Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Config file semantics."
2008 Feb 28
opening ..xfd file with wine
Just installed Wine and PureEdge so I can work with the US government's forms but am unable to open the form which is a file ending with .xfd extension. Can anyone shed some light on how to get PureEdge started?
Using Ubuntu Gutsy and FF
Any help is greatly appreciated.
2011 Apr 18
how to extract options for a function call
Hi, I'm having some difficulties formulating this question.
But what I want,
is to extract the options associated with a parameter for a function.
method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN")
in the optim function.
So I would like to have a vector with
c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG",
2008 Aug 05
qqline function doesn't plot
I have a data vector x. When I try
I get the following error:
Error in int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...) :
plot.new has not been called yet
And a blank plot appears.
Can anybody help? What am I doing wrong?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Sep 12
mahalanobis distance
Is there a function that calculate the mahalanobis distance in R .
The dist function calculates "euclidean"', '"maximum"', '"manhattan"',
'"binary"' or '"minkowski"'.
Thanks ../Murli
2008 May 01
Installing Packages in Windows Vista -- YES I tried Run as Administrator
I'm having trouble installing packages in Windows Vista. It's driving me
I read all the threads and I have tried the following:
1) Right click on R and Run as Administrator
2) Turn off User Account Control
3) Toss machine across room (OK haven't tried this one yet, but I'm close)
Here is the R error messages I am getting
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this
2018 Mar 20
Fwd: Everything works except sending mail
Hi people,
Version of my beloved Dovecot installation:
2.2.27 (c0f36b0)
I moved from a OS X server to a Linux (Ubuntu) Headless server.
All fun and good to play around with. Love almost everything.
In the combination with Postfix and Dovecot I?m stuck to despair into
Everything works except I cannot send mail from my (OS X) Outlook client I
keep getting:
Connection to the
2003 Dec 18
long startup times for large file systems
Rsync has been churning away for 45 mins, presumably bulding an in-core
list of files to be copied to the destination. This is a very very large
filesystem we are copying locally - approximately 4.2million files
(WebCT). The resident process size for rsync has grown to 72Mb. - is
this normal behaviour for a file system this size, and does rsync have
the ability to handle such a large
2005 Aug 06
Macromedia Flash Loading Issues
I''ve discovered something very odd about the way Rails is handling
Flash media. I am attempting to load a partial that contains the code
for a flash adverstisment for the website. It was working ok when the
code was in the page, but once I pulled it out to a partial (so I
could use it on other pages) it stopped working.
<%= render(:partial =>
2012 Jan 27
Help boxplot to add mean, standard error and/or stadard deviation
Dear researchers
I wish to plot a box plot without the mean line (the black line) and plot
only the mean (red square). Futhermore, is it possible to add standard
error and/or stadard deviation?
This is an example
mytest <- c(2.1,2.6,2.7,3.2,4.1,4.3,5.2,5.1,4.8,1.8,1.4,2.5,2.7,3.1,2.6,2.8)
boxplot(mytest,lty = "solid")
means <- mean(mytest,na.rm=TRUE)
points(means, pch = 22, col
2006 Mar 08
function gdist, dist and vegdist in mvpart
Dear R community,
I am analyzing plant communities with the function mvpart, using a
dissimilarit matrix as input. The matrix is calculated with the funtion
fit <- mvpart(gdist (ba12[,18:29], meth="maximum", full=TRUE,
sq=F) ~ beers + slope_dem + elev_dem+ plc_dem + pr_curv+
+curv+max_depth+doc_rocks+ abandon+land_use+ca_old,
data=ba12, xv="p")
2012 Mar 04
wine 1.4rc6 crashes if alsa is available
I'm using wine in combination with pylotro for playing Lotro with Arch Linux. Since about a month the game start is blocked with the message:
err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0xf75822fe
wine client error:9: write: Ung??ltiger Dateideskriptor (bad file descriptor)
Today I was trying again to manage that problem. When I keep the crashed game open and start
2007 Feb 22
specking, speccing, or spec''ing
I vote for spec''ing.
Anybody else?
2018 May 09
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
Helo Greg - I got it with help of your code and I would like to add the value into the boxplot chart. How to do that.
y_duration <- c (16.438, 15.321, 12.700, 12.397,
10.795, 9.928, 10.386)
On May 09, 2018, at 10:06 AM, Jayaganesh Anbuganapathy <jai6561 at icloud.com> wrote:
Actually I would like to get an output on the below snapshot. I have tried various method like points,
2006 Jul 10
HABTM vs. using has_many :through
I''ve heard recently about has_many :through as a necessary alternative
to HABTM (when the join table has it''s own id column, say, in a legacy
schema). However, is the prevailing Rails wisdom now that one should
use has_many :through in _all_ cases?
If so, why?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Jul 25
Ruby hangman (was Re: List etiquette question)
"Beast" is more appropriate than you know. It''s definately Frankenstein
code. (read: it ain''t pretty, but it works - some of the time). Anyway, it
entertains my wife; not sure if hardcore programmers will get anything out
of it or not.
You might find it interesting (or pointless) that in a complete
bastardization of rails'' main reason for being it
2012 Jan 09
missing email
I haven't gotten anything from the list since my email of 09:34 EST. Do I
have a problem, or is the list quiet?
Please cc me offlist, if this goes through.
2005 Aug 11
Newbie Question: Building an Asterisk system to replace an old PBX but using existing phone
I have a brief from a local hotel to build a PBX using Asterisk but they
want to use their exisiting telephones and wiring from an old PBX that
no longer works.
Basically, I can build the system but an looking for a card that will
allow for upto 20 extensions to be wired into the back of the PC. Doeas
anyone know of a solution to this
ICQ: 679813 FidoNet: 2:263/950
2008 Oct 21
For loop - how to assign "i" when it is not an element of an index?
I'm trying to build a for loop, where I estimate a series of models with
different sets of (time series) data.
However my for loop doesn't recognize the "i"
##################### code################
window.1=anomalies.CAK[(positions(anomalies.CAK)>=timeDate("1/1/1971") &
positions(anomalies.CAK)<=timeDate("6/30/1991") )]
2013 Jan 01
redes pathfinder
Estimados compañeros estoy con un trabajo sobre redes pathfinder y
quería saber si conocéis alguna librería o función para dada la matriz
de proximidades sacar la matriz de la red pathfinder.
Un cordial saludo y un mejor año 2013.
Juan Antonio Gil Pascual
Prof. Titular de Metodología Cuantitatíva
correo: jgil en edu.uned.es
2000 Jul 26
Excel and Word file corruptions
Has anyone seen file corruption with Excel 97 SR1, on Samba?
Scotty (scott@dork.com) is running 2.0.7 on SCO 5.0.4 on a
Compaq Proliant 800, compiled on SCO 5.0.5 box.
He writes, on comp.protocol.smb:
> Oh dear. If this is the case does that mean my clients can't use Excel
> 97 SR1 on Samba or is there a workaround? At the moment some of my
> clients users are saving files to their C