similar to: RHEL 6 potential release date???

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70 matches similar to: "RHEL 6 potential release date???"

2014 Jun 07
centos security alerts via email
Hi, Is there way to subscribe centos security alerts via email? like: -- Eero
2011 Feb 11
On-Hold Music
Hi gang, In 500 words or less (if possible), please explain what is a legal music-on-hold file? My boss hates the stuff provided with the distribution and I figure that I'm asking for trouble if I take my Les Mis tracks and run them through Audacity and SOX to make new files. Thanks in advance Danny Nicholas -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2010 May 22
xend.log when pygrub failed to boot
I have uploaded xend.log and daemon.log I was creating a DomU which had failed to boot via pygrub. It seems problem lies in Debian itself /var/run/xend/boot/ does not exist on the target system. Here is a snapshot Following was the error Traceback (most recent call last):
2007 Jul 20
Is there a Centos 5.1 beta?
And if so where can I get information of what is being fixed/upgraded/added/deleted? Of course right now I only care about my bluetooth woes. ;)
2007 Apr 02
Partitioning with LVM
I've been reading up on recommended partitioning scheme and looking at Centos 5 beta's default scheme, it struck me that with LVM, it doesn't matter any more as long as we leave aside enough room for /boot, does it? Or am I still missing something here? Thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Jul 08
time series regression
Hi: I have two time series y(t) and x(t). I want to regress Y on X. Because Y is a time series and may have autocorrelation such as AR(p), so it is not efficient to use OLS directly. The model I am trying to fit is like Y(t)=beta0+beta1*X(t)+rho*Y(t-1)+e(t) e(t) is iid normal random error. Anybody know whether there is a function in R can fit such models? The function can also let me specify
2015 Jun 11
[LLVMdev] fatal error: error in backend: 32-bit absolute addressing is not supported in 64-bit mode
While building FSF gcc 5.1 against Apple's public Xcode 7 beta's new clang-based assembler, I ran into rejected assembly instructions during the -m32 multilb build of libjava. With assembler errors of the form... natArray.s:1110:2: error: ambiguous instructions require an explicit suffix (could be 'filds', or 'fildl')
2006 Jan 20
dovecot memory consumption beta vs. old "stable" series
Hi! I just wanted to know if anyone can give a definitive answer if dovecot beta's memory requirements are much better than in the old pre-alpha "stable" series? I'm using a rather old stable.20050712 release on an also rather old Debian Sarge box to manage my personal mails. I'm pretty satisfied with this dovecot release but it's memory consumption when deleting
2012 Dec 06
LAN discovery issue
Hi there, Following situation: 3 nodes, Alpha (Home fileserver), Beta (regular PC), Gamma (Notebook). All three in a NATed LAN usually, though the notebook also gets carried around and connects from the outside from time to time. Tinc should help me keep my other 2 PCs reachable from Gamma, even when I'm not at home. Also I plan on maybe adding more nodes to that in the future. I have set
2011 Dec 13
Should I use nls for this?
Hi, I have a dataset with the following properties: Y_i ~ N(mu_i, theta * (mu_i)^2) ln(mu_i) = B'Xi theta and beta's are the parameters here. I want to come up with a model to fit the data with the above property and test that model on the built in R dataset quine. Does nls() make sense in this case? Or is there any existing R package which can fit this model? -Shelly -- View
2008 Nov 03
Test-driving RHEL Betas
Good Evening (Dag and Karan), I have noticed the slight changes on the Download Page which is now linking to the RHEL Betas and want to take the discussion to the ML instead of the Wiki. I would personally prefer to link to the RHEL Betas from a (not yet created) Test-driving RHEL SIG page instead of the CentOS download page. This should be meant to promote project related downloads (resources
2006 Feb 24
SE of parameter estimates in glmm.admb
Dear R users, Does anyone know how to get standard errors of the parameter estimates in glmm.admb? Thanks, Istvan
2007 Aug 13
Q: how to extract coefisients from one glm and implement them in to an other glm?
Een ingesloten tekst met niet-gespecificeerde tekenset is van het bericht gescrubt ... Naam: niet beschikbaar Url:
2009 Mar 17
AFT model
Hi, In the package survival, using the function survreg for AFT model, I only see 4 distributions for the response y: weibull, gaussian, logistic, lognormal and log-logistic, which correspond to certain distributions for the error terms. I'm wondering if there is a package or how to obtain the parameter estimates (the beta's are of great interest) from the AFT model (maximizing
2011 Aug 15
constraining betas with mlogit package
I have been using the mlogit package but can't seem to figure out how to make constraints on the beta coefficients. For example, I would like to force that two of my beta's are equal to each other. Thanks in advance. Jonah
2012 Dec 05
LVM2 Thin Provisioning: 6.3 vs 6.4 (lvm2, device-mapper-persistent-data, et al)
I've been running into some problems with LVM thin provisioning in CentOS 6.3. Some of these I have reported to RH Bugzilla (e.g. The upshot seems to be that in RHEL 6.3 the features are "preview" but in 6.4 they are "full featured/robust" (hopefully) and many of the bugs are fixed. This raises the following
2006 Dec 27
1.4.0, IMAP and Dovecot
I thought I would give the new IMAP support a spin on my home server, but without much luck so far. Asterisk 1.4.0 Dovecot 0.99.14 Maildir format C-client 2006d The imap server is also the Asterisk server, so connections are on the localhost. The error posted to the logs is: IMAP Error: Can't open mailbox {}INBOX: invalid remote specification
2010 Apr 04
calculating an interaction statistic from stratified data
Dear R community, I have data on beta&standard error (for the main effect of variable x), stratified by sex for my dataset. I wish to calculate the sex-interaction effect (as beta&se) from these two stratified datasets. Is there a package to do this? If not, any advice how to do it manually? Thank you very much and best regards, Georg. ************************ Georg Ehret, JHU,
2004 Jan 05
Sip Trunking
Hi list, I have to connect two asterisk box, in this scenario: [asterisk1]----sip----[asterisk2]----PSTN I must use sip, cos we'll use cisco rtp header-compression to save bandwidth. Could you tell me the best way to send calls from asterisk1 to asterisk2, since I cannot use IAX trunking? Thanks in advance Eduardo
2004 Sep 22
Re: nVIDIA on Linux -- less is more
Christopher, I have a couple of other points. My recent email with the subject "nVIDIA on CentOS 3.3" was specifically in response to Kevin Wood's Fri, 17 Sep 2004 email with the subject "Does the nvidia graphic card problem still exist with CentOS-3.3?". The wording of my email came out wrong because I was responding to Kevin's email (which I copy below, along