Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Need recommendation for ISDN-BRI cards for use with Asterisk"
2005 Sep 13
Integration between Asterisk and Siemens HiCom 150e over ISDN
I am looking to integrate Asterisk with a Siemens HiCom 150e via BRI and
wondered if anyone is able to offer any advice.
In simplistic terms, my goal is to pass calls from the HiCom to the Asterisk
box. e.g: HiCom user dials access code and can call Asterisk extension or
establish SIP call over Internet. Likewise, I'd like Asterisk to be able to
present a call to the Hicom, either
2007 Aug 21
Problems with overlap dial and Xorcom Astribank BRI
I have a strange problem with overlap dialing. I installed an asterisk
server between a Siemens HiCom PBX and our telephony provider.
Everything is working fine except some strange problems with the dialing
of the fax (connected to the HiCom PBX). It seems to me that if dialing
takes too long Asterisk just hangs up the channel without recognizing
that the fax machine is still dialing:
(Fax gets
2006 Oct 11
Hicom 150 -- BRI -- Asterisk
Is is possible to implement this:
Hicom150 --- BRI (QSIG) ---- Asterisk
I've been reading Siemens documentation and they say:
"Digital nailed connections
Corporate communication networks can be implemented over digital S0 or
S2M nailed connections between several Hicom systems using the CorNet N
protocol and between Hicom and non-Siemens systems using the QSig protocol.
2003 Nov 27
ISDN, BRI, PRI, voice over IP, and more...
I am thinking of starting a project at Work to pilot to use of Astrisk
and VOIP, and would like to tie in several projects together.
Currently we are looking at purchasing an ISDN and H.323 based video
conferencing system from Polycom. It suggests the use of 3-4 BRI lines
(ie 6-8 B channels, but in the form of individual BRIs). We need ISDN
for the video conferencing to communicate with
2010 Oct 20
Recommendation for a new server
Hello list,
What servers would you suggest for:100 concurrent SIP calls, 4xT1 card, and
a not much busy website, i.e. getting 500-1000 hits a day.
Zeeshan A Zakaria
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2009 Jan 19
Need help registering Cisco 7960 Phones on Asterisk
Hi everyone,
I googled this followed the instructions, but it hasn't work for me yet.
I have universal setting in SIPDefault.cnf and phone specific settings in
SIPXXXXXXXXXX.cnf. But it doesn't get registered.
I need to register it on two different asterisk boxes. So my
SIPXXXXXXXXXX.cnf looks like this:
phone_label: "Zeeshan A Zakaria"
line1_name: "523"
2008 Jul 09
change E1 link from ISDN to Q.SIG
I want to test Asterisk<-->Siemens HiCom integration using Q.SIG instead
of ISDN. I did not find any documentation about Asterisk und Q.SIG.
Thus, I wonder is it sufficient to set "switchtype" from "euroisdn" to
"qsig" or are there any other things which I have to take care of?
2010 Dec 15
Recommendation for a Linux based SCADA
Hi list,
For a telecom project I need to setup a SCADA solution. I don't have any
previous experience in this type of monitoring and automization. I'll be
using SNMP data from asterisk servers and endpoints. If anybody has any
suggestion which SCADA software can fit in such a VoIP solution, your
guidance will be highly appreciated.
Zeeshan A Zakaria
2010 Jul 20
asterisk-users Digest, Vol 72, Issue 49
sorry for typo mistake in my last post. as from my orignal post two
registration of the same user are as follows
so dial command with unique-id i want to use will be
Dial(SIP/XYZ at,30,rtT)
Dial(SIP/XYZ at,30,rtT)
and not
2005 Mar 25
Eicon DIVA PCI ISDN cards (not server) work withasterisk!
Hello Marc,
Could you post the install details for the Diva PCI? I have a Diva Pro
PCI 3.0 and I am looking to get it working... I am running Debian
Testing. So far it appears there are a few things floating around but I
am not certain which direction to go. I know I need to load the firmware
first. I did manage to load the modules ok.
-----Original Message-----
2010 Oct 13
innomedia ATA's
We are testing the innomedia ATA's to possibly replace our current line up
of ATA's that we are using. Has anyone used their product? What is their
track record on stability, voice quality, DTMF talkoff, T.38
From: "Zeeshan Zakaria" <zishanov at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:41 AM
2008 Nov 06
ISDN Cause Code 100, Bosch Integral Management Connection
Hi all,
first off all - sorry for the cross posting - i did already posted this
message to asterisk-dev - after that i realized that it isn't really a
-dev related question - more a -users questions. So ignore it on -dev ....
we have the following setup
PSTN 3 PRI Lines <---> Asterisk (1.4.22) <---> Siemens HiCom
<---> Bosch Integral
The Asterisk Machine
2007 Mar 09
When to use Echo Cancellation cards?
In what scenarios non-Echo Cancellation cards (T1/E1/FXO) should be used ?
Don't all good and professional installations need echo cancellation cards?
Are there people out there with non-Echo Cancellation cards for T1 or 8 FXO
ports and who really don't have any echo issues and they are running serious
Zeeshan A Zakaria
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2006 Oct 25
Phone Rings, Immediate Hangup and then Rings Again.
I am having a problem with an Asterisk server, in that when it is
receiving a call from another Asterisk server using an IAX2 trunk the
phone rings for 10 ms and then there is a hungup from asterisk and then
the phone rings again before another hangup.
The funny thing is that after I really hang up on the calling phone it
repeats this as if I am still trying to call.
Any Ideas?
2006 Nov 06
Audio goes one way during the call for a fewseconds. Is it RTP, NAT, dyndns, or what it is?
We had very similar problems to this which drove us insane for ages.
Basically we use VoIP trunks (SIP) for all our inbound + outbound calls.
Call quality was good however we would get random problems where people
could not hear us or us hear them for about 5-10 seconds at a time.
After weeks of trying to get to the bottom of the problem it appeared
our VoIP trunk provider (sentiro/sip2go) had
2004 Jul 29
Trouble with "--delete" with "--files-from"
Hi all,
I've scoured the web, faq and mailing list archives to try and find an
answer to this problem I'm having, but to no avail....
I'm trying to rsync a Cyrus IMAP message store "structure" from one system
to another. (I say "structure" because I don't want to copy over the actual
messages in the message store.) For those of you unfamiliar with the
2004 Jun 02
Fax Recognizion without Answer? How to Supress this?
we have a PRI (E1) to a carrier and a second one to a legacy PBX:
DTAG ---pri---- * ------ Hicmo
(PSTN) |
Many normal inbound calls are direcly routed to the hicom.
Outbound calls from the Hicom go through LCR and then to PSTN.
Inbound faxes are working, but outbound faxes from hicom to pstn are
2003 Nov 06
ISDN PBX + IVR + Voicemail Configuration - S anity Check ...
Klaus-Peter (while hardly able to see through my watery eyes),
You've earned yourself a (potentially rackmountable) 19" Dutch cheese as
soon as the zaptel driver is finished and tested. In fact, I don't even have
to mail it, I can pratically bring it over !
Although I'll be monitoring your site on a 24hrs/day basis from now on,
please keep me posted on both the driver and the 4
2005 Sep 19
ISDN BRI 2 pci cards and mISDN
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my * box to two
2015 May 26
Seeking advice about ISDN BRI Cards
2015-05-26 12:17 GMT+02:00 Lukasz Sokol <el.es.cr at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> please whoever has some expertise in choice of BRI ISDN cards,
> please restore my faith in community support :)
> (on private email I can probably explain more than fits for a public forum)
> Most I'd like to ask is about what to choose, out of what is available...
> My locality is