similar to: include keyword in describe block

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "include keyword in describe block"

2007 Mar 19
spec.opts: questions about formatters, etc.
Questions concerning spec.opts: 1. Am I correct in believing that each option should go on a separate line of spec.opts in the rails spec directory? If this is so, why is it so? 2. Using a formatter in spec.opts doesn''t seem to work. Here is my spec.opts file: --colour -f s and this is what happens when I run the rake task: Couldn''t find formatter class s Make
2007 Aug 08
and_yield + instance_eval(&block)
I have the following code, which yields instance eval''s the block given: class Foo def bar(&blk) instance_eval &blk end def baz yield end end The effect of this is that self is reassigned: do # here, self is the instance of Foo # created by new end But normally self is the object in which {...} occurs. do
2007 Apr 17
Verifying that a block calls a method
I have something like the following: def my_fun my_fun2 do raise Error end end I know that I can verify that the method receives my_fun2. How can I mock/stub out the example to verify that it calls raise Error? Scott
2007 Apr 10
using YAML for --failures and --examples
As it is currently, in trunk, --failures and --examples except a text file, each line containing the name of a spec. I''m wondering: Would a a patch to use YAML (instead or as well as) plain text be welcomed? I''m thinking of a yaml file like the following: spec_file_1: file: spec/person_spec.rb specs: - should have first name - should provide email address
2007 Jun 11
hpricot as dependency for building rspec?
It looks to me that hpricot is a dependency to building rspec: euclid% rake pre_commit (in /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot) rake aborted! Could not find RubyGem hpricot (>= 0.0.0) /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot/rakefile:9 (See full trace by running task with --trace) Let me know if I''m wrong. Otherwise, I''ll submit a patch in the docs.
2007 Oct 23
Running rails specs outside of the normal project tree
I want to create a spec/regressions directory with various regressions (for my rails project). I tried the following: describe LoginController, "regression for user creation when steves_sister does not exist", :behavior_type => :controller do controller_name :login before :each do @params = { "commit"=>"Create Account",
2007 Aug 06
pending w/ no string
Is there some reason that pending() *MUST* take an argument? Scott
2007 Dec 06
mock libraries, Object#send, and Object#__send__
What is the appropriate way to stub out (and put an expectation on Object#__send__), without getting warnings from the Rspec mock library? Scott
2007 Aug 14
Stubbing all methods
Mocha''s mock/stub framework has the ability to stub all methods on a mock given. Does RSpec''s mocking framework have this ability? And if not, is there some reason it shouldn''t be implemeneted? Regards, Scott
2007 Apr 20
stubbing with and without a string
What is the difference between these two ways of mocking (with and without the string): mock(''Object'') and mock(Object) ? Scott
2007 Mar 19
controller_name with dynamic controllers
I''m writing a controller which should only be inherited from, something like the generic crud controller seen here: http:// Now, in my spec, I would like to create a controller which inherits from the generic CRUDController, without actually creating the controller. This controller is *only* for testing. How can I
2007 Feb 27
Using a subversion repository to spec in a rails app
Is it a bad practice to use a subversion repository to the trunk of rspec and rspec_on_rails? Or rather, is it doomed to fail, since my gem will always be out of date? I know I can''t use spec, installed from gem,s if I have the latest revision of rspec and rspec_on_rails checked into my plugins directory. But I should still be able to use it with the --drb option, correct?
2007 Mar 28
respond.should be_successful
I''m wondering: Does it make more sense to add on successful? as an alias for success? in ActionController:TestRequest? I keep getting these two mixed up in my specs and was wondering if it would be helpful to anyone as a small patch to rspec. Best, Scott
2007 Aug 06
using RSpec''s trunk in non-rails projects w/ Autotest
I believe for rails projects you can put rspec''s code repos into vendor/plugins, and autotest will automatically use the rspec binary in that directory, and not the gem installed. Is there an easy way to do this for non-rails projects? There are a few advancements on trunk which I would like to take advantage of. Tips welcome ; ). Scott Taylor
2007 Mar 28
Is anyone using rspec with autotest? Scott
2007 Apr 09
changes in 0.8 and greater - should_
Has the should_... syntax changed? I''m getting errors when running the following: should_render(:index) should_be_valid should_not_be_valid should_respond_to should_be should_render I thought the syntax changed to something like the following: obj.should render(:index) but this doesn''t seem to work. Scott
2007 Apr 01
rake w/rspec
How can I spec out a rake task? How can I use rake in my spec''s? I want to fix this rake spec:autotest bug with --drb and --color. How can I get rake output? How would I get out of autotest? My initial thought is just to run the command in the spec. Scott
2007 May 12
[OT] - In Memory Databases
My specs are still taking to long to run in a rails app. Is anyone using an in-memory database to run their specs? Any pointers or tips? Scott
2007 Oct 08
(no subject)
Just ran svn up this morning, and got this (after running ./script/ generate rspec) escher: ./script/spec spec/models/item_spec.rb Finished in 8.0e-06 seconds 0 examples, 0 failures ./script/spec:4:in `run'': wrong number of arguments (3 for 1) (ArgumentError) from ./script/spec:4 Using rails 1.2.3, rspec trunk, on Mac OS X.4.9. Any ideas, or is this a bug in
2007 Apr 01
--color doesn''t work with --drb w/rspec_autotest
If I got this to work, do you think we could/should check in rspec_autotest into rspec? I''ve updated rspec_autotest abit, so let me know if you''d like the modified code. Scott