Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "aastra pt 480e phone"
2009 Apr 03
course in ecological data analysis
Dear all,
For my PhD study I'm looking for relevant courses/workshops (short term)
in ecological data anlysis with R in Europe. After 2 days searching I'm
convinced that google is probably not the right medium to find this
information. If anyone can help me I will be most grateful.
Best regards - J. Capelle
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 24
Aastra weirds IP 169.x.x.x
Hello my friends...
Currently we are using the following firmware versions on ours aastra 55i:
Firmware Information
Attribute Value
Firmware Version
Firmware Release Code SIP
Boot Version
Date/Time Jun 20 2007 06:20:29
Can we make a firmware upgrade to the latest one: 6755i (55i) SIP,
V2.5.3.18, January 2010 , English , ZIP , 2,849 KB
on the site:
2013 Apr 28
Can't register to Asterisk 1.6 with old Aastra phones
We have a new customer with a lot of old phones like the 9133i. They
won't register, and we see some very strange behavior with them. If
the SIP peer exists, they simply fail silently, with no error in the
CLI or the messages log. Nothing works, but no errors.
If the peer does not exist, it's clear that it's registering improperly:
[2013-04-28 13:34:31] NOTICE[3058] chan_sip.c:
2003 Nov 06
Translation samba 3 how to in german, Übersetzung des Samab 3 How to ins deutsch
Hallo Leute,
ich m?chte gerne die Samba Doku ins deutsch ?bersetzen.
Ich arbeite schon lange mit Samba und denke es w?re kein ?berm?ssiger Aufwand.
Da ich Samba aber meist als Pdc benutze bin ich mit einigen Features technisch nicht so vertraut.
( samba und ldap an einem win server etc )
Ich w?rde mich freuen wenn einige Deutsche mitmachen w?rden damit wir uns technisch und gramatikalisch
2007 Sep 14
DECT SIP phones
Hi folks:
I know it's come up a few times before, but I need some more detail.
I'm looking for a SIP DECT (cordless) phone for North American
installations. I've heard only of the Siemens Gigaset S450/C450 phones.
Apparently these aren't sold for use in NAm, even though they're
supposed to be legal (in the United States, anyway).
On top of that, I understand they have some
2007 Mar 18
"ö" causes find_by_contents not to return
I''ve installed ferret 0.10.9 together with the latest acts_as_ferret
using Windows XP and indexed a location database (geonames.org) with
Location.rebuild_index. The data is in utf-8.
Now calling Location.find_by_contents "?" does not return a result,
causes a lot of CPU load, and finally exits with an error "index.rb:702:
in ''parse'': failed to allocate
2012 Mar 25
string substitution for argument in function
I want to iterate through a list of names and use each element as an
argument in a function. For instance:
> a = c('one','two','three')
> data= c()
> for(elem in a){data=cbind(elem = 2,data)}
> data
elem elem elem
[1,] 2 2 2
instead I want 'elem' to be substituted by the string in the list. Doing
it by hand would be:
> data =
2008 Mar 31
Reorder the x-axis using lattice
Dear list,
Is there a way to reorder the xaxis using lattice. Using the following data, the x-axis is ordered as BP GH MH PF RE RP SF VT but I would like the x-axis to be ordered as PF RP BP GH VT SF RE MH.
Kön Skalor Tillfälle Medelvärde
1 Kvinnor BP 1-inskrivning 36.45283
2 Kvinnor GH 1-inskrivning 38.62255
3 Kvinnor MH 1-inskrivning 62.88889
2016 Dec 01
AW: User unknown in local recipient table
Hallo Liste, hallo Ralf,
danke schon mal. Ja die Whitespaces sind beim Rausl?schen entstanden.
Ich verstand das so, dass das nun durch die address_verify_map erledigt w?rde. Muss ich dann entsprechend einfach auf die verweisen?
Ich versuchte gerade die
address_verify_map = btree:$data_directory/verify_cache
local_recipient_maps = btree:$data_directory/verify_cache
verweisen zu lassen.
2004 Oct 05
Installation Package "gregmisc" nicht möglich?!?
Hallo zusammen.
Da ich R zur Erstellung meiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit brauche versuchte ich dies heute zu installieren. Zunächst in der Vrsion 1.9.1 (rw1091.exe). Ich benötige das Package "gregmisc" und installierte dies von CRAN. Bei der Installation tritt folgende Meldung auf:
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/2.0/gregmisc_2.0.0.zip'
Content type
2017 Nov 30
dovecot - 2 Faktor Auth
Hallo Liste,
hat sich schon mal jemand mit 2 Faktor Auth f?r dovecot besch?ftigt? Es
geht dabei nicht nur um die Absicherung einer Weboberfl?che sondern
direkt die Absicherung der Standard pop/imap Verbindungen des Clients.
Wir machen das auth bisher ?ber MySQL.? Rein technisch w?rde das gehen,
da man die Password-Query beliebig anpassen und auch mit allow_nets
arbeiten kann. Es w?re eher die
2017 Oct 20
Error messages using nonlinear regression function (nls)
Keep your messages in the list, you increase your chance to get some answer.
I changed your data to groupedData object (see below), but I did not find any problem in it.
gives reasonable picture and I am not such expert to see any problem with data. Seems to me, that something has to be wrong with nlsList function.
> wheat.list <- nlsList(Prop ~ SSlogis(end,Asym, xmid,
2013 Jul 06
Is it possible to provision lock Aastra phones?
Hi everyone;
Is it possible to provision lock Aastra phones to provider so that no soft
or hard reset can unlock them?
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2005 Feb 24
zeichnung eines wahrscheinlichkeitsnetztes
ich hätte ein problem: im rahmen meiner projektarbeit stehe ich vor der aufgabe, einen beliebigen datensatzt einzulesen, die empirische verteilungsfunktion des datensatztes zu zeichnen, aber das ganze so, dass die y-achse nach der quantilsfunktion der exponetialverteilung mit parameter=1 transformiert werden soll!
leider steh ich da jetzt wirklich an!
würde mich serh freuen, wenn mir jemand
2011 Aug 26
Sicherheitszertifikat für R-Pakete unter Windows [Security Certificates for R Packages in Windows]
To save anyone else 30 seconds, here's how google translates the below:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to inform me whether there is the possibility of security
certificates for R packages are.
Christopher W. Weinberger
2011/8/26 Christoph W. Weinberger <cweinber@edu.uni-klu.ac.at>
> Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
> ich würde mich gerne informieren, ob es
2003 Oct 24
problems setting up E100P E1 germany
Hello list,
i've got some problems getting a E1 line with a E100P up and
running (germany).
# cat /proc/zaptel/1
Span 1: WCT1/0 "Digium Wildcard E100P E1/PRA Card 0" HDB3/CCS/CRC4 YELLOW RED
"YELLOW RED" sounds not so good.
When launching asterisk, enabling pri debug on that span, i see
outgoing attempts:
;---------- snip --------
> [00 01 7f ]
> Unnumbered
2005 Feb 13
TDMOE + kernel badness
Anybody have any issues running tdmoe on kernel 2.6+?
I've got Suse 9.1 + 9.2 running 2.6.5 and 2.6.8 respectively, and when I
enable dynamic spans between them, both boxes dump something similar to:
Badness in local_bh_enable at kernel/softirq.c:141
[<c0120768>] local_bh_enable+0x48/0x60
[<c02952b0>] dev_queue_xmit+0x230/0x240
[<c02a0980>] eth_header+0x0/0x140
2001 Nov 14
I Don't speak the language it is in, but is this spam?
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-admin@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-admin@lists.samba.org]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:40 PM
To: samba@samba.org
Importance: High
Size ?ncelikle firmam?z? tan?tarak
2011 Mar 01
Fronius solar access
This software is for monitoring of fotovoltaic pannel activity.
It requires dotnet and mdac I'm using wine 1.3.14
I tried but I can't run it...
someone would help me?
download page:
download at:
2004 Jul 29
Aastra 480e phone ADSI config
There isn't much documentation on adsi, but I called NETXUSA (the vendor
of my 480e) and they helped me along.
My experience:
1. I really had no experience with ADSI so I had (probably still have)
some misconceptions on how the configuration is loaded onto the phone.
2. I set the following in my /etc/asterisk/asterisk.adsi (most of this
is the stock asterisk.adsi script):