similar to: Hello

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Hello"

2011 Aug 25
manage sudoers with augeas
Hello, I am trying to use augeas via puppet, augeas { "mailops": context => "/files/etc/sudoers", changes => [ "set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/user %mail-ops", "set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/host_group/host ALL", "set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/host_group/command[1] \"/bin/su
2010 Jun 02
augeas type and /etc/services
Has anyone attempted to use the augeas type to add a service? I got the service to add no problem, but having some difficulties to get the match to work to prevent duplicate entries from adding. Since the service-name[*] has endless number of entries I used a glob so it checks all the entries but that does not seem to work. Any ideas on how to proceed? augeas { app_tcp'': context
2010 Jun 30
augeas and sudo woes
The following function is based on code I found here in an earlier thread. define sudoer() { augeas { "sudo${name}": context => "/files/etc/sudoers", changes => [ "set spec[last() + 1]/user ${name}", "set spec[last()]/host_group/host ALL", "set spec[last()]/host_group/command NOPASSWD: ALL", "set
2010 Mar 18
Puppet Client using wrong environment.
Hi, I exposed few days ago this situation on the IRC, but unfortunately I haven''t found a way to solve it yet. I run the Puppet Master with multiple environments, and everything is working good but a couple of nodes that are causing me some troubles. These nodes are pointing to my production environment and I need to point them back to development to grab some changes I made. I
2010 Jul 27
Catching failure with templates
So, I’m using templates for the first time and I wanted to test the case where the values used by the template don’t exist. I get an error like this: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed to parse template slapd_replication.erb: Could not find value for ''slapd_consumer_rid'' at /etc/puppet/manifests/experimental/services/ldap.pp:141
2010 Sep 06
augeas and /etc/securetty
Hi, I need to add one line to /etc/securetty, say it needs to be ttyS1. Do not add it if ttyS1 already exists in file /etc/securetty. How to achieve this using puppet module in puppet 2.5? This file is different than the other examples using augeas, this one only has value per line, not name-val pair. Thanks, Hai -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2010 Apr 08
Puppet commands giving nothing but a stack trace
I suspect this has more to do with Ruby than Puppet, but I know little about Ruby and Google has failed me, so I''m asking here. I''m finally getting some of our older systems brought into Puppet. I installed it on several this morning without incident, but there are two (more or less identical RHEL 5.3 systems) that throw horrible errors. These systems did not have Puppet or Ruby
2011 Jan 26
"Registering" a node with a central service?
I have a couple of applications (backup, Cacti, Asset Tracking) where I want a node to have some package and config installed, and once that is done, some config to be done on another system to register the client with a central server. Is there a standard way to do this, short of having some kind of web service accessible from all the client systems? From my limited Puppet knowledge, anything I
2011 Jul 14
Seems straight forward enough but I keep getting errors. On a client... err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed when searching for node ubuntu5.ttinet: LDAP Search failed on the puppet master... puppet.conf [master] # ENC (external node classificiations) node_terminus = ldap ldapnodes = true ldapclassattrs = puppetclass # LDAP ldapserver =
2010 Oct 22
problem w/ puppet & augeus : xinetd.d/rsync server_args value
Hello, I would like to have the following line (among others) in my /etc/xinetd.d/rsync file : server_args = --daemon --address=<ipaddress_eth0> --log-file=/var/log/rsyncd.log To this end, i am using the camptocamp rsyncd module available from git. Everything works except this line. I thought it was, perhaps, a questions of spaces (this has been discussed on the list before),
2011 Oct 20
toast, history, sayonara
ok, while i was in the process of writing that last post, fletcher and john weighed in themselves. that's good. i can say some things that they can't, though, so i will. fletcher told you how multimarkdown is booming, and it was an impressive list. what you might not realize is, he _undersold_ it. it is even bigger than he described, and it's gonna _double_ in size in the next
2010 Feb 22
Augeas type: Removing an entry from /etc/hosts
Hi all, I''m just starting to look at using Augeas with Puppet to manage some of our configuration files. I thought I would start with a simple task of removing an entry from the /etc/hosts file. I''m not finding it simple though! We have a number of hosts with entries in the /etc/hosts file like this: hostname We would like to remove these lines. Now I know this can
2011 Sep 23
ldap ENC extension to use environment parent node
Hi, We currently use ldap ENC to set server role variables and extlookup to set domain or environment variables. I have a suggestion regarding ldap use as an ENC - if a node within ldap has the environment attribute set then it should inherit/mixin (if available) from a node named after it''s environment. It could be populated with only puppetVar type attributes so that any environment
2010 Oct 06
Using Augeas to manage /etc/network/interfaces from Puppet
Hi, Sorry for the broad distribution, I''m not sure who best can help me. I''m trying to add a new interface stanza to /etc/network/interfaces. With augtool, I can accomplish this with the following: set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[last()+1] bond1 set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[last()]/family inet set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[last()]/method dhcp set
2010 Nov 19
augeas / sudoers
Hello everybody! How can i create with puppet following sudoers file: User_Alias CENTREON=apache,nagios CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* restart CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* reload CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nagios* -v * The problem that augeas create only last line, replacing previous one. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to
2011 Jan 03
Mango 0.5
Hi folks, Mango 0.5 <> was released a week ago. It includes several improvements including support for multiple time zones and the "magic" video syntax Waylan suggested on this mailing list several months ago. Mango <> is a blogging application which draws content from Markdown documents. It's high performance,
2013 Apr 18
Styling Markdown approaches
Hi guys, I wrote a markdown based Web editor thing for my sister: And she has trouble styling blocks of markdown. Since <div markdown=1>markdown here</div> does not work on my Debian markdown binary. Is there a formal definition of markdown? Or some sort of conformance test? And certain markdown implementations I should be using, and certain ones I should be
2010 Jan 18
reload/restarting puppetd after puppet.conf change
Subject basically says it all. Anyone have a good idea of how to get puppetd restarted after installing a updated puppet.conf? Using the Service types obviously doesn''t work since puppet is already running. Is there no, please reload your config on the next run option? I mean there is always some screwing with a cronjob to just restart puppet once and awhile but I dunno I was
2010 Nov 05
rendering Markdown automatically
I made this thing. Some of you may find it useful. I'm using it for documentation at work. It could also be handy if you run Apache on your desktop machine and want to share files (for display purposes only) that way. -- Rob McBroom <>
2012 Feb 27
easiest markdown to PDF conversion
I'd love to hear everyone's favorite way to convert markdown to PDF. I'm looking for the easiest, most straightforward option. >From what I've gathered, the method needs to include something like LaTeX in order to have it paginate correctly, so I'll need to install that as well. Is this correct? When I've used the simple export-to-PDF options in Marked, MMD