similar to: should expectation syntax has changed

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "should expectation syntax has changed"

2007 Jan 09
Date Approximation in Specs
The floating-point expectations allow for an error tolerance. Is there any similar facility for dates? For example, say I have a custom class that handles date/time spans and I want to spec it: context "A DateRange span" do specify "should know when a week ago is :)" do d = d.last_week.should_be_close_to(1.week.ago, 24*60*60) end end The idea
2009 Apr 02
Problem with Custom matcher and Blocks
Hi, I''m trying to write my first custom matcher. Here''s a bit of my example group. describe "/contact/index" do include FormMatchers before(:each) do render ''contact/index'' end it "should show the contact form" do response.should have_a_contact_form end describe "the contact form" do context
2007 Jun 18
Testing for cross site scripting, etc.
Being new to testing and ruby, are there "standard" tests that can be done that test for things like cross site scripting and friends? If not, anyone have ideas on what I might do about testing those sorts of things? I''ll be using rails, also. Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging
2011 Jul 25
What does using a lambda in rspec tests accomplish?
Here is the code in question: describe UsersController do render_views … … describe "POST to ''create'' action" do describe "failure" do before(:each) do @attr = { :name => '''', :email => '''', :password => '''', :password_confirmation =>
2007 Sep 05
Caveman Questions
Hello! I''m just a caveman with some caveman questions. I''ve been parsing Rspec for quite a while, and I''m writing my first series of specs. My initial impressions are "Verbose, but understandable. Helpful and intuitive, but so much to digest." I want to congratulate the folks who are dedicating a chunk of their lives to writing this, and ask 2 caveman
2007 Feb 16
some fun functionality for all your specs
I''ve found these two snippets of code useful and would love some feedback. first, .should_have_valid_associations usage: context "A new Product" do specify "should have valid associations" do @product.should_have_valid_associations end end code: (thanks to Wilson/Defiler for converting to rspec) module Spec module Expectations module Should
2007 Jan 05
How To Spec Controllers with Finders
Given this code (which renders rjs), I''m faced with the fixture- driven way of spec-ing or mocking. How the heck to you mock this so the code at line (2) and (4) work right? I''m still struggling with mocks but it seems like this can be done. Forgive the naivety of this question. 1. def change_quantity 2. @line_item = LineItem.find_by_id(params[:id]) 3. unless
2006 Dec 04
should_be_different -- possible implementation
There is an assert_difference helper for Test::Unit (you can read about it at assert_difference and to some it should look familiar -- you know who you are :), so I took a shot at one for rSpec on Rails. class Object def should_be_different(method = nil, difference = nil) return self.should_not_eql(yield) if method.nil?
2007 Feb 13
Error against latest trunk while testing via spec for model
Hi I just did an update to lates trunk ================= context "Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded" do fixtures :venues specify "fixtures should load two Venues" do Venue.should have(2).records end end ================== gives me ========== 1) TypeError in ''Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded fixtures should load two
2007 Mar 29
a better "should have valid associations"
This is pretty much the same as last time around, if you recall. Thanks to Wilson for converting to the new form. I''ve added a few lines. Basically, it iterates over your model associations and does two things. - First, just try to call the association. Usually fixes speeling erors or other such silliness. - Second, try to find a record with an :include on the association. This
2007 Oct 09
Testing layouts with RSpec on Rails
Hey guys, Does anyone have any wisdom to share on the subject of speccing Rails layouts? Most of it''s plain old view specs stuff, but are there sensible ways to verify things like the yield call? (Mocking doesn''t catch that) Thanks, Matt -- Matt Patterson | Design & Code <matt at reprocessed org> |
2007 Jul 26
response.should_not redirect_to
Hey, May be it is just too deep night over here and I''m missing something though I got this failure on {{{response.should_not redirect_to}}}: ''QueuesController should allow authenticated user to access ''show'''' FAILED Matcher does not support should_not. See Spec::Matchers for more information about matchers. Also I''ve found this in
2007 Mar 14
What''s the new syntax for predicates?
@settings.should allow_publish_ip("") fails with undefined method `allow_publish_ip'' for #<#<Class:0x2f8fd48>:0x2f5a968> @settings.should_allow_publish_ip("") works fine This is rspec 0.8.2. says that matching arbitrary predicates is deprecated and to see
2007 May 15
nested blocks
Hello, Does anyone have an explanation for why the following code results in the error that follows? I also would value any criticisms of my approach (i.e., defining it_should_populate_collections). Thanks -Chris #Code def it_should_populate_collections(condition=nil) it "should populate any necessary collections #{condition}" do [*@collections_to_populate].each do
2007 Feb 04
Spec''ing ActionMailer
Good morning (Pacific Time). I have a controller action that, as a side-effect, sends an email to an administrator. I want it to do something like this: specify "when someone successfully signs up, an email should be sent to the administrator with the person''s contact page" do post :signup, {...lots o'' params} response should_be success #
2007 Jan 05
RSpec 0.7.5 with Rails and rcov
I seem to be missing something because I am at a loss on how to get rcov, RSpec, and Rails working together. Would someone mind dropping some hints?
2007 Sep 16
rspec_todo -- spec''ing backwards
While the spirit of BDD is to spec first and code second, many of us have legacy code. Worse, some of us have legacy code without very good coverage. Recognizing that *I* have such code, I created a script that grinds through your .rb files and creates placeholder specs for each public method. While it is more sensible to spec behavior of code function than of individual methods, this
2007 May 01
rspec and autotest
If you want to use rspec-0.9.2 with autotest (ZenTest-3.5.2), you''ll want to read this blog: Enjoy! David
2007 Mar 19
rSpec on Rails Integration Testing
I see that there is an integration testing example in the plugin code. What is the thinking about integration specs? Thanks, Steve
2006 Oct 23
overriding mock expectations
There is one annoyance I''m encountering with the Mock API in rSpec. Overall it works well, as far as dynamic mocks go ;)... but there''s this one thing... It doesn''t allow overriding of expectations. example: m = mock("blah") m.should_receive(:one).any_number_of_times().and_return(1) m.should_receive(:one).and_return(1) The second call to should_receive