similar to: Which is the second best package to use?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Which is the second best package to use?"

2005 Dec 13
Help with fonts
I recently changed to a new computer and reinstalled linux. I'm not happy with the current fonts and I see that the whole fonts area has been revamped, so any old notes I have are obsolete. Can anyone help me out? The first and major issue is that when an installation program I am running tries to display "C:\Program Files" it comes out looking like CWProgram Files. Having
2005 Mar 01
Setting Regional Settings without setting the locale
I have a client that wants to run our program under Wine as if the client had changed the Regional Settings to Spanish. As I understand it that is most easily accomplished by e.g. LANG=es_ES wine myprog Unfortunately there is a slight problem in that the program goes through unixODBC down into IBM DB2 and that then picks up the LANG setting itself and does some translating that actually it
2004 Nov 09
Multiple Linux users, and wine?
Hey guys, I've got two Linux user accounts: foo and bar. AFAIK, both have identical .wine directories, that both point to the same fake dos drive. User 'foo' is able to run Quicken in wine, but user 'bar' is not. (I don't recall the exact error, but it was pretty non-descript.) Does Wine support this kind of thing? My ultimate goal is that, regardless of whether user
2005 Mar 28
Can I run windows console (command line) applications using WINE
Hi, I understand Windows UI applications can run in Linux using wine. 1. Can I run console/command line applications also? 2. If yes, a how can a shell script running on Linux invoke the console/command line application. (A sample would be great) Thanks, Susheel -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Dec 18
lower case letters
with kde3 and Mandrake 2006 there is not grave, circumflex, acute on my wine how change fonts in the window of program running with wine thanks -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Oct 21
Hello I get an error when Wine is starting : Please use the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels to set the screen resolution and remove the "Resolution" entry in the config file
2004 Oct 31
Installing wine rpm - failed dependencies??
I am running SuSE 8.0 (waiting for 9.2). I have a windows application I wanted to run using wine. It ran fairly well then locked up on the old wine release that came with SuSE 8.0. Thought I should get the latest wine so downloaded the current wine for Suse 8.0 from I first ran Yast and removed the presently installed wine. I put the new rpm in /root and logged in as root then
2004 Oct 31
Flags Ignored
Hi I'd like to know what does "flags ignored" mean. I'm confronted to this error (type err:fixme:ShellExeExecuteW32) when i try to launch Steinberg Wavleab via wine 20041019 (from scratch on debian 3.1 emulating installed win98) with kernel 2.6.9 I saw that software running under SuSE 9.1 (with latest wine's RPM package for this distrib). This is the only error i get.
2004 Dec 13
About Apps developed in Windows That use native ODBC's
Hi there.... I'd like to know how to use WINE with applications developed in Windows that use net components (such as ODBC clients)......For example: I developed an application in VB6, and it uses an Oracle ODBC conexion (previously I installed the Oracle client). Hot do I use it in Wine? - Do I need to emulate the Oracle ODBC Client for Windows? - If I got a Native Linux ODBC conexion,
2005 Jul 05
How to run just a dll
I had a dll,it's just need kernel32.dll. I only want to run this dll but not windows applications. Any hints? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Nov 03
How to make C drive to point to /usr/share/wine-c
Hello, I want the C drive to be pointing to /usr/share/wine-c instead of ./drive_c by default, without modifying in the config file. That is on typing the command "wine" itself , "dosdrives" in .wine directory should contain the symlink to /usr/share/wine-c for "C" drive. Where should I edit for that, so that i get the C drive pointing to /usr/share/wine-c by
2006 Apr 11
Foxpro with MYSQL
G'day If I have VFP9 working, a Mysql DSN which I can contact via isql and using unixODBC for this. Do I need to do anything else to wine ie; install MySQL drivers (Windows version) to get connectivity? I just finished checking out Paul McNett's pages, however the MYSQL drivers he used for VFP8 are "no longer supported" when I do "wine setup.exe". I have a saved
2005 Feb 15
Too small font in applications - WINE 20050211 (Mandrake RPM)
Hello, when i run any application in wine (including for example regedit), font is TOO small, sometimes even unreadable. Changing parameters like Resolution (or LogPixels registry entry) or default fonts ("Default", "Defaultfixed", etc..., Alias0 = System, ....) *****************HAS NO EFFECT!******************** xfontsel tool shows, that all fonts mentioned in config file
2005 Apr 11
Problem with accouting SW and Samba/NFS
Hi List I got following problem: I have an old accounting software. It runs at the moment on a NT4.0 System which access the program itself on a samba share. I tried to get this application running under Linux with wine. When I copy the whole folder from the file server to the local filesystem (ext2), it works well with wine (tested with 20050111 and 20050310). But when I mount the share into my
2004 Nov 09
Multiple computers using same Wine installation?
Hey guys, I have two Linux computers. I'd like to make it so that regardless of which Linux computer I'm sitting at, I can fire up Quicken (via Wine). Specifically, I want to access the same set of Quicken data files regardless of which Linux computer I'm sitting at. (I can be self-disciplined to only have Wine running on one computer at a time.) Does Wine support this? If so, would
2004 Jun 27
problems with installer for bridge base online
I'm attempting to run the Bridge Base Online installer ( under wine, but something isn't working. wine bbo_setup.exe produces no error output, and very briefly displays the splash screen before exiting with a successful status. winedbg bbo_setup.exe produces: fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x405be730,1) - no error checking or testing yet
2004 Nov 03
Crossover and Free/Wine
Does the non-free versions of wine known as Codeweavers Crossover ever make it into the free versions? I really can't justify paying for Codeweavers right now since I only use it every once in a while for one app. But it sure works a lot nicer than the non-free version. -- - Chris Linux 2.6.9-gentoo-r2 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 23:43:35 up 2 days, 8:05, 7 users, load average: 0.29,
2009 Jan 16
No subject
Idirect when possible. I've also used the Viasat systems as well and from all the installs I've seen the hub operators never really understood how to run the hub to optimize for voip so I've pretty much given up on that platform. It seems that Idirect operators are the only ones who know how to make the system work well. If you want the best of the best nothing touches C-band though.
2001 Apr 10
DLL at fixed location and memory sharing between executables
Is there a way to get the following to work under WINE? (i.e. to get two executables to share global memory as they do under windows) We have a DLL that is at a specified memory location. At the top of the code a variable is declared as follows: #pragma data_seg( "global_mem" ) #pragma bss_seg( "global_mem" ) unsigned uAttachmentCount = 0; Now.. The main program links
1999 Jun 07
RedHat 6.0, /dev/pts permissions bug when using xterm (fwd)
[Mod: forwarded from BUGTRAQ -- alex] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 19:15:05 +0000 From: noc-wage <wage@IDIRECT.CA> To: BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG Subject: RedHat 6.0, /dev/pts permissions bug when using xterm Once again I''ve come up with another trivial Denial of Service flaw, (wow, I seem to be good at this Conseal Firewall, +++ath0, ppp byte-stuffing)