similar to: Result too long a vector?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90000 matches similar to: "Result too long a vector?"

2012 Mar 25
'names' attribute must be the same length as the vector
I have met into this problem when I tried to run panel regression by plm. My code: library(plm) indus <- read.csv(file="full.csv",header=TRUE) industry< reg<-lm(LnTSO2 ~ LnPGDP + LnPGDP2 + LnSOES + LnCOES + LnLIMD + LnSHOLD + LnPRIV + LnFIEs + LnEXP + LnIMP + LnLEXRE + LnVALTAX + LnIND1 + LnIND2 + LnIND3 + LnIND4 + LnIND5 + LnIND6 + LnIND7 +
2012 May 02
uneven vector length issue with read.zoo?
I truncated and simplified my code and the read in data that I'm working with to isolate the issue. Here is the read in data and R script respectively: test.csv Here is the terminal/R shell output that I hope the above replicates on your screen: > source("elecLoad.r", echo = TRUE) > #Load
2013 Nov 21
How to extract sets of rows (not sorted) from text file in R, do some methods on these rows, save the result in another text file, then pick others set of rows and do the same
Hi, dat1 <- read.csv("Manal.csv",header=FALSE) str(dat1) #'data.frame':??? 31 obs. of? 9 variables: # $ V1: int? 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 ... # $ V2: int? 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ... # $ V3: int? 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... # $ V4: int? 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... # $ V5: int? 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 ... # $ V6: int? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... # $ V7: int? 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... # $ V8: int? 0 1 0
2020 Oct 01
Help with the Error Message in R "Error in 1:nchid : result would be too long a vector"
Hello Rui, Thanks a lot for your response. But, I will surely say that the data I attached is in long format as it has 18 rows (3 alternatives*3 questions* 2 individuals). Had it been a wide format data it would have had 6 rows (3 questions* 2 individuals). But, anyway thanks. Best, Rahul On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 3:23 AM Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas at> wrote: > > Hello, >
2012 Jul 17
How to use a text in an object of class character position to create a vector with the text as name
Hello, >titletool<-read.csv("TotalCSVData.csv",header=FALSE,sep=",") > class(titletool) [1] "data.frame" >titletool[1,1] [1] Experiment name : CONTROL DB AD_1 >t<-titletootl[1,1] >t [1] Experiment name : CONTROL DB AD_1 >class(t) [1] "character" now i want to create an object (vector) with the name "Experiment name :
2011 Oct 20
Randomized Points in space/ saving model results
A bit new to R and I'm working on something a bit more challenging than I am used to- so here's whats going on: Data inputs: 9 different shapefiles (.shp) of different point locations (lat, long) shapefile bounding box (lat/long corner points (14, 1) (15,1) (14, 2) (15,2)) 1 .csv of lat/long coordinates for points Goal: a-
2011 Feb 25
creating standard curves for ELISA analysis
Hi 1Rnwb, I am a technical support for Hitachi Solutions and I saw your post regarding ELISA analysis. When I opened up your .csv file, I noticed it was a Luminex file from the Data Collector 1.7 software. My company developed a multiplex data analysis software for the Luminex platform called MasterPlex
2012 Jul 24
ERROR : cannot allocate vector of size (in MB & GB)
Hi, Here in R, I need to load a huge file(.csv) , its size is 200MB. [may come more than 1GB sometimes]. When i tried to load into a variable it taking too much of time and after that when i do cbind by groups, getting an error like this " Error: cannot allocate vector of size 82.4 Mb " My requirement is, spilt data from Huge-size-file(.csv) to no. of small csv files. Here i will give
2010 Dec 10
Projecting data on a world map using long/lat
Hi, I have a dataset (CSV) with some counts of firms located around the globe. Each count is assigned to the longitude and latitude of the specific location. Now I want to plot these counts on a world map using dots (size of dots represent the count). I have been unable to find any info on whether this is possible and if so, how? Can you please help me? Thanks! Mathijs -- View this message
2010 Dec 09
Error in vector("integer", length) : vector size cannot be NA
Hello, I have uploaded a csv file that looks like this: > gc alpha_id beta_id 1 142053 1 2 9454 1 3 295618 2 4 42691 2 5 389224 3 6 9455 3 The alpha_id contains 310660 unique values and the beta_id contains 17431 unique values. The number of rows adds up to more than 1.3 million. Now I want to convert
2011 Jan 13
Contour plot with time on both X-axis (day) and on Y-axis (hours)
Hello all, I'd like to graphically represent an hourly temperature timeseries ( data.csv , and see below for pre-process of the data) with the R functions image + contour. To do that I wrote that script : Timetemp.r , which basically : - creates the x-axis, a vector which will contain
2012 May 21
problem with data frame to numeric transformation GOF_CGIK.R RESIDSNEWr.csv In order to save place, I attach the data and the R code, for which I have 2 questions. 1/ I cannot convert successfully the data frames with names "first" and "second" in numeric format. They participate here:
2012 Aug 04
Error message 'x' must be numeric elgas2.csv histogramselgas.R Hello, I want to plot 9 histograms, and I prepare the data for this operation with the usual command, sapply(x, is.numeric), then I get a confirmation that all data are numeric. Strangely, when I want to plot the histograms I get the error message:
2012 Jul 06
Graph showing fitted values obtained by binomial GLM
I have completed a binomial GLM in R (details attached (finalModel.docx)) and I am trying to create a graph of observed and fitted values using the following commands: > MyData<-data.frame(time=seq(from=0,to=1323,by=1)) > Pred<-predict(M2,newdata=MyData,type="response") > plot(x=turtle$time,y=turtle$success) > lines(MyData$time,Pred) However, I get the following
2012 Feb 17
incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'test.csv'
Hello, I have recently had issues with read.csv where i get the following warning, and this happens on both my OSX and Linux machines. Here is the warning and an example CSV file is attached: Warning message: In read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'test.csv' http://
2011 May 01
Dummy variables using rfe in caret for variable selection
I'm trying to run "rfe" for variable selection in the caret package, and am getting an error. My data frame includes a dummy variable with 3 levels. x <- chlDescr y <- chl #crate dummy variable levels(x$State) <- c("AL","GA","FL") dummy <- model.matrix(~State,x) z <- cbind(dummy, x) #remove State category variable w <- z[,c(-4)]
2010 Jun 09
Read in dataset without saving it
A simple question - I have a small dataset to read in and want to copy and paste part from Excel and paste it into an R script file without creating more files saving it as a .txt/.csv and then reading that in. I want to read in 3 columns e.g. 1 2.5 3.4 1 2.3 3.1 1 2.6 3.9 2 2.9 2.8 2 2.6 2.9 2 2.7 2.9 3 2.3 3.3 3 2.4 3.0 3 2.7 3.2 I thought I could use scan() but don't know how to extend it
2012 Jul 29
Error in for-loop
Hello erverybody, I have a problem with my second for-loop. 1. First i read the tables. datos.mx1 <- read.table('PETmx1.csv',head=TRUE,sep=';') datos.min <- read.table('PETmin.csv',head=TRUE,sep=';') PETmx1.csv PETmin.csv names(datos.mx1)
2012 Oct 26
SPACECAP error "subscript out of bounds"
CENTERS.csv <> Hello all, I'm trying to run SPACECAP. A couple of days ago I ran it with a centers file with 300 GPS points, now I'm trying to run it with 2250, but I get this error: Error in NN[i, 1:length(od)] <- od : subscript out of bounds I tried running SPACECAP with 1000 and 2000 points, but it still is not
2010 Nov 25
How to change value of y axis from log relative Hazard to relative Hazard file.csv Hi, Rusers I have a problem in making a rcspline.plot with a Hmisc package. My data is in the upload attachment. My programme as follows: library(Hmisc) A<-read.csv("file.csv",header=TRUE) attach(A)