similar to: problem registering to

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "problem registering to"

2008 Mar 03
ekiga sip registration fails; externip no help
ekiga registration fails. I've set nat = yes ( also blank ) and i've set externip. Anybody have a sip.conf that works? Here's the sip debug: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to REGISTER SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK17818198;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: <sip:test at>;tag=as64618445 To: <sip:test at
2015 Feb 21
connecting with Ekiga; diagnostic tools
I think I'm able to connect with Ekiga, at least it reports "registered". Curiously, when I exit Ekiga and switch to SFLphone, it isn't able to connect with the exact same parameters; it just says "trying" and never resolves. I'm not able to test outside connectivity because of too many hops: thufir at doge:~$ thufir at doge:~$ sudo sipsak -vv -s sip:thufir
2008 Dec 18
[Fwd: Asterisk client for NAT problem]
I am experiencing a "606 not Acceptable" error trying to set up an Asterisk server as an client. My server is behind a firewall with NAT routing. I have googled this problem and read about Asterisk feeding its local ip address to That seems to be my problem. I tried putting into the sip.conf file under [ekiga]. I also tried
2015 Sep 22
ekiga: having problems getting ekiga to make connections
greetings, using: CentOS 6.7 current KDE 4.3.4 ekiga 3.2.6 i am having problems getting ekiga to make any type of connection. i have gone thru documentation and troubleshooting manuals with out finding reason other than; ~]$ ekiga -d 4 2>&1 | grep "PDU is likely too large" ~]$ echo 3600 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_udp_timeout \ bash:
2011 Sep 19
Dear All I have installed Asterisk on my centos 5.0 and I have two other centos 6.0 and centos 5.6 with ekiga sip client. The centos 6.0 can make successful sip calls but centos 5.6 cannot. Among the Asterisk logs, I found that the centos 6.0 has ekiga 3.2.6 but centos 5.6 has ekiga 2.0.2 . How can I install/upgrade my older ekiga? Thank you
2007 Jul 10
Ekiga/OPAL support for theora and small changes to makefile
Hi all, after having developed a theora video codec plugin for Ekiga/OPAL based on libtheora I would like to ask if someone could please commit the enclosed patch to the theora svn trunk. It - fixes cross-compilation for windows using minGW - allows to disable the build of the examples via configure switch This is required for our cross-compiled win32 build of Ekiga since some dependencies of
2009 Jan 06
R2D2 VOIP Kubuntu 8.4 Ekiga, voice conference
I'm having a problem getting a good clear output sidnal from Ekiga to a VOIP conference call using the free conference call system. I'm told that each time I speak, my voice is clear & intelligible for about .5 - 2 seconds, but then it starts to be garbled, sounding like the sounds R2D2 makes. I've used 2 or three mic/headsets - two plug into my audio I/O sockets on my
2011 Sep 21
Ekiga - camera
dear All, when first installing CentOs some 6 months ago, I noticed this strange thing called Ekiga. Now, some guys at work use Skype and I heard that's owned by Microsoft. So enter James. I bought a webcam, actualy 2, to test Ekiga. Logitech Webcam c210. I saw this url : on this url : and in
2007 Nov 18
Video conferencing package: Ekiga or other?
My wife bought an inexpensive store brand web cam, so she can do video conferencing with people using Microsoft NetMeeting. Probably it is not supported in Linux and we will need to buy a supported web cam. I installed the Ekiga package. Is there something easier to configure and use or is Ekiga the best way to go? TIA! -- Lanny --------------------------------------------------------- Over 800
2010 Mar 31
Unable to login to voicemail with Ekiga
Hello, Asterisk, FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE We have a very simple setup, using SIP softphones and a simple diaplan as follows in the examples below. When I dial the 700 extension it asks me for the extension and password, and it always says "login incorrect". The mail system send the email ok and Ekiga shows that I have vaoicemail, so the only thing that is failing is the actual
2010 Nov 19
Ekiga can register but not my IP phone
Hello, I have a Sip phone (Siemens C470IP) which works perfectly with different VoIP providers (iptel, betamax, ovh...). It also worked well with my testing server (ubuntu and inside the LAN). But now the problem i have is that the hardphone doesn't connect to my dedicated server (debian lenny / Asterisk The strange thing is that ekiga can connect to the same asterisk server with
2007 May 28
ekiga register problems
returning newbie. Trying to register ekiga for the first time to my asterisk server only. [204] user=204 context=internal type=friend secret=xxxxxxx insecure=very canreinvite=no host=dynamic disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=alaw nat=no Can anyone tell me what I am missing? I am not behind NAT or a firewall -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
2006 Jun 12
transferring calls from ekiga to asterisk
I have ekiga registering to a voip provider (skypho) and receiving external call through the stun server. I want to redirect inconditionally all these calls to my asterisk server, but I can't understand how and what should I configure in asterisk in order to accept the redirected call. In asterisk console I can't see nothing when ekiga passes the call. If I turn asterisk's sip
2009 May 17
TODAY May 17 Sunday Asterisk VOIP Conference server & Ekiga for BerkeleyTIP
As usual, the BerkeleyTIP group programming project is to learn about & work toward implementing our own Asterisk VOIP conference server, during our meeting. 10A-6P Pacific USA (-8H GMT) = 1P-9P Eastern US = 6P-2AM GMT. Join the VOIP online conference & help out, or chat with your buddies. :)
2007 Dec 03
Asterisk and Ekiga Chat
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi All, Has anyone been successful in making ekiga's chat functionality work with Asterisk. This is a really neat feature and it would be awesome to finally see it working. - -- Alan Hanley FSF Member 4949 "No matter where you go , you're probably lost" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using
2009 Aug 17
Accessing to through Asterisk
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi all! I'm trying to connect to through a client connected to my Asterisk server. For it I am being based on this [1] document. Next I put the configurations that I am using. /etc/asterisk/sip.conf: ; Outgoing to [ekiga] type=friend username=MyUser secret=MyPass canreinvite=no qualify=300 nat = yes stunaddr =
2008 Sep 25
sip forking needed for ekiga 3.0
So, I have been testing ekiga 3.0 with Asterisk, and sadly, it don't work. I am told by the ekiga devs in and that the problem is that Asterisk does not support SIP forking. The issue is that I have multiple addresses on my workstation: 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500
2011 Sep 14
Sip re-register / delay problem.
Hello, For the moment I have the following settings in my sip.conf. I want to optimize them to archive the following things: - for the moment all my users will re-register too often. I want that only lagged users to re-register quickly. - check from time to time all users but no too often to see if is logged and can be called. Overall i want only lagged users to reregister and users with good
2011 Apr 18
Registrations stops after 403 FORBIDDEN
Hello list, I have in sip.conf : /maxexpiry=60 ; Maximum allowed time of incoming registrations ; and subscriptions (seconds) minexpiry=60 ; Minimum length of registrations/subscriptions (default 60) defaultexpiry=120 ; Default length of incoming/outgoing registration ;-----------------------------------------
2010 Jul 26
Optimize peers registration under jitter/delay.
Hello, I want to optimize my registrations and calls of peers to my asterisk with the following options in sip.conf: ---///--- qualify = yes qualify = 500 qualifyfreq=5 registerattempts = 0 registertimeout = 10 maxexpiry = 60 minexpiry = 20 defaultexpiry = 600 ---///--- Can someone more experienced with these settings to help me to optimize connections from peers with mobile phone that using