similar to: MockCov: Proof of concept

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "MockCov: Proof of concept"

2007 Jun 18
Something like rcov but more explicit?
Hey list, Does anything exist that can show me which lines are explicitly tested? RCov is great, but it doesn''t really give a sense of _actual_ coverage, indeed, there is no guarantee that functions executed were in fact called as the result of a line being tested. I know nothing of the rspec internals, but would a simple list of executed lines be a relatively simple feature to add?
2007 Jun 21
should_receive stubs methods?
Hey, I''m using rspec and rails and have a spec that tests if a before_filter is executed, I also have a spec that tests if a method called by the filter is executed. It appears however that when I should_receive something, it is no longer actually called when I fire the http request. I''m not sure how, or where exactly I should manually fire the filter, either before or after the
2007 Jul 12
Promoting options to heckle?
Hi, I''m trying out RSpec with the heckle option (for mutation testing). Problem is that heckle goes into an infinite loop when running it on an example. I want to send a "--verbose" to heckle but can''t find a way to do that through the spec binary. Since this is not an uncommon situation when using heckle I would like this to be supported in some way by RSpec.
2007 Aug 15
Extra Options to Heckle
I''ve tried running Heckle with rspec on some of my classes, but keep getting (what I believe to be) an infinite recursion. Is there some way to supply extra options to heckle via. rspec? Scott
2007 Nov 10
autometric gem
I''m working on tool to automatically run code metrics in the same way as autotest. It''s runs rcov, flog, and saikuro right now, and works with rspec and rails. It''s hosted at rubyforge: I''ve got a post on how to configure it with growl: I''m hoping
2007 Oct 31
Am I missing something with Heckle?
Hi I can''t get heckle working. In fact, I''ve built an example so simple that it either shows a bug, or I am being really, REALLY stupid. Heckle does not appear to support RSpec directly, so I''m trying to use spec --heckle (RSpec trunk as of 10 mins ago, Heckle 1.4.1). I''ve constructed this pair of sample files: 18> ~/Desktop/heckle_test % cat
2007 Jun 15
Problems with RCov and Rails
Hey list, I''m trying to use the rcov integration that rspec provides in my Rails application. As per the documentation on the website, I''ve created the following rake task: lib/tasks/specs_with_rcov.rake: require ''spec/rake/spectask'' desc "Run all specs with rcov"''specs_with_rcov'') do |t| t.rcov = true
2007 Jun 27
rspec_on_rails: assert_select wrapper doesn''t play nice with XML
Hey, I''m using rspec and rspec_on_rails to test some RSS feed views, the problem is that the specs spew out messy warnings when they run: ignoring attempt to close channel with link opened at byte 61, line 3 closed at byte 141, line 5 attributes at open: {} text around open: "ss version=\"2.0\">\n <channel>\n <title" text around close:
2007 Mar 20
submitting a patch
I''ve created a short patch so that spec.opts can use a single line (or multiple lines for backwards compatibility) for options. I''ve run the specs against spec:trunk I have two questions: 1. I''ve run rake pre_commit, but after the specs are done running, I get this error: rake aborted! ERROR while running webgen: /opt/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/
2007 May 23
lines of code
I know this is probably a meaningless metric, but I''m new to TDD and would like to know what to expect in terms of lines of code of tests to lines of code in a "typical" rails app. It seems like it could be as much as 5:1 or more. Perhaps its more like number of test methods : lines of code is closer to 1:1 ?
2007 Apr 11
Default exclude pattern in 0.9.0
The "rspec" rake task collects all _spec files in the spec directory, and excludes the "watir" directory. Is this indicating a preference for using Watir over Selenium? I would like it better to standardize on something more neutral, ''ui'' perhaps? /Marcus -- Marcus Ahnve
2007 May 29
Selenium, Spec:Ui and ... forks?
I am using Spec:UI to run my Selenium tests, and I want to start Selenium only once, for many descriptions. I''ve come quite far solving it by declaring a main ui spec like the following: require ''pathname'' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/selenium'' $base_url="http://localhost:3000" $browser =
2007 Jul 06
Outside-In with RSpec on Rails
I just read ''Mocks Aren''t Stubs'' and was intrigued by the notion of ''outside-in'' TDD. As a Rails developer, I''m curious if others are employing this method when developing Rails applications using RSpec. Is it common practice (or even practical) to drive the development of a Rails app by starting with view specs, then controller specs, then
2006 Dec 20
RSpec 0.7.5
The RSpec Development Team is pleased to announce the release of RSpec 0.7.5. This release adds support for Heckle - Seattle''rb''s code mutation tool. There are also several bug fixes to the RSpec core and the RSpec on Rails plugin. Changes: Download: or gem install rspec Happy spec''ing,
2007 Jan 15
heckle and rspec on rails
Now that I''m developing a big suite of specs, I really want to run Heckle and see how well I''ve done. Using r1359, when I run: spec spec/models/metadata_report_spec.rb --heckle MetadataReport the result is just to run the specs once and then exit, as though I hadn''t mentioned Heckle. I started looking though rspec to figure out why, but it''s late, so I should
2010 Jul 15
Heckle & RSpec 2
How do I run Heckle with RSpec? I''ve tried rake spec --heckle but get no output. I''ve tried just -heckle too, as mentioned in the docs, but that isn''t accepted as a valid option and the help out is displayed. I have both the heckle and rspec-rails gems in my Gemfile, and running Rails 3, and have the latest beta version (at the time 17) installed. Thanks.
2007 Sep 16
rspec_todo -- spec''ing backwards
While the spirit of BDD is to spec first and code second, many of us have legacy code. Worse, some of us have legacy code without very good coverage. Recognizing that *I* have such code, I created a script that grinds through your .rb files and creates placeholder specs for each public method. While it is more sensible to spec behavior of code function than of individual methods, this
2008 Jan 18
How do I pass form values from POST controller specs?
Hi there I just started my first Merb app and I''m running into some weird things in Specs. When I do: describe "create action" do it "should create a new project" do project_params = {:name => ''bekkunin''} Project.should_receive(:create).with(project_params) controller, action = post(''/projects'', :project
2006 May 05
RJS implementation question
Why is RJS so dependant on programatic creation of Javascript? RHTML is a great implementation in that it puts HTML first, and Ruby second. I would have thought RJS would be the same way: a .js with ERb helpers for generating Javascript functions. RJS putting Javascript second means: - I have to learn a whole new set of commands to use Scriptaculous. - Developers have to constantly chase the
2007 Oct 17
plain text stories: motivation number 27
This is mostly theoretical, but ... I''m starting to use lighthouse ( for my projects at work. I''m organizing iterations as milestones and stories as tickets tagged to a milestone. Lighthouse offers an API so that you can write access the data in your account and write apps to process that data. I think you see where this is going. It seems to me that