similar to: NetBeans gets RSpec support

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "NetBeans gets RSpec support"

2007 Sep 05
Content assist for spec files
Hi there, I''m working on Ruby support for NetBeans, and we''re bundling RSpec (along with JRuby). One thing I''d really like to fix is having content assist (code completion / intellisense / code insight, it has many names) work inside your spec files such that you can not only hit ctrl-space and see "describe", "before", "it" etc.
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2007 May 03
RSpec 0.9.2
Behind every great release is a maintenance release. Go get it while it''s hot. We''ve also reworked the website a little - trying to scare off fewer people. Aslak
2009 Feb 06
RecordNotFound bubbling thru to cucumber
Hello, I have a controller action that raises a RecordNotFound exception if you''re not allowed to see something. In my global application controller (application.rb), I catch these and render the 404 template. But when I run cucumber (using webrat), it''s getting the full stacktrace (the step blows up). Any ideas why? I have consider_all_requests_local turned off in my test.rb.
2007 Feb 13
Error against latest trunk while testing via spec for model
Hi I just did an update to lates trunk ================= context "Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded" do fixtures :venues specify "fixtures should load two Venues" do Venue.should have(2).records end end ================== gives me ========== 1) TypeError in ''Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded fixtures should load two
2007 Aug 14
Stubbing all methods
Mocha''s mock/stub framework has the ability to stub all methods on a mock given. Does RSpec''s mocking framework have this ability? And if not, is there some reason it shouldn''t be implemeneted? Regards, Scott
2006 Dec 03
RSpec 0.7.4 released
Hi all, I released RSpec 0.7.4 yesterday, and by now the gems should have rsync''ed to all the mirrors. This release features a complete redesign of the reports generated with --format html. You can see some examples of it here: As usual there are many bug fixes - mostly related to spec/rails.
2009 Apr 27
[cucumber] Setting a constant in step definition
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Andrew Premdas <apremdas at> wrote: > Currently I have a very simple constants implementation being loaded as a > Rails initialiser > > module MVOR > ? module Postage > ??? THRESHOLD =''6.99'') > ??? RATE =''30.00'') > ? end > end > > > My scenarios
2007 May 22
rails edge
hi, first time trying rspec, and rails edge. Are there any known issues running rspec with rails edge? for one, apparently script/generate scaffold_resource has been renamed just "resource". Do I just search/replace "scaffold_resource" with "resource" in file rspec_resource_generator.rb ? Somethings still missing. before i get "Couldn''t find
2007 Feb 07
Mocking ActiveResource
I want to use ActiveResource in my app. Instead of hitting server though, I want it to load from a file when I call find. Any clue how I do that? Pat
2008 Sep 09
cucumber - mark a step as pending
I love the way I can throw a call to pending() in the top of an unfinished RSpec example and stop it from failing the build. Is there a similar way to do such a thing with good ole'' cucumber? cheers, Matt ---- In case you wondered: The opinions expressed in this email are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any former,
2008 Mar 20
sharing story steps
Hi, How can I have a common set of steps that all my stories share? i.e. My stories often start out looking like this: Given a user Joe Given a user Jordan then: Given("a user $username") do |username| @users ||= {} @user_sessions ||= {} @users[username] = create_user(:username => username) @user_sessions[username] = login_as(@users[username]) end I want to share that
2008 Mar 17
RSpec and RCov with JRuby
Hi, I am using JRuby (trunk) and wrote a bunch of specifications for my code. Everything works fine so far. Now I am trying to integrate RCov in my test run. I have installed RCov without the C extensions. I tried it with a simple script and it worked (pretty slow, but it doesn?t matter). But when I add the rcov options to my Rake task, RCov is not invoke properly! Rakefile:
2007 May 10
Shared behavior and_raise problem, and site aestetics
Hello, Is anyone else having trouble with the and_raise method on mocks, with respect to shared behaviors? If I do the following instead: foo.should_receive(:bar).and_return { raise } everything seems to work. I have been supplying no arguments to and_raise, by the way. Also, you may want to make the background in the code examples on the home page a little lighter. I am hardly able to
2007 Nov 11
Who''s using --format rdoc
I''m doing some housekeeping and just realised that the rdoc formatter produces gibberish: Will anyone protest if I just go ahead and remove it? (I can''t imagine anyone using it, especially with the much better HTML formatter) Aslak
2008 Mar 04
Pretty story output for non-Rails project
I''m taking my first fledgling steps driving a new ruby (non-rails) project with BDD. I''ve got a (test) story working. However, when I run the story in TextMate (via command-r), the output is plain text. See: How do I get the output to look pretty (formatted)? rspec-1.1.3 OS X 10.5.2 TextMate v1.5.7 (1455) Thanks, /g --
2007 Jun 18
Testing for cross site scripting, etc.
Being new to testing and ruby, are there "standard" tests that can be done that test for things like cross site scripting and friends? If not, anyone have ideas on what I might do about testing those sorts of things? I''ll be using rails, also. Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging
2007 Dec 17
Change in isolation behaviour 1.08 - 1.10 ?
Hi, I just moved from 1.08 to 1.10 and now have one example failing, which, under 1.08, passed. Is the due to a change in behaviour? Here''s my spec (removed some passing examples) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'' describe "A user" do before(:each) do @user = @valid_user = :email =>
2009 Mar 19
[Cucumber 0.2] Failure to use should
I have a step definition like this: Then "the account should be created" do account = Account.find_by_name("my shiny new account") p account.class account.should_not be_blank end When running this step, I got the error message: Account(id: integer, name: string, state: string, next_renewal_at: date, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, full_domain: string,
2007 Jul 14
expect_render twice in views
I found this: controller.expect_render(:partial => ''thing'', :collection => things).once but I am trying to expect_render twice in my view spec: template.expect_render(:partial => ''order_details'').twice This doesn''t work as the template.expect_render call seems to be returning an array. Is it possible to expect the rendering of a partial