similar to: Markdown-Discuss Digest, Vol 97, Issue 6

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Markdown-Discuss Digest, Vol 97, Issue 6"

2007 Jul 20
Markdown-Discuss Digest, Vol 48, Issue 13
It was a very useful feature for e-mail parsing and I miss it. I use PHP Markdown extra to send multipart alternative e-mail, and the short syntax [link] instead of [link][] is very clean and lean. Do you plan to implement it anymore? Or is there a tweak to get the present PHP Markdown Extra to parse [links] as [links][]? BTW I did not find mention of this in
2009 Apr 23
No Markdown in <div>s or <table>s ?
>From > Note that Markdown formatting syntax is not processed within block-level > HTML tags. E.g., you can?t use Markdown-style *emphasis* inside an > HTML block. [...] Unlike block-level HTML tags, Markdown syntax is > processed within span-level tags. How do people work around this when they want to apply Markdown to text
2012 Jun 16
A better guide to Markdown
Hello! Is there a simpler, better designed guide to Markdown than that I can refer my forum users to? Something Googleish-looking. Or do forum owners usually end up having to write their own guides? Thank you! Mikkel -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Jul 18
Links in DF's Markdown?
I noticed the markdown used for this: Discussion List <a id="discussion-list" /> --------------- It seems to be a way to associate id's or classes with markdown elements. Is this a standard "best practices"? I've gone a different direction in my use of MD. I have a trivial jQuery stunt that looks for
2006 Jul 07
adding [markdown] to the email subject lines for markdown-discuss
Hi All, I was wondering what people thought to the idea of getting "[markdown]" added to the subject lines of all the mails to the markdown mailing list? It would certainly help me out with my email organisation. Many thanks CHEERS> SAM
2006 Aug 30
1 1.0.2b7
Download: <> Changes from 1.0.2b4, the last released version: + Changed shebang line from "/usr/bin/perl" to "/usr/bin/env perl" + Now only trim trailing newlines from code blocks, instead of trimming all trailing whitespace characters. + Fixed bad performance bug in new
2007 May 09
Updated Markdown Test Suite
I've updated the MarkdownTest package. The test script is unchanged, but the Tests folder contains new tests, corresponding to the bugs fixed in 1.0.2b8. <> -J.G.
2006 Apr 03
New to Markdown, Suggestion . . .
So, this is my first post, greeting, yada, yada. By way of background, I'm a law student/former DC IT consultant and soon-to-return to the IT field. Don't ask me why I went to law school, I have forgotten--and I am not certain it was a good choice. I ran across Markdown only recently, although I have always favored ASCII as the impervious format. I'm also polishing my Python skills,
2006 Jun 05
0 development?
Hi. Is it just me or is there an elephant in here? </tongue-in-cheek> The official Markdown homepage ( offers the 18-month-old version 1.0.1 as a download, and the Dingus page purports to be run on a version 1.0.2b6 - which seems to offer pretty much the same functionality as the old 1.0.1 version. My question is: Is there any active development
2007 May 09
3 1.0.2b8
Download: <> Changes from 1.0.2b7: + Fixed bug with nested raw HTML tags that contained attributes. The problem is that it uses a backreference in the expression that it passes to gen_extract_tagged, which is broken when Text::Balanced wraps it in parentheses. Thanks to Matt Kraai for
2007 Jul 13
Markdown rendering question
Hello, I'm trying to render the following page in markdown: This page was converted into markdown using Aaron Swartz's html2text [1]. And then rendered to HTML using Niklas Frykholm's markdown.lua [2]. Everything works quite nicely... except that under 'Lua Enhancements'... the very first header is not rendered as a header, but as
2013 Mar 19
Using Markdown locally
Markdown is a fantastic program (which I am sure you already know). It saves me a lot of time. Currently, I use the dingus located at: However, I am trying to set one up just like that, locally - on my own system, without having to use that one (wasting the bandwidth, and having to switch to the site every time to use it). I am running Ubuntu.
2012 Oct 18
Trouble with parentheses in Markdown hyperlinks
How can we improve URL detection in Markdown? I posted a question on Stack Overflow and happened to click a URL in my post. To my surprise, it wasn't functional, and it took three different, nonintuitive manipulations before I achieved a functional URL. Stack Overflow says "not my problem", so I'm deferring to Markdown itself. Here's a
2007 Jun 09
Blosxom + Markdown problem: randomised email links break RSS, Atom
As described here, "Markdown will... perform a bit of randomized decimal and hex entity-encoding to help obscure your address from address-harvesting spambots" on automatic email address links like <rwhe at>. I have had a problem with my RSS feed for months, where certain entries would refresh every hour or
2007 Apr 19
Use of Markdown Extra in a forum
from : benoit at to : markdown-discuss at Subj.: Use of Markdown Extra in a forum Date : Apr 19th 2007, 15:24:25 (GMT+7) Dear all, I have tried to implement PHP Markdown Extra in a forum (PunBB) and found that however well each message is translated, there are collisions when different messages in the same page have the same inside link names (footnotes, title
2007 Feb 28
Showdown -- A javascript port of Markdown
Hi, I've just posted the first public version of Showdown, a full javascript port of Markdown. It's 10KB and works in all major browsers. Try out the sample app: <> Full source code is available: <> All the heavy lifting is done by the browser's regular expression engine, so
2001 Jun 02
ssh-keygen(1) misinfo: English prose entropy 0.6 - 1.3 b/char!
Quoth manpage: otherwise easily guessable (English prose has only 1-2 bits of entropy per word, and provides very bad passphrases). The passphrase can be Whoever wrote that manpage is either possessed of some amazing human insight to which I am not privvy, chose a very non-representative sample of English prose, or is just plain wrong. I know none of you would ever make such a glaring error,
2008 Feb 29
evolving the spec (was: forking
> Anyway, a spec for Markdown Extra would contain a spec for Markdown as > well, wouldn't it? I think the whole enterprise would be a lot more valuable, if we produce a combined spec, which would be self-contained, and call it Markdown 2.0. I don't think we necessarily need a formal grammar. What we need is to create a document, starting with "Markdown Syntax" perhaps,
2011 Jun 29
Markdown-Discuss Digest, Vol 98, Issue 21
Make it 5 :) On 11-06-28 11:00 PM, markdown-discuss-request at wrote: > Send Markdown-Discuss mailing list submissions to > markdown-discuss at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to >
2011 Nov 21
Markdown-Discuss Digest, Vol 103, Issue 8
You could, like the rest of us, simply skim past a post not interesting to you. Oh, but then you wouldn't get to show off how clever you are with your use of "crAppStore"! > I'm sure the world will dearly mourn the failures of markdown-based > crAppStore apps. > > > Now go troll somewhere else, kid. > > Yeah, it would be ironic of trolls to call each