similar to: updating textmate bundle

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "updating textmate bundle"

2007 Sep 08
changes to TextMate bundle
Hi all, I got some help from James Edward Gray II on the RSpec TextMate bundle. For those of you who don''t know James, he runs the Ruby Quiz and also maintains the official TM bundle. Per a couple of patches from him and some advice that I acted on, many of the shortcuts have changed. The bad news is you''ll have to learn new shortcuts. The good news is that the new shortcuts
2007 Sep 21
TextMate Bundle and exception when switching to alternate file.
Hey, sorry if this is something better suited to another list. I''ve encountered a strange problem with the RSpec.tmbundle in trunk - namely that it was raising an exception when pressing ctrl-shift-downarrow (switch between spec and source - "Alternate File"). I tracked down the issue to be handling of the file_type in switch_command.rb#content_for() - the code expected the
2007 Apr 17
Verifying that a block calls a method
I have something like the following: def my_fun my_fun2 do raise Error end end I know that I can verify that the method receives my_fun2. How can I mock/stub out the example to verify that it calls raise Error? Scott
2007 Sep 05
Caveman Questions
Hello! I''m just a caveman with some caveman questions. I''ve been parsing Rspec for quite a while, and I''m writing my first series of specs. My initial impressions are "Verbose, but understandable. Helpful and intuitive, but so much to digest." I want to congratulate the folks who are dedicating a chunk of their lives to writing this, and ask 2 caveman
2007 Sep 17
how do I get the beautiful html rspec results in textmate?
I''m going through PeepCode RSpec Basics and he gets a beautiful rspec results page in html when he presses a hotkey in TextMate. I would guess it''s along the lines of Apple + R but I don''t get the same results and I''m using the same bundle. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Dec 07
TextMate Sidebar
Hey David, I just watched the RubyConf recording of your RSpec session and noticed that you''re using a modified version of TextMate that uses a sidebar instead of a project drawer. Where did you find that mod? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Dec 06
mock libraries, Object#send, and Object#__send__
What is the appropriate way to stub out (and put an expectation on Object#__send__), without getting warnings from the Rspec mock library? Scott
2007 Apr 10
using YAML for --failures and --examples
As it is currently, in trunk, --failures and --examples except a text file, each line containing the name of a spec. I''m wondering: Would a a patch to use YAML (instead or as well as) plain text be welcomed? I''m thinking of a yaml file like the following: spec_file_1: file: spec/person_spec.rb specs: - should have first name - should provide email address
2007 Oct 23
Running rails specs outside of the normal project tree
I want to create a spec/regressions directory with various regressions (for my rails project). I tried the following: describe LoginController, "regression for user creation when steves_sister does not exist", :behavior_type => :controller do controller_name :login before :each do @params = { "commit"=>"Create Account",
2007 Feb 27
Using a subversion repository to spec in a rails app
Is it a bad practice to use a subversion repository to the trunk of rspec and rspec_on_rails? Or rather, is it doomed to fail, since my gem will always be out of date? I know I can''t use spec, installed from gem,s if I have the latest revision of rspec and rspec_on_rails checked into my plugins directory. But I should still be able to use it with the --drb option, correct?
2007 Apr 09
changes in 0.8 and greater - should_
Has the should_... syntax changed? I''m getting errors when running the following: should_render(:index) should_be_valid should_not_be_valid should_respond_to should_be should_render I thought the syntax changed to something like the following: obj.should render(:index) but this doesn''t seem to work. Scott
2007 Apr 20
stubbing with and without a string
What is the difference between these two ways of mocking (with and without the string): mock(''Object'') and mock(Object) ? Scott
2007 Apr 01
--color doesn''t work with --drb w/rspec_autotest
If I got this to work, do you think we could/should check in rspec_autotest into rspec? I''ve updated rspec_autotest abit, so let me know if you''d like the modified code. Scott
2007 Mar 28
Is anyone using rspec with autotest? Scott
2007 Oct 08
(no subject)
Just ran svn up this morning, and got this (after running ./script/ generate rspec) escher: ./script/spec spec/models/item_spec.rb Finished in 8.0e-06 seconds 0 examples, 0 failures ./script/spec:4:in `run'': wrong number of arguments (3 for 1) (ArgumentError) from ./script/spec:4 Using rails 1.2.3, rspec trunk, on Mac OS X.4.9. Any ideas, or is this a bug in
2006 Feb 25
TextMate: syncPEOPLE on Rails Bundle Becomes Built-in Rails Bundle
It?s official, folks! After talking with my partner, Greg Narain, as well as Allan Odgaard, the creator of TextMate, we (syncPEOPLE) have decided to release our Rails bundle under the MIT license so that it can nest itself nicely within its new home, the TextMate Subversion Bundle Repository. What this means for the rest of us is that all of these great features we?ve been madly
2009 Mar 07
[rspec/tm] When running the textmate bundle hook using command-r I get an error about missing rubygems
I get the following error using both edge version of the TM bundle and rspec/rspec-rails in vendor/plugins. /Users/nshb/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/ RSpec.tmbundle/Support/lib/spec/mate.rb:2:in `require'': No such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError) from /Users/nshb/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/RSpec.tmbundle/Support/lib/spec/mate.rb:2 from
2007 Aug 06
using RSpec''s trunk in non-rails projects w/ Autotest
I believe for rails projects you can put rspec''s code repos into vendor/plugins, and autotest will automatically use the rspec binary in that directory, and not the gem installed. Is there an easy way to do this for non-rails projects? There are a few advancements on trunk which I would like to take advantage of. Tips welcome ; ). Scott Taylor
2007 Nov 26
rSpec (rev 2996), Rails (rev 8214): TextMate bundle problems
Hey guys, I''m trying to get rSpec (rev 2996) working with Rails 2 (rev 8214). Running the tests from the command line works, no problem. I installed the RSpec.tmbundle (also rev 2996), and would like to see the HTML test results in TextMate. When I run the "Run examples in selected files/directories" command in TextMate, I get the following dump:
2007 Aug 06
pending w/ no string
Is there some reason that pending() *MUST* take an argument? Scott