similar to: hardware compatibility list

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "hardware compatibility list"

2011 Mar 12
hardware compatibility list
Arnaud Quette < at> va escriure (2011-02-28 14:48): > > 2011/2/14 Ernest Sales <ersaloz at> > > > Arjen de Korte <nut+users at> va escriure: > > > This is a known problem in nut-2.4.3 and should be solved in > > > nut-2.6.0. We have also dropped the megatec and > megatec_usb drivers, > > >
2003 Sep 15
Cisco 7905
Can anyone tell me the features of the Cisco 7905 with SIP? I mean things like number of lines, speakerphone, transfer buttons, etc. I've seen the Cisco material, but all it told me was how nifty it is and how wonderful the XML interface will be ;) Thanks, --Ernest
2007 Jan 04
hidups can't find device
Hello, I try to install my APC Back-UPS RS 800 on my debian system (Etch): Linux aigner 2.6.18-3-686 #1 SMP Mon Dec 4 16:41:14 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux When i try to start the driver an i use hidups i get this failure massage: aigner:/lib/nut# upsdrvctl start Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.4 Network UPS Tools: HID UPS driver 0.13 (2.0.4) Warning: This is an experimental driver.
2013 Nov 01
[PATCH] construct listener_fds Hash in 1.8 compatible way
This renables the ability for Ruby 1.8 environments to perform reexecs --- lib/unicorn/http_server.rb | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb b/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb index 2decd77..9a5795c 100644 --- a/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb +++ b/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb @@ -449,13 +449,14 @@ class Unicorn::HttpServer end
2012 Feb 08
R equivalent of Python str()?
Hi, I was wondering if there's a function in R that is meant to return a string representation of an object. Basically, it's like print() but it doesn't print anything, it only returns a string. I know there's a str() function but it's not quite the same. I mean a function that returns the same string that print() would display. -- Bye, Ernest
2007 Mar 19
Rinternals.h and undefined symbols
Hi, I'm trying to register my native routines using R_registerRoutines (...). I can compile the code, but the loader cannot resolve the symbol: undefined symbol: _Z18R_registerRoutinesP8_DllInfoPK12R_CMethodDefPK15R_CallMethodDefS3_S6 _ $ nm bgx.Rcheck/bgx/libs/ | grep R_registerRoutines U _Z18R_registerRoutinesP8_DllInfoPK12R_CMethodDefPK15R_CallMethodDefS3_S6
2011 Nov 01
building a subscript programatically
Hi, On ocasion, you need to subscript an array that has an arbitrary (ie. not known in advance) number of dimensions. How do you deal with these situations? It appears that it is not possible use a list as an index, for instance this fails: > x <- array(NA, c(2,2,2)) > x[list(TRUE,TRUE,2)] Error in x[list(TRUE, TRUE, 2)] : invalid subscript type 'list' The only way I know is
2003 Sep 16
Follow Me
Ernest, I hadn't thought of doing that, though having that added protection would be nice. However, what I'm trying to do it have an incoming call at my home number follow me to my cell phone for selected numbers -- Since I already have three way calling, I'd like get Asterisk to essentially three way my cell phone into the call (or my office number, etc.) I understand the
2012 Nov 01
Duda gráfico DIN A-4
Hola, ¿Alguien me puede indicar cómo conseguir que un gráfico se adapte al formato DIN-A4, con su correspondiente verticalidad?. ¿Hay que hacerlo "manualmente" o existe algún parámetro/función que lo controle?. Gracias. Eva [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 15
Network stalls
Hello, I recently set a new server (a HP Proliant with 2 Quad Xeon 2GHz and 8GB RAM), with a Slackware 13 64Bits, where I installed Xen 4.0, with the kernel (the same for dom0 and for domU), and I set up a virtual mail server from which several people retrieve its mail. When i try to download big files or retrieve big mails from that server, it often start to slow down to 4-5Kb/s
2011 Feb 03
get caller's name
Hi, Suppose a function that checks an object: stop.if.dims <- function(x) { if (! is.null(dim(x))) { stop("cannot handle dimensional data") } } This would be used by other functions that can only work with dimensionless objects. The problem is the error message would need to include the name of the function that called stop.if.dims, so that the user knows which function got
2018 Nov 22
[tryExcept] New try Function
Hi everyone, When dealing with errors, sometimes I want to run a bunch of code when an error occurs. For now I usually use a structure such as: res <- tryCatch(expr, error = function(cond) cond) # or try(expr) if (inherits(res, ?error?)) # or inherits(res, ?try-error?) # a bunch of code I though it would be useful to have a function that does this naturally, so I came up with the attached
2007 Feb 25
R/C++/memory leaks
Dear all, I have wrapped a C++ function in an R package. I allocate/deallocate memory using C++ 'new' and 'delete'. In order to allow user interrupts without memory leaks I've moved all the delete statements required after an interrupt to a separate C++ function freeMemory(), which is called using on.exit() just before the .C() call. I am concerned about the
2003 Oct 01
Audiocodes gateway and asterisk
Is anyone on the list using an Audiocodes gateway with asterisk and SIP? I'm looking at that platform, but I have a couple of issues: 1) Echo cancellation. The echo that I'm hearing with an X100P is unacceptable. Does the Audiocodes do better? 2) Line signalling. I'm using Kewlstart with the X100P, but it looks like the audiocodes uses loopstart only. How does this work with
2003 Oct 21
SNOM 200 beta build + MOH
I'm using the SNOM 200 latest SIP beta (so that I can have the GSM codec, etc). Everything seems to be working fine, but the music on hold doesn't play when I use the HOLD button on the snom. Any suggestions? Thanks, --Ernest
2003 Dec 08
snom X MOH
Hi all! I updated my snom200 to 2.02t and now MOH from * don?t works anymore... only the MOH from snom server and if i clear the MOH server field in the phone i have no MOH at all..( with the transfer button, moh plays using a extension). Someone with that problem? I downgrade to 2.01s but nothing changes. Miklos -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Apr 26
path autocompletion in 2.5.0
Hi, R 2.5.0 isn't auto-completing paths properly as it used to. E.g. suppose I have: > dir("CEL/choe") [1] "chipC-rep1.CEL" "chipC-rep2.CEL" "chipC-rep3.CEL" "chipS-rep1.CEL" [5] "chipS-rep2.CEL" "chipS-rep3.CEL" Now if I do: ReadAffy("CEL/choe/ch<tab> # => ReadAffy("CEL/choe/chip
2009 Jan 31
wine on powerpc report
Hi, list. I know this information won't be useful to most of you. I'm getting this error: preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00010000-00110000 err:dosmem:setup_dos_mem Cannot use first megabyte for DOS address space, please report I'm running wine 1.0.1 on a linux powerpc box. The error doesn't affect the applications I tried (winecfg, winemine, a flash PE binary...).
2010 Feb 03
ctrl-C aborts R when compiling package code with ICC+openMP
Hi all, I have some C++ code that I call from my package. In my main C++ loop, I check for user interrupts and return to the R shell after ensuring I've deallocated memory appropriately. This works fine when the code is compiled with gcc+openmp and with icc without openmp, but when I compile with icc and use openmp, the entire R session is immediately terminated when I hit ctrl-C. This
2018 Nov 23
[tryExcept] New try Function
Hi Emil, First, thanks for the response. As you mentioned, a lot of times tryCatch does the work, as you can return a value. However, sometimes it is useful to assign several variables when an error occurs. You could do it with <<-, but I prefer to reduce it's usage unless completely necessary. I guess that the attachment was missed in the moderation. Here it is the function: