similar to: Tripp-Lite SMART1000LCD usbhid failed to claim USB device

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Tripp-Lite SMART1000LCD usbhid failed to claim USB device"

2008 Apr 21
Tripp lite SMART1000LCD
Just installed version 2.2.1 and have the same problem reported in this chain. I have Mandriva Linux 2008.1 with a Tripplite USB 500 no break. When I start the upsdrvctl I get the "Startup timer elapsed, continuing..." message and then a upsd can't connect error. I copied the file usbhid-ups from version 2.2.0 from another Mandriva system and everything works fine now. Its not
2010 Sep 11
TrippLite SMART1000LCD
These patches allow this device to function in nut.. diff --git a/trunk/drivers/tripplite-hid.c b/new/drivers/tripplite-hid.c index c36da98..dddd13c 100644 --- a/trunk/drivers/tripplite-hid.c +++ b/new/drivers/tripplite-hid.c @@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ static usb_device_id_t tripplite_usb_device_table[] = { { USB_DEVICE(TRIPPLITE_VENDORID, 0x2005), battery_scale_0dot1 }, /* e.g. TrippLite
2008 Jan 24
Tripp lite SMART1000LCD
Hi, I was wondering if Tripp lite SMART1000LCD is working in nut or what code I should change to get it to work. I saw some older posts about this model and the OMNI1000 LCD but the model I have has a different product ID, 2007 vs. 2005: Device descriptor: VID:09ae, PID:2007 Device release:0x10, USB release:0x110 Descriptor Length:18, Type:1 Device Class:0, Subclass:0, Protocol:0, Num
2008 Mar 03
Tripplite Smart1000LCD problem with revision > r1071
Hi, With recent revision, it's impossible to get upsdrvctl started: [root at teevee nut]# /usr/local/bin/upsdrvctl start Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.3.0-1352 Network UPS Tools: 0.29 USB communication driver - core 0.33 (2.3.0-1352) Warning: This is an experimental driver. Some features may not function correctly. Using subdriver: TrippLite HID 0.2 (experimental)
2006 Jul 24
Tripp Lite Smart1000LCD driver problem
Thanks Kjell for the help with the build problem. Thanks for your input, too, Charles. Now I have a new problem that I think has already been solved. I have Tripp Lite Smart1000LCD UPS (usb), but I can't get the newhidups driver to communicate correctly. I found a thread on the development list from last December where Jonathan Freedman described had a problem with this UPS in a thread
2001 Oct 31
readonly - can't change
well i've tried everything trying to get r/w access to my linux box (debian 2.2.3 running samba 2.0.7) from win2k. can only get readonly. i'm hoping some kind sould might be able to take a look at my samba config and let me know what i'm doing wrong... # Samba config file created using SWAT # from localhost ( # Date: 2001/11/01 00:39:30 # Global parameters [global]
2007 Aug 07
ISDN30 card for UK : sanity check
We will be connecting our Asterisk server to ISDN 30 and intend using the Sangoma A101 card. The install location is in London (UK). Sangoma card at Voipon I would be grateful to hear if this is the right choice of card. Usage reports would be helpful. Regards Rory -- Rory Campbell-Lange
2004 Apr 07
Help with character columns in a table
I have done a read.table on a data file with the aim of extracting subsets of the data eg table[table$desc = 'result1',] How can I convert $desc to a character type? At present it is seen by typeof() as an integer. How can I do the equivalent of table[table$desc = 'result1' && table$amt > 20, ] Thanks, Rory -- Rory Campbell-Lange <rory at
2004 Dec 14
IMAP Subdirectories
Hi Using Apple Mail I cannot make subdirectories within new directories I have made on a Debian Dovecot-driven IMAP server (version 0.99.11-3). Some users, having used Exchange, expect to be able to do this. However I can't make it happen, even after doing some tests by chmod-ing the top-level directories to 777 and enabling the mail_full_filesystem_access = yes option on a test
2005 Sep 19
Shared access to mail accounts.
We are intending to have some project mail accounts which many people (up to 10) will share. Will this work? Our configuration uses imap only, with maildir format mail storage. Thanks Rory -- Rory Campbell-Lange <rory at> <>
2007 Aug 04
Hardware advice for 100 extensions, routing via ISDN
I would be grateful for some comments on our proposed machine specs for a new Asterisk installation at a client with an initial 70 extensions. The system should be able to handle 100 extensions. The system will have the following main features: - PSTN connection via ISDN 30, dealing with all incoming calls. Outgoing will be through ISDN initially - 70-100 Snom 300 handsets - 1-2
2007 Aug 16
Incoming and Outgoing zaptel configuration : ISDN30e
We are trying to configure a Sangoma A101 card to allow both incoming and outgoing calls on a UK (BT) ISDN30e line with only 24 channels enabled. At present incoming calls work fine. We can't call out -- we get a BUSY/CONGESTED error. Do we need another context in our zapata.conf? In other words, do we need to reserve, say, channels 17-24 for outgoing calls? I also wonder if the signalling
2007 Aug 16
A102 card, BT ISDN30e, silence
Thanks to help on this list and Sangoma's support we have incoming and outgoing calls passing through asterisk. However both incoming and outgoing calls are greeted by silence. I've noted our existing config below with our test extensions.conf. Help much appreciated Rory Zaptel ----------------------------------------------------------------------- loadzone=uk defaultzone=uk #Sangoma
2007 Aug 15
Sangoma Wanpipe installation problems
I'm trying to install wanpipe on my new 2.6.21-2-amd64 core 2 duo machine (Debian's amd64 works with EMT64 too) to run Asterisk. I'm getting compilation errors when trying to install the wanpipe utilities. We are intending to use a Sangoma A102 card for ISDN30 in the UK. I've tried both the current stable 2.3.4-10 release and the new wanpipe-3.1.3 beta release of wanpipe. The
2004 Dec 19
Authentication problems
Hi. I aim to provide pop3 and imap services to a few users. At the moment I only offer imap for squirrelmail users. However, I can't login successfully for pop3. It appears to be trying to auth against PAM, rather than directly using the passwd-file. Thoughts? Thanks, Rory Config: uthenticatprotocols = pop3 imap ssl_disable = yes login = imap login = pop3 mail_extra_groups = mail auth =
2004 Jul 20
Newbie question: configuration for virtual users
Hi! I'm looking forward to deploying dovecot as an IMAP server. I did some research into the various options and it looks like dovecot is the right daemon for me. I'll be using it with Exim. I am running a few tens of users on my server, most of them small numbers of people part of a small company, e.g. At present I have exim delivering to mbox in each virtual user's
2006 May 10
Show specific printers only
Hi, On our samba server (3.0.22-SuSE93) we have many printers installed with cups. Most of them are RAW queues to use within Windows. A few of them however, are filtered queues for Linux to use. I would like to EXCLUDE the filtered queues so Windows users cannot use them, but am not sure how to do this within the smb.conf. Thanks in advance for any assistance, -- Rory Vieira rory dot vieira at
2008 Dec 05
Cartesian Product Of Character Vectors
Hi all (I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I cant find it). If I have two character vectors: > x <- c("aaa","bbb","ccc") > y <- c("1","2","3") How can I get the cartesian product of the string values? > expand.grid(x,y) Gives me a data frame with separate columns...however, I cant seem to get *apply
2004 Sep 07
Comments on planned migration to Dovecot
Our office of about 100 users is presently running its mail through an Exchange 5.5 Server. The Exchange server is protected by Linux server pass-through server running Exim4. We intend to move all of our mail and directory services to open source software, probably Exim4, Dovecot and OpenLDAP. We have a mixture of mail clients. These include Mac OS9 Entourage (about 30%), OSX Entourage (20%)
2004 Apr 06
Ignorant lack of bliss : summarise table by column attribute
Having read the list posting guidelines I fear my first post is about to break the rules. Apologies in advance. We have been asked to produce some graphs of relative performance of 3 groups of people in relation to the trend of their previous performance. I am neither a mathematician or a statistician, but wondered if R (which I have been using as a desktop calculator!) and some knowledge from