similar to: Migrating spec_helper with modifications

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Migrating spec_helper with modifications"

2007 Mar 15
rake spec:views no transaction error
Hello, I have recently upgraded to the 0.8.2 release of rSpec, and I am receiving the following message with each view spec execution: WARNING: there is no transaction in progress I have upgraded the rspec_on_rails plugin as well, and both the model and controller tests are working flawlessly. Is there some simple step I missed? thanks for the input. -Chris -------------- next part
2006 Nov 24
rSpec on Rails 1.2?
I just updated my Rails install to the most current Edge and my controller specs fail: 1) TypeError in ''The User Controller should be a user controller'' can''t convert nil into String Each spec fails the same way. <context string> <spec string> can''t convert nil into String Any ideas what''s up with this? Thanks, s.ross
2007 Apr 11
DRYer controller specs
So, I''ve been following the recommendations for controller specs here: Most notably: a single expectation per specify block; the setup block contains only stubs; mock expectations each get their own specify block. (I''m still using 0.8, so I haven''t gotten the describe/it goodness yet.) I
2012 Jun 08
[Rails 3.2.5] Rails: unit test fixture_path : fixture_file_upload cannot find the file ...
I am trying to perform a test unit, using FactoryGirl include ActionDispatch::TestProcess FactoryGirl.define do factory :article do ....... photo { fixture_file_upload ''/files/test.jpg'', ''image/jpg'' } end end IN mt test_helper.rb I defined the fixture_path def fixture_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/" #
2007 Nov 09
fixture_file_upload and edge rspec?
Hi all, I had some specs that were using fixture_file_upload that were passing just fine. Then I froze edge rails to get some 2.0 functionality, then a I upgraded to trunk rspec to deal with uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptMacrosHelper After a couple other of tribulations, I have now gotten down to just a couple of not passing specs, all using the fixture_file_upload.
2007 Jan 17
include ClassMethods in plugins
Why is that in so many plugins I see people using (including acts_as_taggable by DHH): # init.rb ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Acts::SomeModule) # lib/some_module.rb module ActiveRecord module Acts module SomeModule def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_something # code
2005 Aug 10
using modules with models?
I''m trying to figure out how to use modules with my model classes. I''m going to have good number of model classes that don''t map to the database, and I''d like to put some of these in seperate modules. I''ve been wrestling with this for 2 days and can''t figure out how to get it to work. Rails seems to handle it fine for controllers, though. I
2007 Feb 13
Error against latest trunk while testing via spec for model
Hi I just did an update to lates trunk ================= context "Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded" do fixtures :venues specify "fixtures should load two Venues" do Venue.should have(2).records end end ================== gives me ========== 1) TypeError in ''Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded fixtures should load two
2008 Feb 18
uh... fixtures?
RSpec-ers: I''m aware this is quite the FAQ. I have probably asked it myself, but I just can''t Google up anything but others asking it. I grabbed the source to Beast, to use as a Rails project uninfluenced by me, or RSpec. Then I installed the CURRENT version of RSpec and rspec_on_rails, and set up a model spec on Post. Here''s the spec_helper.rb lines:
2015 Oct 27
Add a mapping to a C++ lambda
Apologies for the noop question in advance (just getting started with LLVM), and I'm not entirely sure if this is the right list to post to. is it? I have some lambda functions as member variables that I want to have my LLVM language make calls to. I've added a mapping to them, but this doesn't seem to enable LLVM to resolve the functions. I asked on stackoverflow but the suggestion
2008 Dec 03
How to test a plugin
Guys, I''ve created a plugin, i wanna put my automated test there. However, I got bad file descriptor error when i run the test like normal unit test file: "ruby plugins/acts_as_fox/test/acts_as_fox_test.rb" How to test a plugin? Also, is it right to say that I should only put my unit tests (but not functional test for example) for the plugin in the plugin test folder?
2007 Jul 09
Mocking User.find( :all, :limit => 10 )
Hi, I''m trying to setup a mock for my controller test but I can''t get it to recognise the mock. I use it "should find all users" do User.should_receive(:find).with( :all, :limit => 10 ).and_return([@user]) do_get end and in the controller @users = User.find(:all, :limit => 10 ) But this does not work. It gives me User expected :find with (:all)
2008 Nov 27
How to parse info from an xml response
Hi all! In my app I want to detect what country a visitor is viewing from by their IP. Although it''s by no means perfect, the simplest option I''ve found is by using this site: by passing the ip address as a query, this site returns an xml file with the country as one of the tags. returns (amongst other things)
2007 May 10
Shared behavior and_raise problem, and site aestetics
Hello, Is anyone else having trouble with the and_raise method on mocks, with respect to shared behaviors? If I do the following instead: foo.should_receive(:bar).and_return { raise } everything seems to work. I have been supplying no arguments to and_raise, by the way. Also, you may want to make the background in the code examples on the home page a little lighter. I am hardly able to
2007 Sep 10
Using Rspec with ScenarioFixtures
I am currently trying to get Rspec to work with ScenarioFixtures. I did a quick search and didn''t find any mention that any one else had gotten this to work yet. If i missed something, could you please drop me a line. Otherwise, expect a progress report when i get this working... Bret -------------- next part
2006 Nov 25
RSpec 0.7.3
Hi all, I just released RSpec 0.7.3. It''s got a few bug fixes and the rails plugin *should* run against both Rails 1.1.6 and 1.2.0-RC1. If you run into problems, please report bugs and feature requests in the tracker at rubyforge: Cheers, David
2007 May 04
spec template for CRUD?
Hello, Has anyone already come up with a set of shared behaviours that someone could leverage when adhering to a CRUD concept, with respect to controllers? Relatedly, it would be nice if there were a way to share generalized behaviour specs. -Chris
2007 May 03
0.9.2 redirect_to no longer accepts hash?
Why am I now getting these errors? expected redirect to {:action=>"index"}, got redirect to "" I know in the AuthenticatedUsersController, the redirect call is redirect_to :action => ''index'' So why should I have to convert this to a url in my specs?
2006 Mar 25
Polycom IP 301 is slow
Hi guys, I've been using a Polycom IP 301 for a couple of weeks now and find that it's extremely slow for configuring. For instance, it takes several minutes to boot up, apply any changes via the web interface takes at least a minute, etc. Is this normal behaviour? Is there anything that can be done about it? Thanks, -- Nick e: p: +61 7 5591 3588 f: +61 7 5591
2007 Apr 30
svn head api url?
Hello, Is there a url for the api used on the development branch, which gets updated per commit or so? I am using rspec as a plugin, complete with the externals property, and would like to refer to the new api while I fix all my specs up. Thanks. -Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: