similar to: help with rspec''ing controller

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "help with rspec''ing controller"

2007 Aug 23
controller spec with model that validates_uniqueness
I want to use mocks and stubs to test the controller, but am having trouble getting my validation not to trigger. Here''s the code: # spec: Image.stub!(:find).and_return(@image) @image.should_receive(:save!).once.with(:any_args) put :update, :id =>, :category_id =>, :image => {:name => ''test'', :image_number =>
2007 Jul 24
Mocking Access Control
I''m trying to jump on the TDD/BDD bandwagon, but am having trouble understanding how i should mock my user. The user has a habtm relationship to a roles model (acl_system2 plugin), but I''m not sure how to tell rspec about a model. My code: describe UsersController do integrate_views before(:each) do @user = mock_model(User)
2006 Jul 24
Mocking causes empty specification blocks
I''ve found myself mocking out a published api in my set-up method. This has led to some contexts having a large set-up and empty specifications. As the mocks get auto-verified, the specification blocks have nothing to do but serve as documentation. Does this sound bad? Chris
2007 Apr 11
DRYer controller specs
So, I''ve been following the recommendations for controller specs here: Most notably: a single expectation per specify block; the setup block contains only stubs; mock expectations each get their own specify block. (I''m still using 0.8, so I haven''t gotten the describe/it goodness yet.) I
2007 Jan 05
How To Spec Controllers with Finders
Given this code (which renders rjs), I''m faced with the fixture- driven way of spec-ing or mocking. How the heck to you mock this so the code at line (2) and (4) work right? I''m still struggling with mocks but it seems like this can be done. Forgive the naivety of this question. 1. def change_quantity 2. @line_item = LineItem.find_by_id(params[:id]) 3. unless
2007 Apr 11
redirection doesn''t get detected well?
I''m doing a redirect in one of my controller actions and somehow I can''t spec it, see this pastie: When following the link from a browser I''m being redirected to the right page. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jun 24
mocking errors
What is the correct way to mock out the errors on a Rails model? I''m assuming i need to say @mock_thing = mock_model(Thing) @mock_thing_errors = mock("errors") @mock_thing_errors.should_receive(:full_messages).and_return("An error") @mock_thing.should_receive(:errors).and_return(@mock_thing_errors) Just wanted to check the best practice on this kind of thing and how
2007 Oct 26
specing rescue, ensure and else blocks of an Exception
Greetings, I''m using rspec with rcov for my applications and there is one issue which I cannot solve nor can find any proper information regarding it: specing what is in a rescue block in case of an exception. I''m using Ruby on Rails and I usually make use of exceptions in my controllers, like the following example: def action @foo = Foo.find(1)
2007 Oct 05
spec''ing view render partial collection, local variable not found
I''m trying to spec out a render partial collection but I get the following error 2) NoMethodError in ''/games/_game.rhtml should show game name'' undefined method `body'' for #<#<Class:0x316580c>:0x2f1154c> /Volumes/EXTERNAL/web/ `matches?''
2008 Apr 29
Spec''ing controller macros
Hi, (This is my first post after months of appreciative lurking...) I''m trying to spec the following conditional controller macro: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # turn off session management for robots session :off, :if => lambda {|req| req.user_agent =~ /(Google|Slurp)/i } # ... end My current attempt seems to be quite unsuccessful: 1) when I
2007 Jun 19
Problems translating should_render from 0.8.2 to 1.0.5
<font size="2">I''m working on a large Rails site and we want to move from RSpec 0.8.2 to the latest and greatest.&nbsp; So we ran the translator and yet we''re having a lot of trouble translating should_render.<br><br>I found this on the web:<br><br>We will NOT be supporting the following in the new syntax:<br>&nbsp;
2007 Jun 15
problem getting started with stubbing in rails controller specs
Hello, Ingo! I''m copying your question to a new e-mail instead of replying to try to keep message threads separate. Have you tried setting up your expectation before issuing the get statement? For example, take this out of the setup block: get ''index'', :locale => ''en'' and move it after:
2007 Feb 15
Odd parameter munging with with()
Hi, I have this setup block: setup do session[:login] = ''jhughes'' @user = mock("user") User.stub!(:find).and_return(@user) @params = {:cn => "Bilbo Baggins", :telephoneNumber => "416-277-4418", :mail => "bilbo at"} end And then this spec: specify "should update and save the
2007 Feb 15
defining context(s) dynamically
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> Q. Why does code which defines a context work in the
2007 Sep 30
Problems with testing nested routes using mocking
Hello forum I have there to files #----- virtual_host_controller.rb class VirtualHostsController < ApplicationController before_filter :capture_domain # GET /domain/1/virtual_hosts/1 def show @virtual_host = @domain.virtual_hosts.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html # show.rhtml end end private def capture_domain if
2007 Aug 17
[rspec] looking for a simple refresher
I''ve been off the rspec for a few months and I''m trying to get back on it. 1) Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''TicketsController handling POST /tickets should create a new ticket'' Mock ''Ticket_1001'' expected :new with ({}) once, but received it 0 times ./spec/controllers/tickets_controller_spec.rb:16: script/spec:4: class
2006 Oct 23
overriding mock expectations
There is one annoyance I''m encountering with the Mock API in rSpec. Overall it works well, as far as dynamic mocks go ;)... but there''s this one thing... It doesn''t allow overriding of expectations. example: m = mock("blah") m.should_receive(:one).any_number_of_times().and_return(1) m.should_receive(:one).and_return(1) The second call to should_receive
2007 Apr 06
Mocking Authentication
Is anyone using Restful Authentication? If so, how are you mocking the login for your controllers? I''m having trouble with it and would love an example of someone''s login. I''m sure I''m missing something simple. Michael
2007 May 20
How to test for exceptions
Hi folks, I''m in the process of converting a Test::Unit functional test to RSpec, but I''ve run into a slight problem. I tried looking through the documentation but I still don''t know what I missed. Thanks in advance, Blake describe VenuesController, "on update" do before(:each) do @venue = mock("venue")
2007 Dec 29
Do you think it would look cleaner?
I was looking over some of my specs. I was thinking that the following: @game.should_receive(:name).and_return(''The Battle for Blaze'') @game.should_receive(:people).and_return(5000000) @game.should_receive(:activated).and_return(true) Would it look cleaner if I could do this instead? @game.should_recieve_and_return( :name => ''The Battle for Blaze''