similar to: rspec with CI

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "rspec with CI"

2007 Mar 17
a WARNING about cruise task or user-specified build task for Rails
If (like me) you use ccrb to test a Rails app and (like me) you define your own :cruise task, because, for example, you use rspec rather than Test::Unit and (like me) you have the RAILS_ENV ||= ''production'' line in environment.rb (because, like me, you use crummy shared hosting) Your build will run in production mode, possibly screwing up your production database,
2008 Jan 26
UI Integration with RSpec?
Hi all, Is there any integration with testing tools such as RSpec or Test::Unit planned? I see that the cruise task is run correctly, but the tests show up underneath the build log. Ideally I''d like them to show up the same way that they do in ''java'' CruiseControl, in their own section of tests. Will.
2008 May 02
CruiseControlRb behind apache
I managed to find this in the archives, so far: Found a better alternative to doing this in my .htaccess instead of messing with the httpd.conf, in case someone is interested: --- snip --- RewriteEngine On ### for cruisecontrol RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost:3333/$1 [P] AuthType Basic
2008 Jun 09
SVN credentials
Hello All, Where are the username and password for your SVN repo stored for a cruisecontrol.rb project? I can see where you specify it when you add a project but I have been unable to find it to change it. Thanks -- Steve Kickert CEO Riverock Technologies 952-232-5280 (direct) 612-965-1909 (mobile) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2008 May 21
Fwd: One Build at a time
> > Hello CCrb users. > > Is there a way to configure Cruise Control rb to only build one > project at a time? > > I have two projects is two different repositories, and I don''t want > their builds to overlap. > > Thanks, > > Doug Bradbury > Software Craftsman > 8th Light, Inc. >
2007 Jul 16
Accessing content_for html in view specs?
Hi All, Hope all is going well. I''ve got a few views that create some content using ''content_for'' blocks <% content_for :blah do %> ..... <% end %> Has anyone worked out a way to be able to access the html that''s generated inside those blocks? Since they''re not part of the view, have_tag('''') seems to miss them,
2008 Jul 22
can''t execute a build - on windows + jruby
Hi all, Am trying to get cc.rb working on a windows machine, running under JRuby. I patched line 19 of project_migration.rb to use jruby, instead of ruby. execute "jruby #{File.join(migrate_scripts_directory, script)} #{@data_dir}" The add project works fine, but when I run start, the webpage just hangs on the ajax request to build - never actually executes the build at all, or comes
2007 Apr 11
Default exclude pattern in 0.9.0
The "rspec" rake task collects all _spec files in the spec directory, and excludes the "watir" directory. Is this indicating a preference for using Watir over Selenium? I would like it better to standardize on something more neutral, ''ui'' perhaps? /Marcus -- Marcus Ahnve
2008 Jan 17
CruiseControl problem. Broken Pipe?
Hi Friends, Just happened to catch this err in the CC log: Build loop failed BuilderError: Write failed: Broken pipe ./script/../config/../app/models/subversion.rb:98:in `execute_in_local_copy'' ./script/../config/../lib/command_line.rb:86:in `call'' ./script/../config/../lib/command_line.rb:86:in `e'' ./script/../config/../lib/command_line.rb:84:in `popen''
2007 May 04
spec template for CRUD?
Hello, Has anyone already come up with a set of shared behaviours that someone could leverage when adhering to a CRUD concept, with respect to controllers? Relatedly, it would be nice if there were a way to share generalized behaviour specs. -Chris
2007 May 03
before method
Would it be desirable to have before and after take a spec name as well as :each and :all? Scott
2007 Apr 18
documentation suggestion
Because I''m filing more of a sysadmin role than as a ruby developer I overlooked a nuance that is probably obvious to others, but edits to config/site_config.rb require a restart of CC-rb. I was banging my head on the wall wondering why none of my smtp auth settings made any difference. :( A suggestion would be to note this requirement in manual (http://
2007 Sep 18
FW: Specifying spec and output format inline?
Anyone have any advice on this one? Thanks, Adam ________________________________ From: rspec-users-bounces at [mailto:rspec-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Adam Reed Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 2:14 PM To: rspec-users at Subject: [rspec-users] Specifying spec and output format inline? Howdy from Austin, TX. I''m new to rspec, and am
2008 May 25
Cruisecontroi footprint for a virtual machine installation
Does anyone have any feel for the requirements (disk space, memory, anything else you can think of) of a virtual machine (say Centos Linux), set up as a CruiseControl.rb build machine? Regards, Lori -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 May 10
RSpec 0.9.4
RSpec 0.9.4 has just been released. Gems haven''t rsync''ed around the globe yet, so you might have to wait a few hours to install it. The big news this time is Spec::Ui 0.2.0, which has been released along with RSpec core. This RSpec extension gives you custom Watir matchers (custom Selenium-RC matchers are not implemented yet). Moreover, it comes with a custom KICK ASS formatter
2008 Aug 12
The CruiseControl server does not provide web URLs for projects
Hi folks, We successfully set up our ccrb app, running on a server in-house. As a first pass, I was originally running it through a terminal connected to the server via ssh, where I''d just navigated to the app''s folder then run ''cruise start''. At that time, I could connect fine to the CCTray service. We''ve subsequently
2007 May 09
UI testing framework? (w/o selenium)
Hey all, I am currently working on coming up w/ an easy to use, developer-centric web testing framework to test a J2EE app with. (I have 3 rails apps in production, love rspec, and am currently at a java shop). I''ve looked at selenium, and it just doesn''t seem like it is ready for prime time, and the target audience is developers. So, having said that, does the rspec
2008 Oct 16
Any good conferences this year about ruby/rspec/watir?
Hello. Sorry for this little offtopic question, but I was wondering if anyone happens to know if there''s any good conferences coming up about rspec or ruby or watir in this year where I could attend to? Or any good website where such things are listed or something similar. All suggested conferences should not take place before one month from now (employer needs some time to get good
2009 Sep 15
how to run all tests AND metric_fu
i want to use cruisecontrol.rb to run ?rake test? (every time a new revision is in the svn repo) and ?rake metrics:all? (let?s say every 24 hours). how do i have to configure cruisecontrol.rb? both rake tasks work. however, when i configure cruisecontrol.rb as described on the metric_fu website, i.e. add ''project.rake_task = ?metrics:all? project.scheduler.polling_interval =
2011 Apr 16
added new cool matcher into my framework WatirSplash - #in
Hello! I''ve just added a new cool matcher #in into my framework WatirSplash and thought that this could be integrated into RSpec directly actually if there''s any interest. WatirSplash uses Watir (or Watir-like) frameworks for testing web pages via browser. If you''re not familiar with it then here is a short example how you had to test ajax-heavy application before: