similar to: Sun depricates JRE 1.4.2, what impact on Centos?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Sun depricates JRE 1.4.2, what impact on Centos?"

2009 Aug 24
Need Java plugin for Firefox in CentOS 5.3
Somewhere during the course of recent updates I've lost the Java plugin for Firefox. Not sure when it happened, but I know Java was working in Firefox earlier this year. Firefox comes up empty when searching for a suitable plugin. I'm running a fully updated CentOS 5.3 with the following packages installed: firefox-3.0.12-1.el5.centos.i386.rpm
2006 Jan 06
Installing Java 1.4.2
For scalix on Centos the Scalix forum provides instructions for convincing Scalix that Centos is Redhat: I am up to the point of getting Java JDK1.4.2 installed. I did a: yum list|grep "java" and got: gcc-java.i386 3.4.4-2 installed java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.noarch
2008 Mar 07
Getting JRE working in Firefox
I have installed both: jdk-6u5-linux-i586-rpm.bin jre-6u5-linux-i586-rpm.bin But no Java plugin in Firefox. I go to: And yes, Java is enabled but still get the dreaded 'download plugin'. I seem to recall some magic linking needed, but my docs are in Freemind that I can't get installed either.....
2005 Nov 02
JRE for x86_64
Does anyone know if the folks at Sun have put out a jre version to work with the x86_64 version of CentOS? If not, is there even any possibility of it occuring? Thanks.. Sam -- Snowman
2008 Jul 07
Best Java code for Centos 5.2s Firefox 3
OK. I just upgraded a test system from 5.1 to 5.2 and there went all of my efforts to get Java working. All those alternative commands that I lost track of what really worked.... So I need the JDK. I have that installed on my main system with some alternatives commands that I do not remember. I do remember (and can find) a thread here to help me on it, and I tried a number of different
2008 Jul 10
Java Setup
Hi People I have been following the instructions here but trying to modify them for jdk-6u7-linux-amd64.rpm but there doesn't see to be a compatible java-1.6.0-sun-compat-*.rpm. Does one exist ? If not can anyone point me to some documentation on how I can manually set up things so alternatives will work allowing multiple Java versions.
2008 Mar 06
xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis for Freemind?
I am working on installing Freemind ( on my new notebook. And it is not working... I downloaded all the rpms and put them into my local repo, enabled the jpackages repos then, well here is what is happening: yum install freemind* jcalendar* jgoodies-forms* Loading "installonlyn" plugin Loading "priorities" plugin
2007 May 30
java bindings 1.0.0 - jni.h not found
Hi all, I am new to Xapian and want to use it with Java. In order to do that I tried to compile the Java bindings. I set XAPIAN_CONFIG and invoked "configure". However "./configure --with-java" exits with an error. Point of failure: checking for jni.h... no checking for jni.h in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/include... no checking for jni.h in
2008 Jun 26
java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.i386 update failure
Hmmm, I seemed to have created a misalignmnet somewhere along the line. I can't remember doing anything to this. But at one time I did try to test the java open source. Posted my results to the list, got no response, abandoned all hope and went on my merry way. I don't know if this is related. I have installed an rpm for a java needed by an application I run. It was from the official
2008 Mar 07
Problem getting Java Runtime Environment installed into OpenOffice
Hi, I'm having trouble getting my new install of OpenOffice 2.31 to find my newly installed Java Runtime Environment version jre1.6.0_04 (downloaded from Sun). I tried installing it via Tools>Options>Java (am using OpenOffice Calc to try to set it up). The options dialog box is finding the Free Software Foundation version 1.4.2, but it won't find the new JRE file. I tried
2007 Jan 10
wine and build difference between R.2.4.0 and R 2.4.1 windows binaries?
Does anybody (most probably the core team) know if there is any difference in how the official 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 binaries are built? Problem is, 2.4.0 loads with the wine (I tried a few recent versions, and also used 2.3.x under wine from time to time), but 2.4.1 won't. Thanks. Hin-Tak Leung
2008 Jan 06
tomcat still sees jvm version 1.4.2 in Cent OS 5
i chose to install tomcat during the OS install as well as java....however, since I needed to use a different jvm, i used the method described in for Sun jdk 1.5.0_13 and it worked fine as I can tell, as using the alternatives --config java command, i see both 1.4.2 and 1.5.0 versions and choosing the 1.5.0 version yields the right version when doing a
2007 Oct 18
Upgrading Java on CentOS 4.5
# rpm -qa | grep -E '^(java|jdk|jre)-' jre-1.6.0_03-fcs java-1.4.2-gcj-compat- jdk-1.6.0_03-fcs java is a CentOS package. jdk and jre are from Sun. (I need Java >= 1.5.0 for an application I'm installing.) # update-alternatives --config java There are 1 programs which provide 'java'. Selection Command ----------------------------------------------- *+
2009 Aug 04
100% CPU when running (cran2deb) JGR on Debian
Dear all, I installed the amd64 cran2deb [1] JGR binaries on a fresh Debian testing, and JGR is missbehaving. When JGR starts up, one core of the CPU goes to 100% and stays there, even though I am keeping it idle and not performing any operation. I tried JGR with both sun-java6-jdk and openjdk-6-jdk, debian-liv:/home/liviu# update-alternatives --config java There are 4 choices for the alternative
2006 Aug 06
Official Java
What is the official method to install Java on Centos? I searched, but could find no mention of Java on the Web site. Ted Miller Centos 4.3 x86_64 Indiana
2006 Oct 03
how do I tell configure where to find Java?
Dear R-help, I'm trying to build R-2.4.0 on our Opteron-based Scyld cluster. The system has gcj (the GNU Java compiler, part of GCC) stuff in /usr/bin. When I installed jdk 1.5.08, the install script placed it in /usr/java (I didn't have a choice, as the script didn't offer that option). Now when I run configure in R-2.4.0, it finds gcj, which is not what I want to use. Is there a
2009 Jul 08
can't get rJava to install on Linux
Having difficulties getting rJava to install on my Debian Squeeze box. Perused the R-help list and tried some things that have worked for others but not for me. Below is the output of my attempted build, R CMD javareconf -e, and sessionInfo(). Note I tried the R CMD javareconf also as root, restarted R after each of these, all no help. * Installing *source* package ?rJava? ... checking for
2011 Nov 09
installing java on ubuntu 11.10 installation
Dear list members, I am starting to get acquainted with linux on a ubuntu 11.10 installation on an external hard disk. I have just installed R and all the packages available in the r-cran-* list. Now, I would like to get on with the installation of packages like Deducer and Acinonyx. The former requires JGR which in turn requires Java. I have tried to follow the instructions available at the
2010 Dec 23
tomcat errors starting after upgrade from cent5.3 to 5.5 (/rebuild-jar-repository: error: Could not find)
We just upgraded Cent from 5.3 to 5.5 on a bunch of servers with little to no issues (kudos to you guys) except on a few servers where it appears we are having a problem w/ the Tomcat upgrade. Previously our application server was working fine under 5.3 with Tomcat/Java installed as such: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat- java-1.6.0-openjdk-
2009 Feb 17
Sun JRE 1.6.0_12 installer hangs then crashes
Hi there, I upgraded to Wine 1.1.5 from Gentoo sources today, and tried to install Sun JRE 1.6.0_12 into a clean Wine prefix. Half-way through the installation, it hangs on "installing class data sharing" for a few minutes, then crashes. Java itself does seem to work though. Any ideas? Terminal output: Code: fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"michael" (nil) 0x33f77c