards, Scott