similar to: drbserver and --color

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "drbserver and --color"

2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2007 Feb 21
Using rspec_on_rails without a test database
Is there some way to remove the database hit when running rake rspec:models ? I''d like to mock all of my objects (or at least remove all reliance on fixtures and the database itself) - both for speed and because static fixtures are brittle. Best Regards, Scott Taylor
2007 Jul 14
expect_render twice in views
I found this: controller.expect_render(:partial => ''thing'', :collection => things).once but I am trying to expect_render twice in my view spec: template.expect_render(:partial => ''order_details'').twice This doesn''t work as the template.expect_render call seems to be returning an array. Is it possible to expect the rendering of a partial
2007 Apr 01
--color doesn''t work with --drb w/rspec_autotest
If I got this to work, do you think we could/should check in rspec_autotest into rspec? I''ve updated rspec_autotest abit, so let me know if you''d like the modified code. Scott
2006 Oct 24
1 should be 2. huh?
There''s another quirk I wanted to bring up. It''s about the failure message with should_equal and should_be. x.should_equal 2 a.should_not_be nil When they fail they yield messages like: 1 should equal 2 nil should not be nil When I''m caught off guard, which can be often, these messages confuse me. 1 should equal 2? No it shouldn''t. nil should not be
2007 Mar 19
spec.opts: questions about formatters, etc.
Questions concerning spec.opts: 1. Am I correct in believing that each option should go on a separate line of spec.opts in the rails spec directory? If this is so, why is it so? 2. Using a formatter in spec.opts doesn''t seem to work. Here is my spec.opts file: --colour -f s and this is what happens when I run the rake task: Couldn''t find formatter class s Make
2007 Apr 09
changes in 0.8 and greater - should_
Has the should_... syntax changed? I''m getting errors when running the following: should_render(:index) should_be_valid should_not_be_valid should_respond_to should_be should_render I thought the syntax changed to something like the following: obj.should render(:index) but this doesn''t seem to work. Scott
2007 Feb 27
Using a subversion repository to spec in a rails app
Is it a bad practice to use a subversion repository to the trunk of rspec and rspec_on_rails? Or rather, is it doomed to fail, since my gem will always be out of date? I know I can''t use spec, installed from gem,s if I have the latest revision of rspec and rspec_on_rails checked into my plugins directory. But I should still be able to use it with the --drb option, correct?
2007 Aug 14
Stubbing all methods
Mocha''s mock/stub framework has the ability to stub all methods on a mock given. Does RSpec''s mocking framework have this ability? And if not, is there some reason it shouldn''t be implemeneted? Regards, Scott
2007 May 23
rspec mocha and controller specs without integrated_views
The ability to choose a mocking framework is great as I prefer mocha, but I am have problems. On my controller specs, I am forced to ''integrate_views'' as the following code below shows you, the mocking of views is rspec specific. See stub! versus mocha''s stub unless block_given? unless integrate_views?
2007 Mar 28
respond.should be_successful
I''m wondering: Does it make more sense to add on successful? as an alias for success? in ActionController:TestRequest? I keep getting these two mixed up in my specs and was wondering if it would be helpful to anyone as a small patch to rspec. Best, Scott
2006 Dec 04
Model Testings with Observers
I have a Rails model that has an observer. The function of the observer is to send an email when a particular state change occurs in the model. Because the template rendering code is not loaded when doing model testing, I''ve had to shut off the email functionality of the observer for testing. Is there a better way to handle this? Thanks
2006 Oct 27
scaffold_resource should create specs instead of tests
Is this in the works?
2007 Apr 10
getting output of STDOUT in spec
Consider the following method: def name_to_terminal puts "Scott Taylor" end How would I spec this out? Scott
2007 Feb 26
drbspec - "no server running"
At times I''ve gotten the message "No Server Running" from drbspec with my rails app. The thing is, the drb server certainly is running! This happened a few times with my model specs. I''m not sure exactly what the problem was there - I believe I was loading up fixtures that didn''t exist. I was calling fixtures :singular_table_name as opposed to
2007 Apr 11
Suggestion: put svn url under "Contribute" section of site
Hello, I have been looking to submit a patch to RSpec, and I wanted to go about it the right way, so I loaded up The author of this page suggests that one should download from trunk to make any patches. It would be great if this section also included a url to the trunk. -Chris
2007 Aug 15
Extra Options to Heckle
I''ve tried running Heckle with rspec on some of my classes, but keep getting (what I believe to be) an infinite recursion. Is there some way to supply extra options to heckle via. rspec? Scott
2008 Sep 09
cucumber - mark a step as pending
I love the way I can throw a call to pending() in the top of an unfinished RSpec example and stop it from failing the build. Is there a similar way to do such a thing with good ole'' cucumber? cheers, Matt ---- In case you wondered: The opinions expressed in this email are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any former,
2007 Nov 21
''it'' duplicate example: BUG
I svn up''ed this morning, to get the following message with rake spec: /Users/smt/src/web/urbis/trunk/vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/spec/example/ example_group_methods.rb:96:in `it'': Duplicate example: ''should contain the total number of messages'' (RuntimeError) Anyone have any ideas why this might be going on? My specs were all passing last night. Let me
2007 Jun 08
When to use BDD/TDD w/ external libraries
Test First Development is great...But should you use it when you are adding classes/methods on to external library that doesn''t have an extensive test suite? I noticed that the rspec plugin for autotest has no specs. David Chemlinsky said something to the list a while back that has been stewing in my subconscious - that you develop software differently using Test First