similar to: Video Conference Software (Open Source)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Video Conference Software (Open Source)"

2009 Mar 25
Create separate Voice Recording System..
Deal All Asterisk Expert If this possible to Create Voice Recording System Beside Main Asterisk PBX?, so Call be handle by 1 Server and Recording by other server. 1. How to accomplish. Thanks. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Nov 01
Video Call
Hi.. Iam new with asterisk PBX, and i have read about asterisk video call.: my question: 1. Is imposible to establish system video call (from Phone with GPRS/3G enabled to Computer Running Softphone like X-Lite) over Asterisk Gateway.. 2. If posible what requirement (Hardware and Software on my Asterisk,PC or My Phone) Thanks Joko Pitoyo -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2012 Jul 12
Taller: Iniciación a los gráficos estadísticos con R
Se podrá seguir el taller en la red a través de videoconferencia. Objetivos del Taller: La elaboración de gráficos de calidad y, en su caso, destinados a la publicación requiere una reflexión sobre los métodos, tipos y soluciones que pueden emplearse desde R. En este taller discutiremos los aspectos relacionados con los procedimientos para realizar gráficos de
2014 Mar 13
Manuales de knitr
Hola: Efectivamente, hicimos este taller el 24 de julio de 2012 y quedo grabado. Aquí está la información. El vídeo. En las 5ª jornadas de R hicimos una versión de taller actualizada y los materiales está aquí <> aunque también puedes ir aquí <> y descargar todos los materiales, pues se trata de
2004 Jun 29
give PAM my own medoids
Hello, When using PAM (partitioning around medoids), I would like to skip the build-step and give the fonction my own medoids. Do you know if it is possible, and how ? Thank you very much. Isabel
2014 Mar 13
Manuales de knitr
Hola a todos, ¿conocéis algún manual de knitr, además de los que aparecen en la página oficial ( Es que en ciertas ocasiones, me gustaría conocer más sobre knitr y la página web se queda corta. También existe un libro sobre knitr (aparece en la página web), ¿alguien lo tiene y me podría decir si es recomendable su compra? Un saludo y muchas gracias. -- Víctor Nalda
2012 Jul 12
Taller. Creación automática de informes con R: markdown + knitr
Se podrá seguir el taller en la red a través de videoconferencia. Objetivos del Taller: Entre las tareas habituales del tratamiento y análisis de datos se encuentra la elaboración de informes que se han de emitir regularmente; en el entorno docente, la elaboración de materiales documentados de procedimientos que se aplican a distintos conjuntos de datos; y, en la investigación en marco de la
2001 Oct 31
Quick question!
Thanks very much to all who answered my question yesterday on loops. Just a further quick question: If I have this: for(i in 1:n) { subset <- data[which(data$id==i),] which returns the rows where I have the variable ID=1, how can I tell the same statement to return just column Y where ID=i? I have tried this for(i in 1:n) { subset <- data[which(data$id==i),data$Y] but it
2003 Mar 13
subdirectory of home
Hi. Sorry: my level of english is not enough good. I hope you understand what I mean. My question is: it's possible to share a subdirectory (and only one subdirectory for every user) in the section [homes]? The version of samba which i'm working is 2.2.7a, over Solaris 8. Thanks in advance. --
2001 Oct 30
For Loops
Hi all Perhaps someone could help me? I am running a loop from i=1 to n In my data.frame I have a list of i.d's (i=1 to n) and each i.d has 2 rows of data (representing 2 time points) e.g. id Y X1 X2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 I am wanting to put into my 'for' loop, a line which can pick out the rows where id=i and call this a
2002 Sep 26
Dear Samba team Well im a linux/java programmer of IT Company in indonesia,ive been using samba for almost 5 years , right now i have to join my linux system into domain PDC (NT system) .. well its all ok , then i have to share something in ours user home,i have allready done , everything is ok before i set many valid user on my share .. here is my share definition in smb.conf
2008 Jul 23
Dovecot antispam (X-DSPAM-Signature)
Hi, I recently installed an IMAP server with dovecot and the dovecot antispam plugin with dspam backend. If I configure dspam to not include the signature in the X-DSPAM-Signature header will I be able to move mail into SPAM folder? Regards, Isabel
2011 Jan 10
Cosinor en R
Hola a todos, es la primera vez que escribo a la lista, espero explicarme correctamente. Trabajo en cronobiología de mamíferos y quiero comenzar a analizar mis datos con R (haciendo análisis de varianza ya llevo unos años en el entorno). Me interesa saber si cada una de mis variables podría ajustarse a una función sinusoidal; tengo medidas cada dos horas para cada una. Querría extraer el mesor y
2005 May 11
Gateway service under Asterisk
Hello list! I am new in * but i want to learn about its possibilities. I want somebody to tell me if what I want to do is possible with *. I have a teleconference tool which uses SIP and now I am using Asterisk as POTS gateway. When I dial certain number from a telephone I connect with asterisk which asks me for an extension. When I dial certain extension I connect with my SIP application
2001 Feb 15
R with multiple processors
Hello. The laboratory where I work has the possibility to get a Sun machine with 12 processors. My question is: can R be used to implememt parallel algorithms which take into account the several processors? Is there a way to run *threads* in R? If this is possible, would somebody share his/her experiences? Thanks. Isabel -- Isabel Cañette Iguá 4225 Centro de Matemática 11400
2010 Sep 30
panel.pairs in splom
Hello, I have a customized pairs () fonction as follows that displays correctely my data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ panel.cor1 <- function (x, y, digits=2, prefix="") { usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr)) par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) r <- cor(x, y,use="pairwise.complete.obs",
2005 Apr 15
last version of samba?
Hi, I'm interested in the update of the samba version in one of our servers, but I'm confused: says the last stable version of samba is 3.0.14, but the link is not working, and in various ftp mirrors, in their "stable" subdirectory, I see the 3.0.9 versi?n as the last versi?n. What's happening? Can you help me? Thanks --
2012 Jul 05
Comparing crossing survival curves
Hi I want to compare the survival curves in two groups. Because the hazards are not proportional (the curves cross) the log rank test or Cox proportional hazard test are not suitable. How should such curves be compared? Comands are welcome.... Thanks in advance
2012 May 22
¨Time series and variables with different lengths
Hey, we are currently analyzing the liquidty in the Danish mortgage bond market. For this project we have several irregular time series variables as Bond prices, interest rates etc. We declared all the variables as irregular time series, and created the first differences of them to make them stationary. Now we are trying to run a linear regression on the price of the bon including dummy
2014 Nov 14
Cómo aplicar weights a las observaciones en un GLM binomial
Hola, espero ser clara en el mensaje ya que es la primera vez que recurro a este tipo de ayudas, explico mi duda: Tengo un dataset con 4505 observaciones en el que la variable dependiente son presencias (n=97 y clasificadas como 1) y ausencias (n=4408 y clasificadas como 0). Mi primer paso fue realizar un GLM con una muestra compensada de ausencias y presencias para la variable dependiente, es