Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "put fxo channel before E1 channel?"
2011 May 10
1.8 and prematuremedia problem
our current connection is below:
sip phone<--->asterisk<---->alcatel PBX<---->PSTN
asterisk and alcatel PBX is connected via E1 isdn-pri.
when I use sip phone to dial outside PSTN world:
1. with 1.4 it is fine.
2. with 1.6.2, I need to set prematuremedia=no is sip.conf. or sip
phone can not hear the ring and the beginning of the PSTN voice.
2018 Jul 23
winbind behavior question
On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 14:48:00 +0800
d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2018-07-22 17:44 GMT+08:00 d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com>:
> > 2018-07-19 23:59 GMT+08:00 Rowland Penny via samba
> > <samba at lists.samba.org>:
> >>
> >> Please see inline comments.
> >>
> >> On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 23:44:48 +0800
> >> d tbsky
2018 Jul 23
winbind behavior question
On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 18:34:36 +0800
d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2018-07-23 18:01 GMT+08:00 Rowland Penny via samba
> <samba at lists.samba.org>:
> > On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 17:19:07 +0800
> > d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com> wrote:
> > If, as it sounds, you were altering the users primaryGroupID
> > attribute, then you should not have been doing
2024 May 25
APC SMC1500 question
Thanks d tbsky,
Actually, my nut server is connected via usb. APC looks to be a very common UPS brand.
I wonder whether there is another version of the usbhid server or another server for this UPS ?
?Le 25/05/2024 07:00, ? d tbsky ? <tbskyd at gmail.com <mailto:tbskyd at gmail.com>> a ?crit :
d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com <mailto:tbskyd at gmail.com>>
2024 May 25
APC SMC1500 question
d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com>
> Laurent Taieb via Nut-upsuser
> >
> > Hello mailing List.
> >
> > I manage 2 UPS via NUT, an APC Smart-UPS_1500 and an EATON 5S 1500.
> >
> > I can get load information on the EATON but not on the APC.
> >
> > Actually upsc doesn?t give much information on the APC.
> >
> > Does someone know
2018 Jul 23
winbind behavior question
On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 17:19:07 +0800
d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2018-07-23 17:02 GMT+08:00 Rowland Penny via samba
> <samba at lists.samba.org>:
> > On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 16:46:50 +0800
> > d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> 2018-07-23 16:04 GMT+08:00 Rowland Penny via samba
> >> <samba at lists.samba.org>:
2007 Aug 31
E1 to Ethernet Bridge
I am trying to Bridge 2 E1 interfaces over a long distance link exactly the same way Redfone does. How can asterisk be configured to do that?
Best regards
Arinze Izukanne
Want ideas for reducing your carbon footprint? Visit Yahoo! For Good http://uk.promotions.yahoo.com/forgood/environment.html
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2006 May 12
TE110P on E1
I wonder if anyone is using Digium's TE110P card on an E1 connection.
I have been try to, but so far it wasn't much of a success.
It only works more or less in EuroISDN as PRI CPE.
And even that config gives me some trouble with channel negotiation.
My current config:
2004 Nov 21
TDM400 FXO stops handling outgoing calls, but still accepts incoming?
I have a bit of a weird problem that I'm having great trouble debugging.
I have a TDM400P PCI card with two FXO and two FXS modules. Both FXO modules
are connected to BT lines here in the UK. Both BT lines have V23 Caller-ID,
which works fine with Asterisk. Both asterisk and zaptel are fresh from CVS.
Both FXO modules (channels 3 and 4) are in "group 1" for outgoing calls.
2009 Dec 08
E1 Channel Numbering - Your Comments.
This is a small issue that I stumbled onto that has to do with the
channel numbering on an E1 connection into an Asterisk Zaptel/DAHDI
As most of us already know an E1 has 32 channels of which 30(1-15
17-31) are B-channels and 1 (16) is a D-Channel. The 32nd channel is
not presented in Asterisk Zaptel/DAHDI. There are other
configurations but this is the most common.
2018 Jul 22
winbind behavior question
2018-07-19 23:59 GMT+08:00 Rowland Penny via samba <samba at lists.samba.org>:
> Please see inline comments.
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 23:44:48 +0800
> d tbsky <tbskyd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> thanks a lot for the quick help. I remember in old days it happened
>> sometimes. but after upgrade rhel 7.5 (from samba 4.6.x to 4.7.1) and
>> samba DC
2007 Jan 29
memdisk 3.35 + ghost problem
i just trying memdisk that comes with syslinux 3.35. i try to load
a dos image,
which contains ghost verison 8.3 and ghost version 11.
both version of ghost hangs when start-up.
memdisk that comes with 3.40 pre is ok. and many earlier versions is ok too.
i try some parameter like "safeint","raw". but none work.
i use memdisk with pxelinux, below is part of my
2007 Dec 20
ip phone suggestion for Asia?
i am surveying ip phones for our company. we will use them with asterisk.
we have office in taiwan, hong kong,singapore and china.
cisco and polycom are too expensive for us.
we try several china brand ip phones. they are all cheap and
some of them have good quality. but most of them won't offer future firmware
support, which we think it's important for ip phones.
2015 Sep 10
why upsc need no authentication?
I found I can setup password for uspmon. but upsc can connect to
any upsd without authentication. although the ups data is not very
confidential, but I would like not to expose it to anyone who can
connect to server.
is there any method to harden upsd? thanks for hint.
2017 Oct 18
"virsh define" modify xml configuration file
I upgrade my system from rhel 7.3 to 7.4. so libvirt upgrade to 3.2.
I found command "virsh define vm.xml" sometimes modify "vm.xml". I
thought the command will read vm.xml, not write to it. is this kind of
behavior by design?
for example vm.xml with the line
<cpu mode='custom' match='exact'>
will be replaced with
2015 Sep 14
stale/dead ups logic
when testing nut in our environment, we found something that nut
maybe tune for "stale/dead ups" situation. currently the "dead ups"
are assume alive(eg: host shutdown unnecessary), unless it is in the
"OB" state before going to stale.
our environment (ServerA + ServerB forms a cluster):
ServerA-> usb to UPSA -> two PS power by UPSA and UPSB
2009 Dec 22
E1 R2 Congestion Status
I have a 'CONGESTION' Status with R2 protocol.
While testing this scenario sip GW--?Asterisk ?Digium E1 R2
Protocol?Cisco E1 R2 protocol?sip Gw
Find below my error and configuration ,where are the errors in my
configuration ?
Connected to Asterisk SVN-branch-1.6.2-r235775 currently running on
2015 Nov 16
will bad things happen if samba4 AD not binding
2015-11-16 17:08 GMT+08:00 Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>:
> On Sun, 2015-11-15 at 23:49 +0800, d tbsky wrote:
> > hi:
> > my company has two dns servers, but samba4 internal dns forward
> > can only
> > forward to 1 server.
> > to workarround it i run dnsmasq as dns cache at and let
> > samba4
> > dns forward to
2015 Nov 15
will bad things happen if samba4 AD not binding
my company has two dns servers, but samba4 internal dns forward can only
forward to 1 server.
to workarround it i run dnsmasq as dns cache at and let samba4
dns forward to
my smb.conf looks like:
dns forwarder =
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = Yes
with the setting samba won't bind to, so dnsmasq can use to do the work.
2003 Oct 16
Problems with TE410P and E1 line --> Unable to open D-channel 24 (No such device or address)
Hi everybody
I've just installed a new Redhat 8.0 and configured it with Asterisk, zaptel and libpri.
Afterwards I installed a TE410P and configured this as well. But when starting Asterisk I get the following error message:
-- Registered channel 1, PRI Signalling signalling
-- Registered channel 15, PRI Signalling