similar to: Watching a directory

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Watching a directory"

2011 Mar 10
Can anyone help me understand Apache Errors?
LogWatch reports items like: Connection attempts using mod_proxy: -> 1 Time(s) -> 2 Time(s) Requests with error response codes 403 Forbidden 1 Time(s) 2 Time(s) 404 Not Found //jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor: 1 Time(s) /VINT_1984_THINK_DIFFERENT: 1 Time(s)
2011 Mar 24
Remote-logging nginx? (or other non-syslog-enabled stuff)
I'm looking for suggestions as to a good general method of remote-logging services such as nginx or anything else which doesn't support syslog natively. I'm aware that there's an nginx patch, and we're evaluating this. It may be the way we fly. However there are other tools which may not have a patch for which remote logging would be useful. If there's a general soution
2011 Mar 07
Dell PERC H800 commandline RAID monitoring tools
We're looking for tools to be used in monitoring the PERC H800 arrays on a set of database servers running CentOS 5.5. We've installed most of the OMSA (Dell monitoring) suite. Our current alerting is happening through SNMP, though it's a bit hit or miss (we apparently missed a couple of earlier predictive failure alerts on one drive). OMSA conflicts with mega-cli, though we may
2011 Feb 19
strace issue in 5.5?
Hello, I am trying to get some more information about the following issue: # strace -p 2256 attach: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ...): Operation not permitted I am trying to trace an mdadm re-sync pid and I keep getting the above error. I have done some digging on google and forums, but have not had much luck. Redhat-release says CentOS release 5.5 (Final) uname: 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5 Any help
2011 Mar 23
Install on Dell PowerEdge T310
Hi, this is the first time I install linux on a dell server. Simply I booted from a centos 5.5 x64 dvd but I cant see the disks.. is there something I miss ? thanks very much for any help luigi
2011 Mar 25
Default permissions for creating a new user
I know this is a Linux 101 question, however I am unable to locate the answer in my O'Reilly Linux book: how to set the default for permissions when creating a new user. The default for the GUI in my newly installed Centos 5.5 is 700. I usually use 774. And when root creates a new directory, is there a way to have a default there too? Lastly, if root or someone with root privileges
2011 Mar 03
Gnu Screen - terminal issues
I really like gnu screen and use it everyday but there's one thing that is a bit inconvenient, and that's the odd line wrapping and terminal size issues that seem to pop up. The problem crops up when I type or paste a really long command, and then go back and try to edit it; the text starts to wrap over itself and you have no idea what you are editing. Any fixes for this?
2011 Mar 07
email to web posting software?
Dear CentOS, I have a user group that would like to be able to routinely post (easily) emails to a web site. Must be usable without special training. I have no experience with this. Anyone have a suggestion? LAMP stack installed. Dave -- When a respected information source covers something where you have on-the- ground experience, the result is often to make you wonder how much fecal
2011 Apr 05
Printers, aka an old time sysadmin
Well, today, I feel like a real, old time sysadmin. Now, I didn't have to write a driver in assembly for the printer, but.... We got this huge, 44" HP Designjet z3200ps printer. Only supports Win and Mac. Fine, I hang it off of one of our servers on a subnet (at $0.96/foot paper, we're the only ones who print on it....). Then I'm thinking that all I really need is a .ppd. My
2010 Dec 06
CentOS 5.5 on a new Mac Mini? no CD Driver?
Hi All, I am attempting to install CentOS 5.5 64 bit on my new Mac Mini. I boot to the CD and when I get to selecting where I am installing from (local cd, hard disk, ftp, etc) I select Local CD and it cannot find a driver and wants me to manually specify or use a driver disk. I ave no idea what drive is in this system. Can anyone point me in the right direction? -Jason
2011 Feb 18
Recommendation for a Good Vulnerability Scanning Service?
Hi, Can someone recommend a good vulnerability scanning service? I just need the minimum for PCI compliance (it's a sort of credit card processing certification). I got a free scan from and their scan reported a number of "Fail" results. I haven't checked them all yet but most seem to be things for which fixes were backported looong ago by The
2011 Mar 08
Server hangs on CentOS 5.5
Hi -- I'm running a server which is usually stable, but every once in a while it hangs. The server is used as a file store using NFS and to run VMware machines. I don't see anything in /var/log/messages or elsewhere to indicate any problem or offer any clue why the system was hung. Any suggestions where I might look for a clue? -- Michael Eager eager at 1960 Park Blvd.,
2011 Mar 12
wich filesystem to store > 250E6 small files in same or hashed dire
Hi I need to store about 250.000.000 files. Files are less than 4k. On a ext4 (fedora 14) the system crawl at 10.000.000 in the same directory. I tried to create hash directories, two level of 4096 dir = 16.000.000 but I had to stop the script to create these dir after hours and "rm -rf" would have taken days ! mkfs was my friend I tried two levels, first of 4096 dir, second of 64
2014 Oct 09
file system replication
Hi Everyone, I need to keep 2 systems identical. Mostly e-mail directories, web directories, mysql, etc. The goal here is to have a 2nd system ready to go it the first one starts to exhibit hardware issues. What are options to have this happen? I'm going out on a limb and thinking rsync but I haven't used it past just simple use cases. Can anyone provide some insight for me? CentOS
2011 Mar 14
Swap space for kvm virtual host
I have a kvm virtual host running on what will become CentOS 6 with 12GB of memory and a Quad Xeon X5560 2.8Ghz . The store for virtual machines will be a software raid 6 array of 6 disks with an LVM layered on top. I'm not initially planning any major overcommitment of resources, though there could be a need for some overcommitment with a light workload on the guests. In recent years
2013 Apr 09
web collaboration packages.
Hello All, Try as I might, I cannot get Zimbra 8.0.3 to install on CentOS 6.4, even with --platform override. I followed some tutorials even that show the result working and nada. Can anyone suggest a good setup for e-mails erving, calendaring, web mail? Web mail is particularly important for my wife so she can check e-mail when she is at work. Jason
2014 Oct 30
CentOS 6.5 equivalents in CentOS 7
I tried to install CentOS 7 on a new system. It works. However, I'm noticing small things: 1. system-config-network-tui is not installed and yum cannot find it. I realized for this -- nmtui What about firewall? I can't seem to understand the replacement from system-config-firewall-tui Jason
2012 Jan 25
Can anyone talk infrastructure with me?
Hi All, I started a 501c3 (not-for-profit) organization back in February 2011 to deal with information archival. A long vision here, I wont bore you with the details (if you really want to know, e-mail me privately) but the gist is I need to build an infrastructure to accommodate about 2PB of data that is database stuff, stored video, crawl data, static data sets, etc. Right now in my testing of
2013 Apr 10
Formatting a USB Drive
Hi All, I have a Drobo, connected to a CentOS 6.4 box. The box sees it as /dev/sdg. I want to format it ext3 (as they dont support ext4) but when I try I get: # fdisk -u /dev/sdg WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdg'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted. WARNING: The size of this disk is 17.6 TB (17592186044416 bytes). DOS partition table
2013 Dec 12
Do I need a dedicated firewall?
Hi All, So my electricity bill is through the roof and I need to pair down some equipment. I have a CentOS 6.5 Server (a few TB, 32gb RAM) running some simple web stuff and Zimbra. I have 5 static IP's from Comcast. I am considering giving this server a public IP and plugging it directly into my cable modem. This box can handle everything with room for me to do more. Doing this would allow